Our Kickoff Event on March 2, was a great! It was fun meeting with our new members, current members, and guests. We enjoyed the friendship during our social hour, raffle, and golf games at BigShots Golf.
Sign up to tryout for the Denton County LPGA Amateurs 2025 Lone Star Cup Team.
Players of ALL HANDICAPS are encouraged to sign up.
The 2025 Lone Star Cup (LSC) detailed information is included in the below registration link. If you have any questions please reach out to your 2025 LSC Denton County Captain Shawn Kruger or Assistant Captain Wendy Vannatta. We hope to see you at the multiple tryout Play Dates that are scheduled.
2025 Lone Star Cup Registration Link
Shawn Kruger, (214)282-8874 shawn.kruger@gmail.com
Wendy Vannatta, (469)307-7464 golflpgaamateursdenton@gmail.com
Our EOY celebration on November 17th was a blast! We enjoyed the new friendships we've made, great food, an exciting holiday raffle and silent auction. We had lots of fun and laughter with our current and new members. It was a perfect way to celebrate and wind down before the holidays.
We enjoyed a Happy Hour and visiting the Omni PGA Frisco Resort & Spa in Frisco, Texas. The resort features two 18-hole championship golf courses, a lighted 10-hole par 3 short course and one of the largest natural-grass putting courses in the United States.
Such a wonderful EOY getaway for the 24 ladies who were able to gather in Broken Bow and play in our 2 day scramble tournament!
Gifted with beautiful weather, we experienced loads of fun! Highlights include Golf at Cedar Creek Golf Course, visiting Girls Gone Wine, winning a bit of cash at the casinos, and gatherings at our lovely Tranquil Days Cabin near Hochatown. It all began with fabulous entertainment by The Asphalt Cowboys on Friday night at Mountain Fork Brewery!
Congratulations to our tournament winners:
1st Place - Leigh Ann Lewis, Beth Krauss, Christi Sessions and Amy Armstrong
2nd Place - Elaine Scalapino, Brittany Wehunt, Rossana Boyd and Jocelyn McMurray.
A few highlights from the trip: