Golf Rules & Tips
NEW! Are you a Vanity Golfer, a Sandbagger, or Neither?
A word on handicaps…
Once a person learns that you play golf, one of the earliest questions they may ask you, is “what is your handicap (handicap index)? It is like asking a baseball player, what is their batting average or a running back their rushing average. It is a measure of your demonstrated proficiency.
The majority play golf per the Rules of Golf and post our scores after a round to maintain our handicap. However, since golf is a sport that allows the individual to track their score when they are playing and post their own score afterwards, it can lead to manipulating the handicap, creating a “Vanity Handicaps” or being known as a “Sandbagger”.
Some of you may know a person with a Vanity Handicap. It is the player who claims their handicap is lower than she has been able to demonstrate on the course. Maybe she had a better game at one time and unfortunately her game has slipped. Or to be better than most is a source of pride. There are many reasons that a person chooses to have a vanity handicap, but the problem is, it just hurts them.
If you have been manipulating your handicap to keep it low, when you go out to play in an event where having an accurate handicap is important, such as a competitive event, there is a good chance it will reveal itself. A competitive round comes with its own bundle of stress, but to have the extra burden of not only trying to shoot a good score but a score that is better than your vanity handicap is tough. It can also lead to some possible embarrassment and disappointment. This is compared to having a good score against your true handicap, win or lose, which is a good accomplishment.
On the other end of the spectrum is the Sandbagger. These folks will manipulate their handicap so that it is higher. Typically, they will receive attention during tournaments, where there are prizes or awards. Anyone can have a good round. And they can even have a good round during a tournament, because ‘they are in the zone, or they are more focused during tournament play. Good rounds can happen. But if it happens consistently and a comparison of the average of their tournament scores is significantly different than their daily scores, this will raise some flags. And unlike the Vanity Handicapper who only hurt themselves, folks who are labelled as Sandbaggers are often labeled Cheaters. And, once you are thought to be a cheater in golf, it is label that is difficult to shake.
To avoid all of this, play your best, accept what has happened, and post your score. Golf is a game of integrity and honesty and having a correct handicap is part of the game.
Have a fun time on the course, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by emailing me at
On the Old Course at Half Moon Bay, Hole #2, Marilee yanks her tee shot towards the bunkers on the left side of the fairway; she is able to avoid the bunker but it takes a bad hop going further left. Although everyone in her group helps her search, she cannot find the ball, it is lost.
Rather than go back to tee off, she recalls that there is a Local Rule E-5 in effect so she estimates where her ball could possibly be and drops the ball in the fairway, no closer to the hole. Unfortunately, her next shot, although a solid strike, goes straight into the right green side bunker.
When Marilee gets to the bunker, she sees that her ball is resting against the rake. She picks up the rake and her ball moves. She replaces it back onto its spot in the bunker.
Not quite confident that she could clear the lip, she elects to go out sideways and lands on the apron in front of the green. Her friend Tammy had managed to stay out of trouble and her ball is right behind Marilee’s ball. Tammy asks Marilee to pick up her ball since it was interfering with Tammy’s line of play. Marilee marks her ball and notices it had some sand and cleans her ball. As she replaces her ball on the fringe, she takes this as an opportunity to use the line on her ball to line up her next shot. She chips the ball onto the green and then takes 2 putts to complete the hole. What is Marilee’s score?
Counting Marilee’s score:
Tee shot,1 stroke
Lost ball but elected to use the Local Rule, 2 penalty strokes
Shot into the bunker, 1 stroke
Moving rake and causing ball to move no penalty strokes (if a ball moves when you are moving a movable obstruction (rake) just replace ball, with no penalty)
Shot out of the bunker, 1 stroke
Cleaning the ball when not allowed, 1 penalty stroke
When replacing a ball, it can be replaced in any orientation with no penalty.
Chipping on to the green, 1 stroke
Two putts to finish the hole, 2 strokes.
The total score for the hole is 9.
But on Hole #3 Marilee nails her 7 iron and gets a Hole in One. We needed to end this rule article on a happy note!
Have a fun time on the course, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by emailing me at
When can you substitute a ball in play with another ball and why would you?
Did you know that anytime that you are taking relief, either free or penalty relief, you can
substitute (change) your ball?
The key word here is that you are taking “relief”.
penalty area and even though you can recover it, you can substitute another ball
instead for the relief procedure. Or if you have an unplayable lie in a bush but you don’t
want to reach in to get it, you can substitute another as you take relief.
Examples where you are not allowed to substitute a ball would be if you are on the
putting green and you decide you want to put your “favorite” putting ball into play, You
cannot change your ball. It would be a 1 stroke penalty if you were to putt this wrongly
substituted ball. Another example is you are asked to lift your ball since it interferes with
another player’s line of play. You must return your original ball into play. If you do not,
it would be a 1 stroke penalty.
In all of these cases you are NOT taking relief but are lifting the ball as the rules allow.
Being allowed to substitute a ball has changed over the years. In the past, it was a 2-
stroke penalty to wrongly substitute a ball but as we have seen the rules have gotten
more “golfer friendly and now the penalty is 1 stroke.
For further reference, refer to the Definition of “Substitute” in the Rules of Golf. Or, as
you look through the rules, note that for those rules that allow relief, they indicate that
the original ball or another ball can be used to take relief.
Have a fun time on the course, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by
emailing me at
Two Club Length Relief vs. One Club Length Relief
We all know that there are times when the relief area is defined by an area of one club length and sometimes two; but which applies and when?
a. Two club length relief is also defined as lateral relief. Lateral relief occurs in two instances - when you are taking an unplayable lie, and when you are taking relief from a red penalty area.
In each of these cases, it will cost you 1 penalty stroke. The reference point (from where you measure) for lateral relief from an unplayable lie is where the ball lies. You measure the 2 club lengths from the ball and your relief area is that semicircle area that is no closer to the hole (it can look like a fan). The reference point for the lateral relief from a red penalty area is measure from the point where the ball last crossed into the penalty area. You measure from that point, and it typically creates an area that looks like a quarter slice of a pie.
b. One club length relief occurs when taking relief from immovable obstructions such as cart, paths, sprinkler heads, or buildings. There is no penalty when taking relief for these situations. In each of these cases you find the nearest point of relief from where your original ball lies to a relief location that is not closer to the hole but gives you full relief.
Example, if you are taking cart path relief you cannot stand on the cart path after taking relief.
One club length relief also occurs for an embedded ball or for a dangerous animal condition. The reference point for an embedded ball, is the nearest point, no closer to the hole from where the ball is embedded. Embedded ball relief only occurs in the general area.
For a dangerous animal condition, it is where you no longer have interference from the condition. After identifying the reference point, the player would drop their ball within 1 club length no closer to the hole to play. The area that the ball is dropped must be the same as where the original ball lie, original ball in general area, ball is dropped in general area,
original ball in penalty area, the relief is in the penalty area, etc.
Have a fun time on the course, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by emailing me at
Food for thought this month:
“The basis of good course management is knowing yourself and your capabilities – and when you should take calculated risks. Risk/Reward in golf is all about playing the shots you know you can hit versus attempting shots you think you can hit. Focus on playing to your strengths to get the most out of every round - especially your next one.” (Source PGA of America Women’s Clinics).
Now back to our regular program regarding golf rules…
Ball putted on green hits another ball at rest on the green, Rule 11.1
Stroke play:
Two balls are on the putting green, Stacey’s ball lies 20 feet away from the hole and Jan’s ball is at rest 5 ft from the hole on the green. Stacey does not have Jan mark her ball. Stacey putts her ball and hits and moves Jan’s ball. What just happened?
Jan needs to put her ball back to where it was at rest prior to being moved by Stacey’s ball.
Stacey gets a 2 stroke penalty and plays the ball as it lies.
Match Play:
The same scenario and Stacey again hits Jan’s ball. Jan needs to put her ball back to where it was at rest prior to being moved by Stacey, However, Stacey DOES NOT get a 2 stroke penalty. She plays the ball as it lies.
Why is there a difference?
In Stroke play every player is playing against all the other players in the field, so each player is responsible to protect the rights of the field since not everyone can see everyone’s play. Even though Stacey did not care if the ball was marked perhaps there was another person in the field who might care. Stacey exercised her “right” but did not protect the rights of the field and gets the penalty.
However, in Match play, the parties involved in the match are all present. Stacey could ask Jan to mark her ball but chose not to ask. The choice was Stacey’s (in match play she is not protecting the field), and she chose not to ask that the ball be marked.
Have a great round and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by emailing me at:
Stroke and Distance
There are few absolutes in the Rules of Golf, but one procedure that can be used ANYWHERE on the course is “Stroke and Distance”. The term refers to the fact that it is a 1 stroke penalty and it will cost you distance since you must return to where you last played. It is the player’s only option when their ball is lost outside a penalty area or is out of bounds. It is often viewed as being a very penal penalty since you will be giving up distance and in golf we all want to have distance.
However, it can be a very helpful option and may be the better option depending on what has happened.
Example, you are on a putting green on a severely sloped lie. The hole is in a red flag location, and you are only 2 feet away for your birdie putt. It is tricky but makeable, but it rolls past the hole, off the green into rough near a bunker. It is not in the bunker but you will now need to stand in the bunker to play the shot, with the ball way above your feet. At this point, besides the shock of what just happened, you are faced with a delicate chip shot. The choice you have is playing the ball from the rough, hoping to hole out or at least get close to making a putt, OR you can take stroke and distance, place* the ball on the green, and give yourself a chance to make the putt this time. You would walk away with a score of 5 in this case. (Drive, approach, bad putt, penalty stroke/distance and then make putt) It all comes down to what you are willing to risk making a good score.
So, remember, sometimes taking stroke and distance may be the lesser of two “evils” when you are out on the course.
*in the example given, since the ball was being played from the green and returned, you would place. If the ball had been played from anywhere else it would have been a drop to execute the procedure for stroke and distance).
Have a great round and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by
emailing me at
How does one determine the "Nearest Point of Complete Relief" (NPCR)?
I was recently asked to review the concept “Nearest Point of Complete Relief” (NPCR) which is covered in the Definition section of the Rules of Golf and with a good illustration of this concept in Rule 16.1. This is best understood by being demonstrated, but in lieu of a video, I will try to use simple verbiage.
Imagine a long par 4 hole with a cart path running down the left side of the fairway. You tee off and hit a very good drive, but it goes down the left side of the fairway and the ball lands on the grass, but very close to the cart path. You can play the ball as it lies but you will be standing on the cart path. You are a right-handed player and afraid you may slip if you stand on the cart path.
Because a cart path is considered an Abnormal Course Condition, you are entitled to FREE relief from this condition. If you are not sure what side of the cart path is the nearest point, the player can use the procedure to choose the side that:
1 Results in the nearest spot to where the original ball lies.
2. That is also no closer to the hole than the original ball.
3 Affords complete relief (you can’t stand on the cart path).
4. Is in the same area of the course as the original ball. (Since the cart path is in the General Area, you need to take relief in the General Area).
To determine the NPCR, you should take a stance off the cart path, using the club you would use had the cart path did not interfere with your stance. Where your clubhead rests on the ground is the Nearest Point of Complete Relief. Point “P”.
To complete the relief procedure, you will measure 1 club length (longest club, not your putter) from P, not closer to the hole. Where that club head rests is P2. You will then drop your ball between the P and P2.
Remember if you are left-handed, the nearest point will be different for you than a right-handed player. Also remember it is the nearest point, not the nicest point. (Sorry about that).
Have a great round and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by emailing me at
Marking the Ball, Rule 14 (May 2024)
One of the most frequent activities that takes place when playing golf is marking the location of where your ball will be replaced prior to lifting it.
You can mark your ball with any artificial object. This could be a ball marker, a coin, a tee, your cell phone, your shoe, your club head, or any artificial object. A smaller object is preferred because it ensures greater accuracy of returning th ball to the correct spot on the golf course.
You cannot use any natural object, such as a pebble, leaf, or twig. The marker must be an artificial object. If you forget and mark with a natural object, it is a 1 stroke penalty.
You can mark your ball at any position around the ball so long as it is marked right next to it. This includes, behind, to the side or in front of the ball. Again, the main issue is to make sure you return the ball to the spot it has been lifted.
If your ball at rest interferes with another player’s line of play, you may be asked to lift your ball out of the way. This can be done in several ways. The club head is often used to measure a span distance. You can first use a ball marker to mark your ball’s location, lift the ball, span from the marker, and replace the marker at its new location. Or you can place the toe of your club head next to the ball, lift the ball and span to a new location, putting your ball down near the heel of the club. Either method is allowed. Again, the main point is when you are ready to play that you get your ball back to its correct location. This can be done by going through the steps in reverse. A tip that is helpful is to flip your marker over or do something to remind yourself that you have spanned the ball and that it needs to go back. If for some reason you forget to get your ball back into the correct place it is the general penalty. 2 strokes in Stroke play and Loss of Hole in Match Play.
Hope this helps and helps clarify questions that often arise round marking your ball.
PACE OF PLAY – Tips to play more efficiently (April 2024)
• Park your cart behind the green so as you are exiting, the folks playing behind you may start their pre-shot routine.
In January 2024, several changes were made to the Rules of Handicapping. These changes were made to encourage as many golfers as possible to obtain and maintain a handicap, to enable golfers of all abilities to take their game to different course, to be able to fairly compete, and to indicate the score a golfer is likely to achieve on any course in the world under normal conditions.
Some of the highlights of these changes are as follows:
Please note there are other changes, but these are the ones which will most likely impact you during your play.
With golf being so popular and tee sheets full, it is rare to get out without groups in front of you when you are playing. No one enjoys a marathon round no matter how beautiful the weather or how pleasant the company. Pace of play is an individual responsibility. You need to keep up with the group in front of you. Note that this has NOTHING to do with the group BEHIND you. I am not sure how the concept of being in a position has anything to do with the group behind you. Your position on the course is measured by the group in front.
Many tournaments offer guidelines of “being in position”. You could be considered out of position if:
Rule 5.6b covers Prompt Pace of Play. This rule offers suggestions on how to play at a prompt pace. It is also noted that when it is your turn to play, that you do so within 40 seconds. The player should usually be able to play more quickly and is encouraged to do so. If you are reading this article you may want to look at your watch and let 40 seconds go by. It may surprise you.
A player must not unreasonably delay play, either when playing a hole or between two holes. The player should play at a prompt pace throughout the round, including the time taken to:
A player should prepare in advance for the next stroke and be ready to play when it is his or her turn. In match play, the players may agree that one of them will play out of turn to save time (see Rule 6.4a). In stroke play, players may play “ready golf” in a safe and responsible way (see Rule 6.4b Exception).
Also note that being a high handicap golfer doesn’t necessarily make you a slow golfer. I recently officiated in a tournament where the single digit golfer took 60 seconds for each shot (painful). She played better golf after I put her group on the clock. It may be because she didn’t agonize over every shot and just played with a better rhythm.
Have fun! Enjoy your round!