Chapter News & Announcements
  • February Newsletter
    Welcome to February! The Eagles' victory made for an exciting start to February! 

    The Chapter held our first event at Topgolf in January. This event has become a fixture in our winter calendar and is always a great time! Read more about the event below. The Chapter's next event is a Rules Seminar on Tuesday, February 18th. We will return to Downingtown Country Club for our Tee Off Event on April 26th. Registration will be available in early March. League information will be shared in the coming weeks and league registration will start closer to April. 

    The Events committee has a great lineup of events planned for the 2025 season. Continue to watch newsletters and the Chapter website for updates and registration links. If you haven't already, be sure to renew your LPGA Amateurs Membership for 2025!      
    LPGA Amateurs Philly Chapter Board
    Becca ProettoPresident
    Pat DollingerMarketing Director
    Sharon Primerano & Rita Gilson, Golf & Events Co-Directors
    Jane ChenSecretary & Membership Director
    Alana Storr, Treasurer & Finance Director
    Eleven ladies joined in for our annual January TopGolf event - our second year in a row at King of Prussia.  Game winners were Susan Stinson, Sharon Primerano and Rita Gilson

    While it was quite cold that day, we stayed very warm in the bays due to the powerful heaters and heated furniture.  We also had a terrific breakfast buffet and great service from the TopGolf staff.  If you've never joined us for this event, please consider it next year.  

    Opening tee off Saturday April 26 2025

    Downingtown Country Club
    Mark your Calendar

    We will have the same format as 2024   
    LPGA Amateurs Handicap Services Reminder 

    A Valid USGA handicap index is required to compete in any LPGA Amateurs events and be eligible prizes. Please take this time to verify that you have a service provider to establish and maintain your handicap index.

    The LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter is registered as a GAP member club. We are officially a service provider that is able to host and maintain USGA handicap indexes through the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN). l If you are interested in securing this service through our Chapter, please click here to see how on our website.

    If you have any questions regarding your handicap services, please contact a member of the Board for assistance.

    Buy Now

    Keep the FUN Going - Renew Now!

    WE want YOU to be part of all of the incredible events we have planned for 2025. We value your friendship and membership - if you haven't renewed yet, don’t miss the opportunity to network and participate with the other LPGA Amateurs members at these fun events. Renew today!
    Welcome to our new members!
    Barbara Shelkin
    Jeri Hunt

  • January 2025 News
    President's Message

    Welcome to 2025! I hope you all had a happy and healthy holiday season with your families and friends.

    There was a great turnout at the Chapter Holiday Party at Bahama Breeze in December. It was a fun evening catching up with fellow members away from the golf course. Thank you to everyone who completed the Chapter Participation Survey. The board will use this information to help us make decisions to better serve our chapter members and we appreciate your input.

    The first Philadelphia Chapter event of 2025 is Topgolf on Saturday, January 25th from 10am -1pm. There is still time to sign up and you can register here. After the Topgolf event, the Chapter will aim to host an event per month. We will have social events in February and March covering rules and handicap. We will return to Downingtown Country Club for our Tee Off Event on Saturday, April 26th. More information on these events and the rest of our 2025 events will be sent out and posted to our website.

    Chapter weekly leagues started early this year with an indoor golf league kicking off on Sunday January 5th at Golf Galaxy. This league is at capacity but please let the Event Directors know if you would be interested in filling in as a substitute, as needed. More information will be available closer to Tee Off regarding registration for our summer weekly leagues.

    I am looking forward to seeing you all out on the course this year! If you have not renewed your membership for the 2025 season, you can renew in the Member Clubhouse under My Profiles and Overview.   

    Please contact Sharon if you are interested in subbing in the Winter League which is Sundays from 2:30-4:30
    LPGA Amateurs Philly Chapter Board
    Becca ProettoPresident
    Pat DollingerMarketing Director
    Sharon Primerano & Rita Gilson, Golf & Events Co-Directors
    Jane ChenSecretary & Membership Director
    Join LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter at Topgolf in King of Prussia for 3 hours of playful competition!
    Saturday January 25
    Register for Topgolf Now!
    Your events team is working hard to put together another great year of outings in 2025.

    We will start the year at TopGolf in King of Prussia on Saturday, January 26th.

    Saturday April 26 2025 
    Mark your Calendar
    We will have the same format as 2024 - Breakfast at 8:30; short program; golf tee times starting at 11am.
    Keep the FUN Going - Renew Now!

    WE want YOU to be part of all of the incredible events we have planned for 2025. We value your friendship and membership - if you haven't renewed yet, don’t miss the opportunity to network and participate with the other LPGA Amateurs members at these fun events. Renew today!
    Renewal button
    Welcome to our new members!
        Kiersten Rochelle Love
    Tina Tunink
    Monica Anne Pedano
    Share this link with prospective members
    Rules Corner

  • December Newsletter
    Happy December! I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope to see many of you at the Holiday Party at Bahama Breeze on December 5th. 

    Your chapter board met in late November to begin planning for the 2025 golf season. To help the board better plan chapter events we are asking members to complete a short 7 question survey. It should take you less than 5 minutes to complete. The survey link is below. We appreciate your feedback! 

    We will start the New Year by returning to TopGolf in January followed by Rules and Handicap social events in February and March. The events committee is hard at work scheduling our monthly golf events and has a great calendar put together. Keep an eye on your email as we head into the new year for more information about winter events and our tee off event in April.  

    The Chapter is adding a winter, indoor league to our league offerings. The league will be 8 weeks long at Golf Galaxy in Berwyn. Registration will be limited to 8 2025 chapter members but we will have a substitution list of members who are interested in filing in if a league member has to miss a week. More details will follow. 

    I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season! 

    Young Professional Social at Indoor Golf Club

    On November 14th, a group of young professional golfers got together at Indoor Golf Club in Fort Washington. After a short presentation covering basics on the rules, etiquette and dress code for golf, the group mingled and hit a few golf balls on the simulators. It was a great night promoting the game of golf to a mix of newer golfers and women who are looking to find additional opportunities to play. Thank you to Philly Chapter member Christine Lee and The Main Line Group of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, for helping plan and sponsoring the event! Indoor Golf Club was a very unique, members-only indoor golf simulator space. If you are in the Fort Washington area and are interested in a space the practice inside, it is worth looking into.       
    LPGA Amateurs Philly Chapter Board
    Becca ProettoPresident
    Pat DollingerMarketing Director
    Sharon Primerano & Rita Gilson, Golf & Events Co-Directors
    Jane ChenSecretary & Membership Director
    Sunny LiTreasurer & Finance Director
    As we plan for the 2025 season, we would appreciate your feedback and input to help continue improving our chapter. This 10 question survey should take you less than 5 minutes to complete. 
    Take the Survey Here!

    Register now for Golf Galaxy Winter League 2025

    Golf Galaxy 8 Week Winter League 2025

    Sundays 2:30pm-4:30pm

    First Session: Sunday January 5th, 2025

    Last Session: Sunday February 23rd, 2025

    Location: Golf Galaxy (simulators) 470 W. Swedesford Rd. Berywn, PA. 19312

    Get ready for the golf season at the Philadelphia Chapter's Golf Galaxy Winter League!

    The league is 8 weeks long starting Sunday January 5th.  We will have 2 simulators, 4 people in each, for 2 hours 2:30-4:30pm.  The format will be 2 person scramble.  We will award a winning team each week and will have a few league-long prizes as well.

    Alcohol is not allowed but you can bring food and non-alcoholic beverages.   

    Please sign up individually and advise in comments if you would like to pair up with a specific person. If you don't request a specific person, we will pair you up with someone.  Note that this is for LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia chapter members only; you and your partner will need to renew your 2025 membership by 12/31/24 in order to participate.

    Registration is limited to 8 people.  You will pay in advance for the full 8 weeks.  If there is a week you can't make it, you can get a substitute and have that person pay you directly.  Substitutes must be current LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia chapter members.  The full 8 week cost is $140 ($17.50 per week).

    After we have filled the first 8 registrations, we will keep the registration open for a Wait List - we will use the Wait List as the first source of Subs.


    Closes: Friday, December 20th, 5:00pm

    Welcome to our new members!
    Erin Dunkel
    Kim-Anh Vo
    Pamela La Torre

  • Holiday fun

  • October News

    President's Message



    Happy October!

    Our Chapter hosted our Season End Event on October 12^th at Bella Vista Golf Club. It was a beautiful day for golf and we had a wonderful member turnout. After golf, we gathered together to present prizes for the day, Traveling Match Play winners, and season-long awards. Read more about our season long winners below!


    The Philadelphia Chapter hosted two social events, eight golf events, and four leagues this season. Thank you to the Events Committee, League Coordinators, and the rest of the Board for making 2024 such a successful year! Thank you to everyone who participated in events and leagues. We are still planning additional social events for the remainder of 2024 and into the start of 2025. Keep reading our Chapter newsletters and sign up emails to keep up with our calendar of events. On November 14^th we are hosting a young professional social at Indoor Golf Club in Fort Washington. This event is targeted to existing and potential young professionals who are looking to learn more about LPGA Amateurs and play more golf. Look for a registration email coming soon.


    Remember to keep posting your fall golf scores through November 14^th in PA.

    LPGA Amateurs Philly Chapter Board

    Becca Proetto, ** President (

    Pat Dollinger, ** Marketing Director (

    Sharon Primerano & Rita Gilson, ** Golf & Events Co-Directors (

    Jane Chen, Secretary & ** Membership (


    Sunny Li, Treasurer & Finance Director

    Welcome to our new members!


    Erin Mahoney

    Donna Van Vlack

    Madison Litwin

    League Recap


    2024 LPGA-Amateur PineCrest League – End of Year Summary


    It is hard to believe that the Wednesday evening 2024 LPGA PineCrest League Season has come to an end!  The year started Wednesday, April 24, 2024, with weekly competitions using the Modified Stableford Scoring system to determine each week’s winners.  The season ended on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, with an ABCD team scramble, two closest to the pin winners, dinner and drinks, and an award ceremony for the 2024 PineCrest Cup Champion - LPGA Amateurs Phila!!


    What a great season we had!  I believe we only had one week when the sirens blew, and we were called off the course because of thunder and lightning!  The LPGA-Amateur PineCrest League has a fantastic group of ladies who are willing to play in all kinds of nasty weather!


    There was fierce competition throughout the season for the coveted Pinecrest Cup!  The 2024 LPGA PineCrest Cup Champion LPGA-Amateurs Phila went to Debbie Young who acquired 253 points of spectacular golf!

    Spring Hollow Golf

    We had a great season in 2024 at Spring Hollow Golf Course.  On average we filled up tee times starting at 4:00 ending at 6:00.  Typical turn out was roughly 15 to 20 ladies.  Some just came out to golf and others stayed and enjoyed drinks and dinner at the The Grille which in it's original form was a dairy barn.

    We were welcomed every week by their new pro Jason Stackhouse who had our carts awaiting with our names and tee times for us to load up our clubs.

    We did a 50/50 every week and had a drawing at month end.  The winners were:

    May       Diane Vervaet

    June      Judy Simone

    July      Judy Simone

    August    Kim Whittington


    Michelle Ruppert Daly

    We are ending the season with a little gathering the 24th of October in The Grille where I will announce two prizes. Stableford and MIP.

    Stableford - Christine Dunleavy.  71 points (to par + 269).

    Great season, only had two rain outs so all in all a ton of fun and laughter.

    Final Event


    Saturday October 12 2024 Closing Event at Bella Vista at 11am


    Golf Events wrap up


    Our 2024 events wrapped up at Bella Vista on October 12^th.  But before Bella Vista, we had an excellent turn out at Riverwinds on September 14^th – 24 golfers!  At Riverwinds, we had a Stableford tournament with two flights.  Results:

    Flight 1 –


    First place – Lisa Turner - $25 gift card


    Tied for 2^nd place – Angela Mohan and Susan Stinson – each receive a $10 gift card


    Flight 2 –


    First place – Judy Simone and Rita Gilson tied – each received a $25 gift card


    2^nd place – Karen Melchiorre - $10 gift card


    For the Bella Vista season closer, we had another excellent turnout with 25 golfers.  Most stayed after for food and drinks on the patio on a gorgeous day.  At Bella Vista, we awarded low gross and low net in 3 flights as follows:


    Flight 1 Low Gross – Kasey Lucard - $25 gift card


    Flight 1 Low Net – Sharon Primerano - $10 gift card


    Filght 2 Low Gross – Brandy Melewsky - $25 gift card


    Flight 2 Low Net – Laurie Pukac - $10 gift card


    Flight 3 Low Gross – Kathy Collins - $25 gift card


    Flight 3 Low Net – Michelle Ruppert-Daly - $10 gift card

    Season Long Awards


    Season Long Awards


    Thanks to everyone who participated in our 2024 golf events.  We held 9 golf events this year with really excellent participation.  There was also significant participation on the TeamReach app!  At Bella Vista, we recognized the following winners:


    Participation                          Count                     Prize


    Kim Six                                 19                           $25


    Brandy Melewsky                16                           $10


    Peg O'Connor                       16                           $10


    Carol Gruber                         11                           $10


    Flight 1




    Sharon Primerano                 3                             $25


    Angela Mohan                      2                             $10


    Brandy Melewsky                2                             $10


    Lisa Turner                            2                             $10



    Lisa Turner                            21                           $25


    Sharon Primerano                 18                           $10


    Angela Mohan                      18                           $10


    Brandy Melewsky                14                           $10


    Flight 2




    Sharon Gage Morris              1                             $25




    Sharon Gage Morris              11                           $25


    Kim Six                                 10                           $10


    Carol Gruber                         8                             $10


    Flight 3




    Alison Swanz Nagle             1                             $25




    Barbara Bosha                      10                           $25


    Judy Simone                         2                             $10


    Jean Cochran                        2                             $10



    If you weren’t at Bella Vista to receive your prize, you will receive it via email.



    Thanks all for a wonderful season and please let Sharon know any ideas you have for 2025!

    Rules Corner

    Posting of scores in Pennsylvania ends on November 14.

    This is only for rounds played here.

    If you are playing somewhere with a year round season, go ahead and post that score.


  • September News 2024

    Happy September!
    The start of September has definitely felt like fall. Fall golf brings cooler weather but also challenges with leaves and end of season course maintenance. The USGA has a great review of the rules around how to deal with leaves and other common Rules situations you might encounter during fall golf. You can read more here.  

    The Chapter’s Handicap Committee has put together a Handicap Index Reminder note that you can read about below. Handicap season in Pennsylvania goes through November 14th. Remember to continue to timely post your PA golf scores until then. After November 14th, if you play in a different state be sure to check to see if it is active handicap posting-season in that state. For example, Florida’s posting-season is year round so you should post a FL score even if it’s the middle of the winter.

    The Chapter’s end of season event will take place at Bella Vista on October 12th. We will plan to gather in their Grill Room after golf. Look for more information and details to come!   

    LPGA Amateurs Philly Chapter Board
    Becca ProettoPresident
    Pat DollingerMarketing Director
    Sharon Primerano & Rita Gilson, Golf & Events Co-Directors
    Jane ChenSecretary & Membership Director
    Sunny LiTreasurer & Finance Director
    Welcome to our new members!

    Sharon Barley
    Mark your calendar

    Saturday October 12 2024 Closing Event at Bella Vista at 11am
    Handicap index reminders:

    Maintaining an accurate golf handicap index enhances the enjoyment of the game of golf and allows the following:

     Measures a player's ability relative to par
     Allows golfers of different abilities to compete fairly
     Indicates how many strokes above or below par a player is capable of playing
     Monitors progress and skill improvements

    As a reminder to our members, the Handicap Committee wants to provide you with some guidance related to posting your scores. Please take care to ensure you are posting:

     In a timely manner (on the day you play). Posting after the day you play will not take into account course or weather conditions for the date of play
     Using the correct course with slope/index. There are cases where course names are the same in different towns, cities, counties or states.  
     For the correct number of holes (9 vs. 18)
     For the correct part of the course if only playing 9 holes (back vs. front)
     For the correct tees that were used for play
    All the above impact your handicap index and will ensure that it is calculated accurately to reflect your actual playing ability. Mistakes do happen and can be corrected but you need to contact your handicap service provider in a timely manner to review and make adjustments. If you have a handicap index through the LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter, please email and when an error is made and needs attention.
    LPGA Amateurs Handicap Services Reminder 

    A Valid USGA handicap index is required to compete in any LPGA Amateurs events and be eligible for prizes. Please take this time to verify that you have a service provider to establish and maintain your handicap index.

    The LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter is registered as a GAP member club. We are officially a service provider that is able to host and maintain USGA handicap indexes through the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN). l If you are interested in securing this service through our Chapter, please click here to see how on our website.

    If you have any questions regarding your handicap services, please contact a member of the Board for assistance.

    Buy Now
    Rules Corner


    Starting your routine too late

    Your buddy just finished out, so now it’s time for you to give your 8-footer the full 360-degree treatment, analyzing it from every angle. Wrong. You should have been doing that while everyone else was putting, and when it’s your turn, all that’s left is to give it a final look and go.

  • July newsletter

    Welcome to July! I hope you all have been staying cool and hydrated during these hot few weeks. We had a wonderful turnout for our event at Honeybrook with over 30 members and guests participating. On June 30th members traveled up to Northern New Jersey to play Neshanic Valley Golf Course with members of the Northern NJ Chapter. We are entering the second half of golf season in PA but there are still plenty of league and weekend events!

    This Tuesday, July 16th, our Chapter is hosting a free webinar with Debbie O’Connell. Debbie has combined her extensive golf expertise with her master certifications in life coaching to be a leading expert golf mindset. Debbie was the keynote speaker at the LPGA Amateurs Members Celebration in Las Vegas last year. I heard great things about her presentation there and I am looking forward to getting to hear her speak on Tuesday. You can register for her masterclass here. The webinar begins at 7:00pm and will be about one hour.        

    The Mystery Bus event will take place on August 11th. We will meet up at the Park and Ride in King of Prussia and a bus will take us to a surprise course. Your event chairs have been busy working on lots of details to make this a great day. I am excited to find out where we are going this year! There have been Golf Genius issues with the links for this event. Thank you for your patience for those who tried to register early on and couldn’t. Please use the updated email and link to register. Reach out to a member of the board if you are still having issues registering. We will head to Riverwinds in West Deptford, NJ on September 14th. Our golf season events will wrap up October 12th at Bella Vista in Gilbertsville, PA.


    LPGA Amateurs Philly Chapter Board
    Becca ProettoPresident
    Pat DollingerMarketing Director
    Sharon Primerano & Rita Gilson, Golf & Events Co-Directors
    Jane ChenSecretary & Membership Director
    Sunny LiTreasurer & Finance Director
    Welcome to our new members!

    Diane Kirk referred by Lisa Harding

    Mystery Bus August 11 2024

    The Mystery Tour Bus will whisk us off to a Premier Public Golf Course.   
    Cost: $150, Limited to 40 LPGA Amateurs Philly Members Only!
    Transportation & Bus Driver Tip
    Lite breakfast, various snacks & beverages
    Game Prizes!
    Games of of chance before & after the round! Bring $$
    Post round fun and dinner (not included in price) 

    Plan to meet at King of Prussia Commuter Lot at 7:30am-ish and return at 7:00pm-ish. Need to know details will be provided closer to the date!

    Tee times start at 11:00am, 11:08am, 11:16am, 11:24am, 11:32am, 11:40am, 11:48am, 11:56am, 12:02pm, 12:10pm


    • Opens Monday, July 1st 2024 at 8:00am
    • Closes Monday, August 5th, 2024 at 5:00pm
    • Limited to 40 players
    • After submitting payment, don't forget to add your name to the tee sheet using the "Open tee times registration" tab in the Event Portal.

    Payment is required in advance by Credit Card. 

    All refunds for cancellations will be less credit card fees through August 5th, 2024, 5:00PM EST, when registration closes. After this date and time, refunds for cancellations will be less $10.00 and all fees incurred by the Chapter from the venue.

    To request a refund for your cancellation, please contact 

    Inclement Weather:

    Rounds are played in the rain subject to lightning alerts.

    Generally, individual club rain checks are prorated over the number of holes completed.

    If extreme weather is in forecast and Event is canceled by Chapter, you will be contacted via email and text message at least 3 hours prior to first t-time of Event.

    If Chapter or Golf Course cancels an Event, you will receive a full refund.

    If you cancel the day of Event for any reason, refund will be less $10.00, credit card fees and any fees incurred by the Chapter from the Golf Club.

    Please contact with any questions.

    Register for a mystery
    Season Long Contest
    As a reminder, we have 3 season-long Events contests for 2024!  At our closing event at Bella Vista in October, we will award top 3 for Events participation and also top 3 in 3 flights for total pars and total birdies at Philly-organized events.

    Here are the standings through July 6th:

    1st - Kim Six, 11 events
    2nd - Brandy Melewsky, 10 events
    3rd - Carol Gruber, 7 events

    First Flight Birdies:
    1st - Sharon Primerano, 2
    7 players with 1 each:
    Ana Rimkus
    Angela Mohan
    Brandy Melewsky
    Karen Perez
    Susan Stinson
    Kiley Margolis
    Lisa Turner

    First Flight Pars:
    1st - Lisa Turner, 17 (WOW)
    2nd and 3rd - Angela Mohan and Brandy Melewsky tied with 10 each

    Second and Third Flight - in these flights, we have one birdie - Alison Swanz Nagel at Penn Oaks - congrats Alison!

    Second Flight Pars:
    1st - Carol Gruber, 8
    2nd - Sharon Gage Morris, 7
    3rd - Becca Proetto, 6

    Third Flight Pars:
    1st - Barb Bosha, 6
    2nd and 3rd - Jean Cochran and Judy Simone tied at 2 each

    There is still plenty of time left to see your name on the leaderboard!

    Mark your calendar
    Saturday September 14 2024 Monthly event at Riverwinds 1:30
    Saturday October 12 2024 Closing Event at Bella Vista at 11am
    LPGA Amateurs Handicap Services Reminder 

    A Valid USGA handicap index is required to compete in any LPGA Amateurs events and be eligible for prizes. Please take this time to verify that you have a service provider to establish and maintain your handicap index.

    The LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter is registered as a GAP member club. We are officially a service provider that is able to host and maintain USGA handicap indexes through the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN). l If you are interested in securing this service through our Chapter, please click here to see how on our website.

    If you have any questions regarding your handicap services, please contact a member of the Board for assistance.

    Buy Now
    Rules Corner
    Some Etiquette this month

    Should you post your golf scores?

    • Many golfers avoid posting their scores because they think it will negatively affect their handicap or they don’t want to be judged by their peers. But the truth is, posting your scores is the only way to get an accurate handicap and to track your progress over time. Plus, it’s a great way to hold yourself accountable and stay motivated to improve.
    League Registration
    Check the website for the Links
    Keep the FUN Going - Renew Now!

    WE want YOU to be part of all of the incredible events we have planned for 2024. We value your friendship and membership - if you haven't renewed yet, don’t miss the opportunity to network and participate with the other LPGA Amateurs members at these fun events. Renew today!
    Buy Now

    Link to your Victory Golf Pass Savings
    We have NEW membership ID cards!  Please read the instructions below on how to retrieve your NEW ID! If you prefer a paper ID card, there are also instructions available on how to obtain a physical printable ID card. 
    How to get my membership ID card link
    Membership ID Cards for Discounts
    Quick Link

  • Golf Positive Webinar

  • June News

    Welcome to June! The Philly Chapter’s three weeknight leagues and the traveling match play league all got well underway during May. The turnout and participation in all 4 leagues has been wonderful. There are still plenty of weekly league nights to play if you are still interested in joining a league. The chapter held a weekday event at Penn Oaks during May. The beautiful course and nice meal afterwards made for a wonderful day.

    June is full of golf events. The month started with a group of Philadelphia golfers traveling to Bethlehem Golf Club for the Lehigh Invitational. Our next event is June 15th at Honeybrook, a chapter favorite. The Chapter will end the month on June 30th with an event at Neshanic Valley Golf Club. See more information below and register here.   

    Be sure to mark your calendars for this year’s Mystery Bus Golf event on August 11th. We will meet at a designated spot and a bus will take us to a surprise course for the day. This event is one of my and many other chapter members favorites. 

    LPGA Amateurs Philly Chapter Board
    Becca ProettoPresident
    Pat DollingerMarketing Director
    Sharon Primerano & Rita Gilson, Golf & Events Co-Directors
    Jane ChenSecretary & Membership Director
    Sunny LiTreasurer & Finance Director
    Welcome to our new members!

    Jane Greenberg referred by Sally Simpson
    Carolyn Klunder
    Kristina Carr referred by Sally Simpson
    Kathleen Scannapieco
    Lauren DiValentino
    Kristen O"Reilly
    Colleen Tofani referred by new member Jane
    Adrianna Ciliberto
    Rachel Reilly referred by new member Kristina
    Diane Vervaet
    Marie Martino
    Constance Dobson

    Season Long Contest
    As announced at our kick off event in April, we have several season-long contests for you to participate in.  Leaderboards below are updated through play as of May 19th.

    The first award is for Participation in our LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia events.  Every weekend event counts (including joint chapter events) and also weekend play arranged through the TeamReach app.  We will award prizes to the Top 3 at our season-ending event in October at Bella Vista.

    The other categories are Birdies and Pars at Events.  For the Birdies and Pars, there are 3 flights based on handicap index.  We will also award top 3 in each category for each flight.

    Participate in Events to be eligible and let's have a great season with some fun competition.
    Participation Leaders
    Brandy Melewsky7
    Kim Six5
    Carol Gruber4
    Flight 1 Pars
    Lisa Turner10
    Brandy Melewsky7
    Angela Mohan6
    Flight 1 Birdies
    Lisa Turner1
    Sharon Primerano1
    Susan Stinson1
    Flight 2 Pars
    Carol Gruber4
    Alana Storr2
    Kathleen Carriddi2
    Kim Six2
    Laurie Pukac2
    Rebecca Proetto2
    Sharon Gage Morris2
    Sunny Li2
    Flight 3 Pars
    Barbara Bosha1
    Diane Uber1
    Judy Simone1
    Marcia Kazary1
    Rita Gilson1
    Tara Boyd1
    Register to be the Biggest Loser
    League Registration
    Look for the email you should have already received or check the website or use the links below
    White Manor Registration
    Pinecrest Registration
    Spring Hollow Registration
    Travel League
    This button for AGS Registration
    LPGA Amateurs Handicap Services Reminder 

    A Valid USGA handicap index is required to compete in any LPGA Amateurs events and be eligible for prizes. Please take this time to verify that you have a service provider to establish and maintain your handicap index.

    The LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter is registered as a GAP member club. We are officially a service provider that is able to host and maintain USGA handicap indexes through the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN). l If you are interested in securing this service through our Chapter, please click here to see how on our website.

    If you have any questions regarding your handicap services, please contact a member of the Board for assistance.

    Buy Now
    Mystery Bus August 11 2024
    Rules Corner
    Some Etiquette this month
    Speed of play
    Always have an extra ball and take an extra club so you don't have to walk back to the cart
    Keep the FUN Going - Renew Now!

    WE want YOU to be part of all of the incredible events we have planned for 2024. We value your friendship and membership - if you haven't renewed yet, don’t miss the opportunity to network and participate with the other LPGA Amateurs members at these fun events. Renew today!
    Buy Now
    Chapter Invitations

    2024 Neshanic Valley

    Fun on the Course before July 4th~

    Join us at Neshanic Valley Golf Club


    Sunday, June 30, 2024


    • $92 - includes greens fee & cart 
    • T-times start at 12pm, 12:10pm, 12:20pm, 12:30pm, 12:40pm, 12:50pm, 1:00pm, 1:10pm, 1:20pm, 1:30pm 
    • Gathering after round for food/bev and prizes!



    • Opens Friday, May 31, 2024 at 8:00am
    • Closes Friday, June 21, 2024 at 5:00pm
    • Limited to 40 players
    • After submitting payment, don't forget to add your name to the tee sheet using the "Open tee times registration" tab in the Event Portal.
    Neshanic Valley Registration

    Link to your Victory Golf Pass Savings
    We have NEW membership ID cards!  Please read the instructions below on how to retrieve your NEW ID! If you prefer a paper ID card, there are also instructions available on how to obtain a physical printable ID card. 
    How to get my membership ID card link
    Membership ID Cards for Discounts
    Quick Link


  • World handicap system document in About us/Documents

  • All three leagues now accepting Registrations

    **** 2024 League Registration Information and League Registration. If you have questions on Chapter Leagues, please reach out to Rebecca ProettoJane Chen or another member of the Philadelphia Area Chapter Board***


    League Information 
    White Manor League: White Manor Country Club, 831 Providence Road, Malvern, PA
    League Coordinators: Alison Swanz Nagle and
    Judy Simone
    Level of play: All
    Cost: $50, cart required
    Day: Monday evenings
    Dates: April 22 to August 26, excluding Memorial Day
    Tee times: 5:30PM or 6:00PM shotgun start 
    Please be ready to play at least 15 minutes before the shotgun start time.

    Please download the Golf Genius app and sign in to get weekly White Manor league updates. 

    White Manor Registration
    Pinecrest League: Pinecrest Country Club, 101 Country Club Drive, Lansdale, PA
    League Coordinator: Sally Simpson
    Level of play: All
    Cost: $29 to walk / $39 to ride
    Day: Wednesday evenings
    Dates: April 24 to August 28

    Tee times between: 5:00-5:40PM
    Tee time groupings are randomly assigned from the pool of registered players who are available that week. Pairings will be mixed so that everyone gets to know each other.
    The Grille will be open after the rounds for food and drinks. Orders can be placed prior to starting your round.

    Please download the Golf Genius app and sign in to get weekly Pinecrest league updates
    Pinecrest Registration
    Spring Hollow League: Spring Hollow Golf Club, 3350 Schuylkill Road, Spring City, PA
    League Coordinator: Lisa Harding
    Level of play: All
    Cost: $40, cart required
    Day: Thursday afternoons
    Dates: May 2 to September 26, excluding May 30 and July 4
    Tee times between: 3:30-5:30PM
    Each week, there will be an option to select your own tee times.
    The Bar & Grille will be open after the rounds for food and drinks.

    Please download the Golf Genius app and sign in to get weekly Spring Hollow league updates.
    Spring Hollow Registration
    Chapter League Registration:
    Detailed instructions on how to register for leagues and registration links are provided below. Please read and follow the instructions to successfully register for 1 or more of our Chapter's leagues, keeping a few things in mind: 
    • Everyone needs to register for the leagues even if they've participated in the same league before. Each year, a new league portal with updated dates, weekly round sign-ups, games, information, etc. is created so registering for the new league each year ensures the most seamless way to receive communications from the league coordinators and to enter scores in Golf Genius for the different weekly games. 
    • Registering for the leagues requires login validation via your active LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter membership. Weekly league play is a chapter specific benefit and validating with your active membership automatically lets our league coordinators know you are a member of the Philadelphia Chapter.
    • Everyone must register on their own; you cannot register a fellow active member. 
    • Registering for the leagues is required in order to sign up for weekly tee times.
    • We welcome guests to try out our leagues twice before we ask that they become a member of the LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter! Guests, which include those who have not renewed their membership yet, will need to contact the league coordinators directly to sign up for tee times since they will not have access to do this on their own.
    For White Manor, Pinecrest, and/or Spring Hollow league registration, please follow these directions for a successful registration:
    • The league registration links will take you to the league portal, which is set up through Golf Genius. Do not sign in. If you are already signed in, log out of Golf Genius and click the league registration link again. Registration via the Golf Genius app on your phone will not work because you will already be signed in to Golf Genius.
    • Click the grey "Register" button (this is located either on the left side or the bottom of the page, depending on your browser)
    • Validate with your LPGA Amateurs credentials (not Golf Genius credentials)
    • Complete required fields on registration page (i.e. Name, cell phone, LPGA Am ID, etc.)
    • Select box to acknowledge Golf Genius software policy
    • Click the grey “Register” button in the lower right corner of page
    • Await confirmation email that you have successfully registered for the league

    For those who already have a Golf Genius account login and password, that's all you need to do!
    For those who do not have a Golf Genius account login and password yet (this is usually for new LPGA Amateurs members or those who have never created a Golf Genius account), please follow these additional directions to complete your registration:
    • After receiving confirmation email that you have successfully registered for the league, please contact Becca Proetto and let her know for which league you successfully registered, but don't have a Golf Genius account
    • Becca will have an email sent to you from Golf Genius, which will have a unique link allowing you to create your Golf Genius account with a temporary password. Keep an eye out for this email and make sure to also check your spam folder
    • After accessing the unique link, you will be asked to set a new password for your new Golf Genius account
    • Having a Golf Genius account will allow you to use the Golf Genius app to receive notifications from the league coordinators, enter scores live during events and weekly league play, and also follow the live Leaderboard to see who is winning!
    If you have trouble registering for any of the leagues, please contact the league coordinator directly so that we can assist you as needed.

    The Traveling Match Play League
    League Coordinator: Susan Hunsicker    215-576-5473 (landline) 215-206-6139 (cell; texting is better than calling this number)

    The Traveling Match Play League is a great opportunity to hone your match play skills, meet new people, and play new courses. In match play, you compete head-to-head with another golfer, one hole at a time. Your total score doesn’t matter. It’s a wonderful format for the inconsistent among us – and who can say their golf game IS consistent? Everyone who joins the league will be assigned up to four matches to play. The exact format will depend on how many sign up.

    For each match, you and your opponent will decide where to play and when, within a set time window, usually including three weekends. To encourage players to complete their matches, points will be awarded for playing within the designated time frame. There will also be points based on the outcome of the match. The league usually begins in early May and runs through July. The only requirement is that you have an official, verifiable handicap, such as through LPGA Amateurs or GHIN. So sign up now. Golf season is here!

    LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Website

  • IMPORTANT - 2024 Handicap Reminder!

    A Valid USGA handicap index is required to compete in any LPGA Amateurs events and be eligible prizes. Please take this time to verify that you have a service provider to establish and maintain your handicap index.

    The LPGA Amateurs Philadelphia Chapter is registered as a GAP member club. We are officially a service provider that is able to host and maintain USGA handicap indexes through the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN).

    If you have any questions about the status of your membership or need help verifying if you have an active handicap service, please contact Jane Chen directly for assistance. 

    After verifying the above, if you are interested in establishing and maintaining your handicap service through our Chapter, please do the following: 

    • Click here to access our secure electronic payment link. There is a nominal, annual fee of $30 per member if you elect to establish and maintain your handicap index through our Chapter

    • After receiving your payment confirmation, please forward your proof of payment to Jane Chen and Gail Irrgang to review and process your handicap application

    • Within 3 business days of receiving your proof of payment, you will receive an email from Jane or Gail with instructions on how to create a new GHIN account or confirmation that your old GHIN account has been reactivated

    A new GHIN account will not be established for you unless you notify us in writing that you want to maintain your handicap index through our Chapter and pay the appropriate fee.

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    Not getting the Greater Philadelphia Chapter Monthly Newsletter or emails?

    Check your junk mail or spam folders
    If using gmail, check your promotions tab

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