President: Sandy Carroll (carrollsl@att.net)
In 2021 Sandy joined the LPGA Amateur Louisville Chapter. Since then, she has been an active member within the organization by captaining the League at Covered Bridge, League at Oxmoor Country Club, and the Indoor Winter Golf League. Sandy loves the game of golf and how it empowers the women in our league. She has three children, Trey 30, Edy 17 and Piper 15 along with one spoiled dog named Olive. Other than golf, Sandy enjoys spending time with friends, being outside and working on her Christmas Village.
Treasurer: Susan Wessel (swessel37@gmail.com)
Susan joined the LPGA Amateur Golf Association as a beginner golfer in 2022. She has met many wonderful people over the last few years and has enjoyed learning about the game of golf. She is married with two children, Sydney 28 and Jack 26,
and two crazy dogs, Murphy and Joey. Susan has worked in finance at Humana for close to 18 years. She enjoys being outdoors and staying active Interests include volleyball, tennis, pickleball, working out and, of course, golf!
Secretary: Janet Miller (janetboss99@gmail.com)
Janet was the founding President of the Louisville Region LPGA Amateurs in 2010 and is an active board member who loves to help other women get started in golf. When not golfing, she keeps busy playing pickleball, walking the city parks, going to the gym, and getting to the beach as much as possible. She has 2 kids in college who are 23 and 18. Her professional career has been in sales at UPS for 33 years.