Chapter Leagues

Registration for 2024 Leagues is now closed, but pro-rated memberships for late season sign-ups is available.  Contact us at

If you are interested in subbing on one of our leagues, please note that you must become a member of LPGA-Amateurs - Fox Cities/Green Bay Chapter to play in them.

We welcome golfers of all skill levels, from beginner to advanced, and have a variety of leagues to choose from. 
 All leagues play nine holes.

When golfing in leagues, you should expect to play with different players on a regular basis. If you are a new golfer, please reach out to your site captain or any of the other experienced golfers in your league. We are here to make you feel welcome and engaged! 

Green Fees subject to change. Please see Chapter Policies for details on pace of play, double par rule, etc.

Reid Golf CourseReid Morning/AM -  REGISTER HERE

Mixed Skill Levels 2-4 (medium pace of play)
Limit: 20 golfers
Weekday: Tuesday, May 14th-August 27th
Tee Times: 9:04 - 9:20 a.m.
Location:  1100 East Freemont St. Appleton, WI 54915
Captain: Carol Lamp & Ann Hiltunen
2024 Weekly Green Fees: Walking $20; Riding $30; Seniors (62+) $17 & $27             

This league is open to all skill levels.  This league is NOT competitive, but golf rules, etiquette, and pace of play are expected, completing nine holes in 2 hours, 15 minutes.  

Interested in trying out league play with us? Email us anytime and you can play along as a guest by simply paying the green fees that night!


Reid Afternoon/PM  -   REGISTER HERE
Skill Level 4 (Advanced; medium to faster pace of play)
Limit: 20 golfers
Weekday: Wednesday afternoons from May 15th -August 30th.
Tee Times: 5:12 - 5:44 p.m.
Location: 1100 East Freemont St. Appleton, WI 54915
Captains: Kris Bougie, Nancy Streck
2024 Weekly Green Fees: Walking $20; Riding $30; Seniors (62+) discount not available after 3 pm

This league offers more structure with a consistent pace of play expected to challenge golfers who regularly play 2-3 times per week and practice 1-3 times per week; completing nine holes in 2 hours, and 15 minutes. Golfers usually maintain a handicap index.

Interested in trying out league play with us? Email us anytime and you can play along as a guest by simply paying the green fees that night!

Hilly HavenHilly Haven - REGISTER HERE
Mixed Skill Levels 2-5 (medium pace of lay) 
Limit: 16 golfers
Weekday: Thursdays from May 16th -August 31st (no golf on July 4th)
Tee Times: 4:10 - 4:40 p.m.
Location: 5911 County Rd PP, De Pere 54115
Captains: Betty Weizenicker, Karen Widas
2024 Weekly Green Fees: Walking $23; Riding $35 + tax

This league is open to intermediate through advanced skill levels and the double par rule is in effect. This league is NOT competitive, but golf rules, etiquette, and pace of play are important, completing nine holes in 2 hours, and 15 minutes. 

Interested in trying out league play with us?  Email us anytime and you can play along as a guest by simply paying the green fees that night!

Winagamie Golf CourseWinagamie / INTERMEDIATE    REGISTER HERE
Skill Level 3  (medium pace of play)
Limit: 16 golfers
Weekday: Thursdays May 16th - Sept 5th (no golf on July 4th)                                  - Tee times:  5:00 pm - 5:30pm
Location: 3501 Winagamie Dr, Neenah WI 54956
Captains: Amy Gallus, Kim Stuyvenberg
Weekly Green Fees: Walking $17; Riding $24 

This league is for intermediate golfers or those who play once per week or less;  practice occasionally. This league is NOT competitive, but golf rules, etiquette, and pace of play are expected, completing nine holes in 2 hours, and 15 minutes.

Winagamie /BEGINNER*    REGISTER HERE       (see golf lessons below)

Skill Level 1-2 (Beginner; slower pace of play)  

Limit: 16 golfers

Highlands Course (a Par 4, shorter course)
Weekday: Wednesdays, May 15, 2024 - August 28, 2024
Tee times: 5:00pm - 5:20pm
Location: 3501 Winagamie Dr, Neenah WI 54956
Captains: To Be Determined 
Weekly Green Fees: Walking $11; Riding $18

This league is for new and beginner golfers or those who play once per week or less;  practice occasionally. This league is NOT competitive. Golf rules, etiquette, pace of play will be learned.

Winagamie / GOLF LESSONS   

*In addition to the beginner league, Winagamie offers beginner group lessons (minimum six golfers).  For six weeks (five lessons and the final night of on course playing) the fee is $150 per golfer.  These golfers, if active LPGA Amateur members, may then  join the LPGA beginner league.  Contact the course for more information - 920.757.5453

Questions: Contact Kristin Neilsen, League Chairperson for LPGA Amateurs Fox Cities/Green Bay Chapter:

 Mid Vallee Golf CourseMid Vallee   REGISTER HERE
Skill Level 5 (Advanced/fast pace of play)
Limit: 8 golfers
Weekday: Tuesdays from May 14th- August 27th
Tee times: 5:04 - 5:12 pm
Location: 3850 Mid Valley Drive, De Pere, WI 54115
Captains: Karen Alesch, Lori Sargent
Weekly Green Fees: Walking $22; Riding $32

This league is for experienced players who play at a faster pace (usually completing 9 holes in less than 2 hours and 15 minutes).  These golfers regularly play 2-3 times per week and play comfortably in social and business golf; may enter tournaments. Golfers usually maintain a handicap index.

Interested in trying out league play with us? Email us anytime and you can play along as a guest by simply paying the green fees that night!

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