Chapter Policies
The following are common practices used by the leagues of Fox Cities/Green Bay. However, rules and policies may vary by league, so please confirm with your League Captain, and always verify expectations for play with your fellow golfers before starting a round.


  • Pace of Play starts with your arrival to the course and ends when your round finishes.
  • Be on time – arrive 20 minutes (at least) prior to your tee time to allow check-in and preparation.

  • Be at the tee box 5 minutes prior to your tee time, ready to tee off.

  • A regular 9-hole round of golf should take no more than 2 hours, 15 minutes. Par 3’s should take 10 minutes, Par 4’s should take 15 minutes and Par 5’s are allotted 20 minutes. If you are tracking slower than that, take fewer practice swings, walk or drive more quickly to your ball. However, the guiding rule is if you cannot see the group in front of you, you are playing too slow.

  • Double Par Rule. The Beginner, Intermediate, and Mixed Leagues should follow the double par rule to maintain pace of play. If you have reached a score that is within 2 strokes of double par before you reach the green, pick up your ball and take it to the green so you can putt. For example, if you are playing a Par 4 (double par = 8) and have hit the ball 6 times, you have a current score of 6. You should pick up your ball and take it to the green so you can putt at least 2 times before reaching double par. Keep in mind, if you use the double par rule at all within your round, that score cannot be used for tracking handicaps.

  • If you plan to play in the Local Championship Qualifier as a competitor, either individually or on a scramble team, you will want to play on a league that does not use the double par rule, or play on your own so you can enter four 18-hole scores or eight 9-hole rounds before the scoring deadline.

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