Chapter Policies

LPGA Amateur Golf Association Spokane Inland NW Chapter

Policies and Procedures



Golf Events:  Activities scheduled for people to get together to play the same course at the same time.  These can be set up using a variety of golf formats and some events may have a more competitive emphasis.  “Fun” golf is available as an option during all competitive Golf Events.

Weekday Play:  Scheduled tee times for 18 hole play on Mondays, in which members sign up via email from the designated event coordinator.

Weekend Play:  Scheduled tee times on Saturdays and some Sundays in which members sign up via email from the Events Director. 

After Work Play:  Scheduled tee times on Thursdays after work in which members sign up via email from the Events Director. 

Educational Opportunities:  Golf clinics and/or personal development sessions are randomly scheduled throughout the golf season and are designed to meet the needs of the Chapter Members.  These include active skill clinics, rules discussions, strategy sessions and more.

Non-Golf Events:  Any gathering of LPGA Amateurs members that does not include golf.  Examples of these events include beginning and end of season celebrations, social functions and activities to learn more about LPGA Amateurs.


Registration:   Members must register online via Golf Genius/email to the Weekday Coordinator.  Registration is required weekly, as requested by the Coordinator.

Payment:  Payment for play is at the designated Pro Shop, due when checking in. Members are responsible for their own greens fees and cart rental. 

Cancellations:  It is the responsibility of the Member to contact Kathy and call the specific Pro Shop to cancel as soon as possible.  Cancellations are highly discouraged.  Any Member developing a pattern of cancellations will lose the opportunity to reserve tee times.


Registration:  All members must register online via Golf Genius/ email to the Weekend Coordinator.  Weekly emails will be sent to Members with the upcoming schedule of golfing opportunities.  Members can reserve a spot via email for weekend play up to two weeks in advance, but no later than 5 pm Tuesday before the scheduled play, or as specified by the Coordinator.  

Payment: Payment for play is at the designated Pro Shop when checking in.  Members are responsible for their own greens fees as well as cart rental.

Cancellation:  It is the responsibility of the Member to contact Ronna and also call the specific Pro Shop to cancel as soon as possible.  Cancellations are highly discouraged.  Any Member developing a pattern of cancellations will lose the opportunity to reserve tee times.


Registration:  All members must register online, via email communication from the Event Director or by alternative registration options as offered.

Payments:  Members can pay by credit card through the designated payment portal at the time of online registration or by mailing a check to LPGA Amateurs Spokane Inland NW, 9116 E. Sprague #400, Spokane Valley, WA  99206.  Check must be received no later than one week prior to the event.

Refunds: Education payments are non-refundable unless the event is canceled by the Chapter or the golf pro.  In this case, refunds will be paid in full.

Wait List: If there is a wait list for an Education opportunity, a player who requests a cancellation will receive a full refund if someone on the wait-list fills their position.  No refunds are available for absences.

Substitutes: Substitutes are allowed if you are unable to attend an education opportunity.  Contact the Event Coordinator to let them know that you have a substitute.  The substitute should pay the member directly.

A player who is unable to attend can also check with the Event Coordinator to see if there is anyone on the waitlist who can fill their position.


Guests/non-members are invited to participate in Chapter activities, however, a guest/non-member may not participate in more than two Chapter activities in the same calendar year.  With all weekday and weekend tee times, members take priority over guests if there is a shortage of times.  Exceptions to this policy are as follows:

  • In the past, Sunday play is designated Guest Day and there is no limit to the number of times a guest may participate in Sunday play. Typically, there are four Sunday opportunities per golfing season. Guests have equal priority to members with Sunday tee times. Sunday play is not a current venue but that may change.
  • In most cases, guests may not participate in education opportunities. This is a benefit of being a member. However, we may offer educational opportunities that are open to both members and non-members.

Guests/non-members are required to sign a Release and Indemnification Agreement.  Forms will be available at any event where non-members can participate.

LPGA Amateurs Members automatically acknowledge this release and indemnification when they join or renew.



Pace of Play: As part of golf etiquette, pace of play is very important. Pace of play is not about rushing your shots; it’s about being prepared and ready to play your stroke when it’s your turn and playing efficiently on the course. Here are few things to remember:

 Each member of a group should proceed directly to her ball. The group should not travel as a pack, going to the first ball, then the second, and so on.

 While walking or riding to your ball, use the travel time to begin thinking about your next shot – the yardage, which club you’ll use, and so on. Begin preparing before you get to your ball.

 If sharing a cart, don't drive to the first ball, wait for the player to hit (unless you are directly in their line), then head to the second ball. Drop the first player off at her ball, drive on ahead to your ball. The first player should walk over to the cart as the second player is playing her shot unless the distance is too significant.

 When using a cart on a cart-path-only day, be sure to take a couple of clubs and an extra ball with you when you walk from the cart to ball. This way, you won't have to return to the cart if you discover you didn't bring the appropriate equipment.

 When you think your shot might have landed out of bounds or be lost, immediately hit a provisional ball. Don't walk ahead to search, only to have to return to the original spot to replay a shot. Limit your search for lost balls. If you’re at your handicap limit, pick up if you are not playing in a tournament.

 Never hold up play because you're in the middle of a conversation. Put the conversation on hold, take your stroke, and then continue the conversation.

 When on the green, begin lining up your putt and reading the break as soon as you reach the green. When it's your turn to putt, be prepared to step right up and take the stroke. Don’t wait to read your putts. When finished with the hole, never stand on or next to the green after to write down your score. Write it down when you reach the next tee.

 Playing "ready golf," which simply means that order of play is based on who is ready, not who's away. “Be prepared and ready to play” unless you are playing in a competition. 

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