Chapter News & Announcements
  • Sweetheart Event at Stoneybrook West Results

    Everyone enjoyed this team event at Stoneybrook West, held in February. After golf, everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch in the restaurant. The format was a two-person best ball and the winners are below.

    Low Gross Winners

    1st - Pam Russell and Patti Doherty

    2nd - Lynn Effer and Julie McGowan

    3rd - Valerie and Ed McDonald

    Low Net Winners

    1st - Lori Basch and Joanne Rinaldo

    2nd - Linda Burns and Barbara Muzeni

    3rd - Wendy Bolton and Patty Pitts

    Closest to the Pin Winners

    Sharon Reich - Hole #3

    Linda Hurtt - Hole #16

  • Royal St. Cloud January Event Winners

    Flight #1

    1st Low Gross - Brooke Lowrance

    1st Low Net - Janet Van Slyke

    2nd Low Net - Sue Dunphy

    Flight #2

    1st Low Gross - Marina Villegas

    1st Low Net - Laurie Swinehart

    2nd Low Net - Pam Reese

    Flight #3

    1st Low Gross - Joanne Rinaldo

    1st Low Net - Chris Lovizio

    2nd Low Net - Suzanne McMullen

    Closest to the Pin Winners

    Brooke Lowrance

    Lori Basch

    50/50 Drawing

    Lory Cassens

  • 2024 Chapter Championship Results

    A fun day was had by all at the Chapter Championship held last Saturday. All players received a tee gift that included a $20.00 PGA Tour Superstore Gift Card, their round, a take-home group photo, and lunch! We also awarded prizes to over half the field as well as two Closest to the Pin awards.

    Congratulations to all the winners - great playing!

    Overall Winners
    Low Gross - Brooke Lowrance
    1st Flight
    Low Gross
    Low Net

    2nd - Sonia Frederick

    2nd Flight
    Low Gross
    1st - Catherine Keymont

    2nd - Patty Dailey

    Low Net
    3rd Flight
    Low Gross
    1st - Marina Villegas
    Low Net

    2nd - Donna Craig

    4th Flight
    Low Gross
    1st - Joanne Rinaldo

    2nd - Joann Zerbo

    Low Net
    Closest to the Pin

  • Wedgefield Winners - June Event

    We had a great time at this joint event with the Brevard Chapter. It was fun meeting new people and we even had a hole-in-one by Melody Buller!

    The winners are below. It was a net event.

    1st Flight

    1st - Heidi Bedell

    2nd - Lynn Effer

    3rd - Beth MacDonald

    4th - Dawn Lafferty

    2nd Flight

    1st - Donna Craig

    2nd - Joann Zerbo

    3rd - Phyllis Nichols

    4th - Lenora Morris

    Closest to the Pin

    Lori Basch

    Melody Buller - Hole-in-One!!

  • Legends Winners - May Event

    Results - Legends at Clermont May 12th, 2024

    A great time was had by all in attendance.

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Flight #1

    Gross – Ellen Gahng

    Net – Julie McGowan

    Flight #2

    Gross – Dawn Lafferty

    Net – Marla Molina, our latest new member of the chapter!

    Closest to the Pin

    #8 – Dawn Lafferty

    #13 – Lois Bennett

    #15 – Julie McGowan

  • Shingle Creek Winners - July Event

    It was a hot but fun day at Shingle Creek for our July event! Congratulations to all the winners!

    1st Flight

    Low Gross

    1st - Nicola de Stwolinska

    2nd - Beth MacDonald

    Low Net

    1st - Tisha Gentry

    2nd - Jen Power

    2nd Flight

    Low Gross

    1st - Cheryll Smith-Martinez

    2nd - Amanda Mitskevich

    Low Net

    1st - Dawn Lafferty

    2nd - Lois Bennett

    Closest to the Pin

    #5 - Dawn Lafferty

    #15 - Julie McGowan

  • Truly Magnificent! Orlando's Magnificent Divas take 2nd in 2023 Cup Finals

    Congrats to the team.  We're so proud!

    Cara Washington - Captain - Orlando Chapter

    Raquel Akridge - Chicago and Orlando

    Yolanda Cunningham - Orlando 

    Diane Harris - Orlando

    Lenora Morris - Orlando

    Cheryll Smith-Martinez - Orlando

    Bridgette Thomas - Tampa Bay

    Glenda Todd - Orlando

  • Orlando Team Wins at 2023 Team Championship
     Congratulations to Orlando Chapter's Designated Drivers, Lynn Effer and Julie McGowan.  They won the 2nd flight at the LPGA Amateurs 2023 Team Championshhip. Great playing also by the Nona Belles, Heidi Bedell and Marina Villegas. Great job representing the Orlando Chapter!!


  • Chapter Chat Aug 2023
    Orlando, FL


    Welcome to the August edition of the Orlando Chapter Chat email! I hope everyone is surviving heat - it has been brutal lately! 


    Don't forget to visit our website at Orlando Chapter Website and like us on Facebook - Orlando Facebook Page! We have also added an Orlando LPGA Amateur Golf Association Members Only page. To join this page, please click here: Orlando Chapter Members Only Page. You will need to answer a few questions and be approved before you have access to the page. Please have your Member ID number ready - you can find this number by logging into your LPGA Amateur Golf Association account at LPGA Amateurs Login Page. We will also be posting event information and updates at all of these locations. As the name implies, the Members Only Page is for current members only and we will also post information that is pertinent to members only on this page. If you have any trouble joining the Members Only page, please send me an email at



    May Event at ChampionsGate Country Club

    Joint event with Sisters Across America

    We had a fun day playing with members of Sisters Across America. We had approximately 40 players, 20 players from LPGA Amateurs and 20 players from Sisters Across America, including many joint members. A big thank you to Cheryll Smith-Martinez and Lori Basch for organising this event. We look forward to doing it again.


    June Team Event at Legends

    1st Place Team:

    Lynn Effer

    Julie McGowan

    Edda Dulce

    Roxana Saap


    Closest to the Pin:

    #8 - Mary Tooles

    #15 - Mary Kozak


    July Event at Dubsdread

    Bingo, Bango, Bongo

    Winners from each Group:

    Group 1: Julie McGowan

    Group 2: Yolando Cunningham

    Group 3: Cara Washington

    Group 4: Nicola de Stwolinska


    Closest to the Pin:

    Tisha Gentry


    Congratulations to all the winners!



    Registration is NOW OPEN for the following events:


    • August Monthly Golf Event: The August Event will take place at Celebration Golf Club on Sunday, August 27th. It will be an 8:00am shotgun and the format will be flighted stroke play - both gross and net. Lunch is included for this event. Space is limited so don't wait to sign-up! If you're not feeling competitive, feel free to sign-up just for fun and let us know in the notes field you just want to play casual golf. For more information and to register, please click here: Celebration Event Information & Registration.


    • September Short Game Clinic: We are holding a 4-week short game clinic series with Megan Johnston starting on Thursday, September 7th. It will take place at Orange County National Golf Center and Lodge from 6:00-7:00pm each week. For information and to register, please click here: Short Game Clinic Series Info and Registration.


    • Nine n Dine is well underway at Dubsdread on Tuesday evenings but you can still sign-up! Nine n Dines will go through November as long as daylight allows! Thanks again to Pam Reese and Lori Basch for coordinating Nine n Dine each week. Click here for more info: Nine n Dine Info.


    Upcoming Events - More Information Coming Soon

    • September Monthly Event - TBD
    • September Social Event - Axe Throwing - Date TBD
    • October 8th - Chapter Championship at Eagle Creek
    • November 11th (tentative) - Callaway Demo Event and Clinic at Falcon's Fire


    Please note that you will need an established handicap to compete in the Chapter Championship on October 8th. If you do not have a handicap and would like to establish one, please email me at for more information.




    If you are passionate about the LPGA Amateur Golf Association and want to help the Orlando Chapter grow, please consider joining the 2024 Orlando Chapter Board of Directors. We have positions that will be opening up and need members to step up to fill them. If you are interested in possibly running for a board position next year, please email me at I am happy to talk with you about what's involved and answer any questions you may have.



    We are looking for volunteers to help with the following items. If you are new to the chapter, it's a great way to get involved. Even if you can only assist with a small part of an event, that is still very helpful!

    • 2023 End of Year Holiday Party Chairperson and Committee Members
    • 2024 Social Events


    This is YOUR CHAPTER so please participate, both as a player and a volunteer - this benefits all of us! To volunteer, please email me at Without our volunteers, we have no chapter!



    Did you know that as a member of the LPGA Amateur Golf Association, you are entitled to many exclusive discounts and perks? Make sure you visit the My Benefits page in the Member Clubhouse. Login to your account at Member Login Page and click on My Benefits on the left-hand side.of the page.


    Don't forget that PGA Tour Superstore is giving LPGA Amateur members 15% off their purchase (some restrictions apply) the weekend of August 18-20. You must show your LPGA ID to the cashier and it is valid in-store only.



    President - Nicola de Stwolinska

    Treasurer - Lynn Effer

    Membership Director - Julie McGowan

    Events Director - Lori Basch


    Please feel free to email me at with suggestions, constructive feedback, and ideas for the chapter.


    Thank you,


  • LPGA Drive On Video
    LPGA Drive On Video

Chapter Sponsors & Partners