Fall 2024

News from the Chapter

Winter Newsletter

Isn't it wonderful that the cooler temperatures have finally left us? Whether you're a fair-weather golfer or a die-hard enthusiast, it's fantastic to see the return of nicer weather. We can hit the greens once again and revel in the beauty of the golf course (if not our game)—yippee!

We've got so much to share in this newsletter, it's like a treasure trove of information. So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let's dive into all the news and updates.

First, our chapter has once again been invited to participate in the Sugar Bowl, a just for fun state-wide tournament for LPGA Amateur chapters. The event is being hosted by the Palm Beach chapter at the Clewiston Golf Course on February 22, 2025. It’s a two-person scramble with a 10 a.m. shotgun start. Your $85 entry fee gets you golf, a taco bar lunch and prizes. For more information visit: https://www.golfgenius.com/pages/5137824

Volunteers Needed

Organizers from two prestigious men’s tournaments in Florida are calling for volunteers. The Chubb Classic will be hosted on February 10-16 at the Tiburon Golf Club in Naples and has a variety of volunteer roles available. Visit www.chubbclassic.com for details. Also, the LeCom Suncoast Classic will take place at Lakewood National Golf Club on April 16-19, 2025. They need over 450 volunteers to assist in various roles including serving as host families for golfers and caddies. For more information visit www.lecomsuncoastclassic.com

Now on to Chapter specific news…

Handicap Policy Update

As many of you know, all members are required to have a GHIN number and maintain a handicap if they intend to participate in league games or tournaments. An index is important because it allows golfers of different skill levels to compete fairly. And with 417 members, we want to ensure fair competition.  Anyone with a handicap index is required to enter golf scores within 48 hours from all rounds played with any of our chapter’s leagues or events. This includes weekends and 9-hole play. The newly formed Handicap Committee will be comparing all tee sheets to the GHIN system to ensure that all scores have been entered. You will be contacted if you haven’t entered your scores within the 48-hour time limit.

2 Club

Are you a 2 Clubber? The 2 Club is a fun golf membership recognized all over the country. You can become a member of the 2 Club by scoring a 2 on any hole. To join, you must be playing with one or more golfers who are already members and pay all 2 club members in your group $1 each. Then, going forward if you should score a 2 on any hole, at anytime and anywhere, all 2 Club members must pay you $1. Members must display their 2 Club pins. Pins are available for purchase (approx. $4) by contacting Faith Hall at faithmh@gmail.com .

Golf Genius

Our chapter will soon be transitioning to Golf Genius, a powerful software system used by thousands of golf clubs and tours around the world. The LPGA Amateurs Headquarters provides us with the use of this innovative software free of charge. Golf Genius will automate many of our tasks which are currently done manually and includes everything from weekly play registration, tracking golf scores, tournament management and more. Look for an announcement in early February when we will begin the transition.

Save the Dates!

Upcoming Weekend Play Dates:

Feb 1 – Buffalo Creek, 9:06 a.m., $50

Feb 15 – River Run, 10:37 a.m., $50

Mar 1 – Cypress Creek, 11:00 a.m., $64

Mar 15 – River Run, 10:37 a.m., $63

Mar – 29 – Buffalo Creek, 9:06 a.m., $50

Please visit our website for more details, locations and dates. Go to the Events tab and click on Chapter Events.

Tournaments and Special Events:

April 5 – New Event! Manatee Chapter Challenge, Rosedale G&CC, 1 p.m. shotgun start

April 10 – Annual dinner and “Spring Tee Party”, Tara G&CC, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

October 11 – Halloween Bash, Heritage Oaks

December 6 – Tentative date for the Jingle Bell Open. Location TBD

Note: Smaller fun events will be incorporated in league play throughout the year such as an Eclectic and a fun match play mini tournament.

Jingle Bell Open Update

Thanks to all golfers and volunteers who participated in the 2024 JBO.  We raised enough funds to make the following donations: $1,800 to Tidewell Hospice, $1,800 to First Tee of Sarasota/Manatee and $4,000 to the American Junior Golf Association for an ACE grant to aspiring golfer Ryleigh Knaub. The Chapter is proud to support these non-profit organizations each year.

Summer League Announcement

Great News! Missy Williams, golf professional at Tara Golf and Country Club, has confirmed that this summer our league will enjoy a shotgun start at approximately 8:30 a.m. This will allow us to avoid the extreme afternoon heat and thunderstorms that have plagued us in the past. Hurray!

New Members

Our chapter is thriving and growing every month. We're now 417 members strong! Here's a shoutout to our newest members. Be sure to give them a friendly hello on the course:

December: Denise Kornas, Joyce Lucking, Amy McClellan, Linda Caldwell Denny, Terry Beers, Catherine Covington, Mary Obrien, Linda Lyons

January: Debra Adell, Barbara Joseph, Linda Davis, Jeannie Kenney, Judith Hynes, Beverly Fanning, Jacqueline Rhodes, Audrey Patterson, Lynn Patterson, Lynn Oberling, Henry Henderson

A heartfelt thank you to everyone for your continuous efforts in keeping our chapter vibrant and welcoming. Here’s to an exciting new season filled with fun, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments on the greens!