Chapter News & Announcements
  • Magnolia Cup 2024

    Ten enthusiastic members of our chapter competed in the Magnolia Cup at The Clubs at St. James in Southport, NC over the weekend of November 16-18.  Our Asheville team consisted of Lorraine Silverman, Jean Ahrens, Carol Ann Howell, Teresa Lee, Carol Johnson, Kim Mason, Carol Mills, Susan West, Danielle Parrish, and Karen Douthitt.  The Asheville Chapter was part of the winning "Azalea Team" on the golf course, and enjoyed getting to know each other better at the same time.  

  • Community Service

      Completed Community Service 2024

      • Donation to BeLoved Asheville - A $2,000 donation was made by our chapter in late October to fund the Helene relief efforts that this organization is doing for our community.  More information about BeLoved Asheville can be found here.  
      • Charity Golf Tournament for Transformation Village - Our league hosted 68 members and guests on September 8 at our home course for our annual Member Guest Tournament.  On a beautiful September afternoon the participants generously donated funds for the Putting Contest, Mulligans, and Raffle, and purchased over 15 items in our Silent Auction.  As a result, on 10/29 8 members of our league attended a ceremony to present Transformation Village with a check for $6500.  Thanks to all our participants for your generosity! More information about Transformation Village can be found here.

      • Manna Foodbank - Fifteen energetic members of our league donated their morning on August 26 at Manna Foodbank.  They sorted through many stacks of bread and culled many cases of zucchini, all important tasks to help others in need.  More information about the Manna Food Bank can be found here

      • August 20 Play for PINK - Play for P.I.N.K. (Prevention, Immediate Diagnosis, New Technology, Knowledge) supports volunteers organizing sporting and lifestyle events to benefit the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Thank you to Kathy Wicker for spearheading our event; we even got a look behind the scenes as she and her grandchildren stuffed the goodie bags we received. Thank you, Kathy! It was a sea of pink as we recognized two of our own members who are survivors. President Cheri Kenyon announced that our group raised over $1000 for Play for P.I.N.K.!!! WOW!  More information about Play for Pink can be found here

      • Eblen Charities - On August 14 our league chapter donated 141 backpacks to school children in the greater Asheville area.  They were very happy to receive our donation!  Cheri K. got to participate in the distribution and see the happy faces of the children who received them. Thanks to all of you who contributed.  As of midday that day, Eblen had provided supplies to more than 500 school children.  More information about Eblen Charities can be found here.

      • Manna Food Bank - On July 9 our league chapter donated over 100 non-perishable food items to the Manna Food Bank, adding to the over 300 items donated during the 2023 season.  Thanks to all of you for your generosity to help end food insecurity in the Asheville Area.  More information about the Manna Food Bank can be found here.  We will also be gathering as a team on August 26 to volunteer our time on one of the shifts in the warehouse.




    • Past Social Events
      • Axe Throwing  - 2/25 - We had a great time at Axeville. It is reported that no one was injured!
      • Holiday Party 12/24 - We had a great time at our Holiday party held at the home of Karen Douthitt. Thanks so much for hosting, Karen.
      • Get Together for Putt-Putt and Laughs - Our 1st mid-season social at Salt Face Mule in Weaverville on July 28.  The rain couldn't dampen our fun time together!

    Chapter Sponsors & Partners