

Spokane Chapter - LPGA Amateur WA Golf Club

How does a NEW MEMBER or a CURRENT MEMBER without a GHIN handicap sign up for one?  It’s easy!

You must first be a member.  Renew or join online here :  Membership now

Contact Heather Delanoy, Handicap Chair, at handicap.spokanelpgaamateurs@gmail.com and she will take you through the signup process and explain how to post your scores.

Handicap allows you to play in Competition, Tournaments & Scrambles
o   The purpose of a golf handicap system has always been to attempt to level the playing field for golfers of differing abilities, so that those golfers can compete equally.
o   Every golfer deserves to know their own potential in Golf.
o   Every golf course is different with Rating and Slope.
o   To make a fun game even more fun.

WHEN: Spokane LPGA Amateur WA Golf Club is available now. Sign up will be thru Golf Genius.

Cost: $40.00 on Golf Genius   



 What is a GHIN Handicapping Index?  A Handicap Index is a number used to represent your potential scoring ability. This number is used to calculate how many strokes you would potentially need to adjust your score back to par. This adjustment allows golfers of all skill levels to compete on an even playing field as well as measure improvements in their game.

 The Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) is a service offered through United States Golf Associations (USGA) worldwide.  WA Golf represents USGA for Washington state and northern Idaho to provide members with a USGA GHIN Handicap Index, along with a free GPS-enabled mobile app to post scores and check scoring history.

 You only need to post a total of 54 holes, made up of 9- or 18-hole scores, to get your Handicap.  The more scores you post, the more accurate your Handicap Index. The USGA GHIN app makes it convenient to post your scores as soon as practical after every round.  Your Handicap Index will be updated overnight.

 Why would I want a Handicap Index?   As mentioned earlier, the purpose of a Handicap Index is to level the playing field for golfers of differing abilities so players can compete equally. It can also help you better understand how your game is progressing. If you decide to play in competitions, you will need a Handicap. For players who are more interested in social play, you aren’t required to have a handicap.  However, you can always choose to establish one later. The choice is yours to make!

 What does a new member with a GHIN handicap need to do to make LPGA Amateurs Spokane club of choice?  Do you currently have your GHIN through another club, course, or league?  Would you like to make us your designated club?  Transferring from another club to us is simple and seamless!  Plus, you can do so at no additional cost. Contact Heather Delanoy at handicap.spokanelpgaamateurs@gmail.com.

  Are there any additional benefits?  Yes! Once you sign up, you will begin to receive emails about the numerous competitive events and other special golfing offers. 

 What is the cost? Annual fee is $40, paid through LPGA Amateurs Spokane.


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