May 2022 Newsletter(Golf Etiquette, Requests for Weekly Pairings, Cancellations)
Document presented at Mix N' Mingle in May & in May Newsletter Click ===> Golf Etiquette
Important Messages from Your Chapter President
The four pillars of the LPGA Amateur Golf Association are Connect, Learn, Play and Belong. It’s not an accident that Connect is the first pillar listed, and we aim to ensure that each member of our chapter connects with as many other members as is possible throughout the season. Golf Genius, the software that we use to manage weekly play and our special events, enables us to randomize the groupings so that we can meet this objective.
We do understand there are players who commute to the golf course together and we can arrange to have their tee times adjacent to each other. Please advise our Golf Events Director at of these specific situations. We cannot ensure that you will always be playing with selected people each week.
We really hope that you will make special connections with other chapter members, and arrange extra games with those people - more golf equals more fun for everyone!
Avoid saying the "C" word this season-that's right, we're talking about Cancellations!!!
Specifically, we are concerned about last-minute (same day) cancellations. We fully understand that life happens and sometimes we just can't make it to golf - however, we need all members to understand that we worked hard to secure the tee times we have. We do not want to risk losing them due to repeated last-minute cancellations. Golf is not a solo sport, so if we don't show up, and don't let people know in a timely fashion, other people can be affected. If you let us know in due time, we can adjust the tee sheet to accommodate.
How can you avoid a last-minute cancellation? Acknowledge that your tee-time is a commitment. Make every effort to prioritize your tee time as you would any other appointment in your calendar. Reasonable notice for cancellation is always required - and most courses now have cancellation policies in place.
"Looks like it might rain, maybe I'll opt out tonight" is not a good reason to ditch your four-some at the last minute.
As we all know, the weather can change very quickly - and, while it may be raining in Toronto or Oshawa, it may very well be sunny and clear in Pickering (or vice versa) If you are unsure, contact the course or one of your playing partners directly to find out what it's like at the course. If there is thunder/lightning or pouring rain, the course will typically close. Otherwise, if you were planning to golf anyway, just show up at the course.
The message here is simple. Only sign up for golf if you truly believe you can attend and cancel as soon as you know you can't. If you must cancel, please cancel in Golf Genius 3 days prior to the round, or alternatively send an email to Denise, our Golf Events Director at or a text to (289) 314-1790.
If for any reason you need to cancel the same day, please call the pro shop directly at (905) 655-9187.
We do not want to risk jeopardizing our tee times for the remainder of the season - at any of our host courses - due to excessive cancellations.
Susan Cox - President, LPGA Amateur Golf Association (Canada) – Durham Chapter