
Getting a Golf Handicap Index

The USGA now requires all handicaps to be issued through a state or regional golf association club. As such, the national LPGA Amateurs is not permitted to offer us the handicap service as it did in the past.  Our Boise Chapter offers members access to the Golf Handicap Index Network (GHIN), by serving as a "club" in the Idaho State Golf Association (IGA). GHIN has an annual membership fee. Many Chapter members maintain a handicap here because GHIN is broadly accepted for tournaments outside the LPGA Amateurs system. You may also register with your local home course AND choose the LPGA Amateurs Boise Chapter as a “club”.

Please register via the IGA website with the following instructions and steps:

  • Go to the IGA website (https://www.idahoga.org/become-a-member).
  • Pick a local club to affiliate yourself with and look for “LPGA Amateurs Boise Chapter”.
  • If you are registering with your home course and an LPGA Amateurs Boise Chapter, please make sure and register them both at the same time.

Please email infolpgaamateursboise@gmail.com with questions about registering for handicap and using the LPGA Amateurs Bosie Chapter as a “club”.

GHIN and the World Handicap System

All handicap index providers now share a single identification (ID) number for you in the World Handicap System. So you can switch providers, but you should use only one at a time.

Click here to post a score on GHIN.  Click here to renew your GHIN handicap through this Chapter.

Please try to enter your score the same day you play, because your handicap index is now updated daily under the World Handicap System.

Enter your score hole by hole to automatically adjust it for the stroke maximum for your handicap. Scroll down for more info on the WHS "net double bogey" score posting guideline.

What is a golf handicap?

Players often ask, what is a golf handicap and why do I need one? Some players think that, since they only play golf a couple of times a year, or only play 9 holes instead of 18, that a handicap isn't relevant to them.  But it is!

So what is a handicap, really?

A handicap is an indication of a player's ability. A player actually has two handicaps: her handicap index, and her course handicap. A specific formula is used to compute a player's handicap index from her score history, by factoring in both scores and the difficulty of the courses played.  

A player's handicap index is used to calculate her course handicap, the number of strokes above par she receives, depending on the difficulty of the particular course she is playing. Your course handicap will be higher on a more difficult course and lower on an easier course.  

Why would I want a handicap?  

A handicap allows players of different ability levels to compete with each other. Using handicaps helps to even the playing field, making the game more fun. 

You need a handicap index to participate in competitive golf events and certain Chapter golf leagues. The change in your handicap index also gives you a way to track your improvement throughout the golf season.

How do I get a handicap index?

Once you sign up with GHIN , start entering your scores--for both 18- and 9-hole rounds.

To establish a handicap index, you must enter a minimum of three full 18-hole rounds or six 9-hole scores. The system automatically pairs up your 9-hole scores to create full rounds, so you may not see the results of a 9-hole entry right away. 

Net Double Bogey replaces Equitable Stroke Control

When posting a score, you first may need to adjust that score if it's on the high side! Entering your score hole by hole for many golf courses will make adjustments automatically for your course handicap.

For a better understanding of score posting and other aspects of the World Handicap System, click here to download an easy-to-understand guide .

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