Chapter Leaders

LPGA Amateur Golf Association - San Antonio is an all-volunteer organization. Its success depends upon the efforts and commitment of its members. To that end, the organization is comprised of committees. This will “spread the wealth” of the various tasks, etc. needed to keep the Chapter as vibrant and effective as when it was founded in 1994.

In the Fall of 2023, the chapter members voted to streamline the board member roles and responsibilities. The elected Board members now include the President, Secretary and Treasurer. The former board positions of Events, Communications, Marketing, Recruitment, Membership and Golf Programs have all evolved into committee roles. If you have an interesting in participating in one of the committees or subcommittees, please reach out:

President - Cynthia DuBose

The President of the Chapter is responsible for leading the elected Board members. In addition, the President is responsible for providing guidance and leadership to the chapter and membership. To contact Cindy, send an email to:


 Secretary- Mallory Ozuna

The Secretary of the Chapter ensures that all chapter responsibilities are met.

Treasurer - Jennifer Callender


The Treasurer of the Chapter manages the budget and finances of the organization.


Marketing & Communications Chair - Frenchie Guajardo

The Marketing & Communications committee is responsible for media relations (press releases, community calendars, TV, radio, and print interviews and promotions of LPGA Amateur Golf Association events in the community), chapter communications (newsletters, events calendars, eblasts, and evites), the chapter website and social networking. Questions? Email us at

Events  Chairs - Kathie Pena and Tammy Trichell

The Golf Events Committee oversees volunteer and volunteer teams to organize, promote and conduct golf activities, golf events, golf leagues, non-golf activities (social and networking), special events (charity events, Rally for the Cure, inter-chapter events such as the Lone Star Cup), Chapter Championship and the Champions Cup. She will also maintain the Chapter Events Calendar and the Chapter Master Calendar.

Paulette Pilsner

 Member Services-Paulette Pilsner

The Director of Golf Programs and Handicaps is responsible for ensuring members record and monitor handicap scores as well as create and apply new golf programs into the chapter.

Chapter Sponsors & Partners