Chapter Events

  • Register to join the league sub list!

    @ Select the leagues you have interest in subbing for!

    Select one or more leagues that you would like to sub for.  Include your contact information.  Sub fees are listed on our website under the events/ leagues tab.

    It's a great way to experience all of the fabulous course offerings!

    When a league member needs to fill their spot on a specific date, they will contact you directly to set up the schedule and payment. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis by members.


    Details Register here to start or continue to utilize the USGA GHIN system to calculate your handicap. 

  • League Meet and Greet

    @ Western Turnpike Golf Course
    2350 Western Ave, Guilderland, 12009

    Come join us at the Season Opener/League Meet & Greet for a delicious luncheon at THE HEDGE BISTRO at Western Turnpike Golf Course in Guilderland.

    Have Lunch, network with your league and attend a golf clinic to improve your short game!

  • Beginners Golf Clinic Series

    @ Western Turnpike Golf Course

    Sign up for a 5-week beginner golf clinic with PGA professionals at Western Turnpike Golf Course. 

    Week 1 putting, Week 2,3,4 work on the range, week 5 on course session.

    Let's golf!! 

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