Chapter Leagues

LPGA Amateurs/Capital Region NY offers more than 150 player openings at four different skill levels. Our 2024 league schedule is shown in the table below.


Sub Signup

The use of Super Sub Sign-up and the Sub Central System will be discontinued in 2024. 

League captains will provide information regarding subs for the 2025 season. 

2025 League Schedule

The Chapter has 14 leagues starting play the last week in April

Note: Pricing adjustments may occur as some courses have not established 2025 rates.

Please note: League members  and subs must be paid-up Chapter members and must meet the minimum skill guidelines for their league. Scroll down this page to Player Skill Guidelines for more information. Intermediate through Advanced leagues require that members have a current handicap index, based on posting of scores in a timely fashion. As an alternative, a player may submit a Golf League Skills Attestation form or present a statement from a golf professional who is familiar with her level of proficiency.  










Sub Fee


Schenectady Muni Monday AM


9:14 am



14 weeks


Apr 28





Schenectady Muni Monday PMF

Mon 5:15 pm General None14 weeks 16Apr 28 $418$28

Stadium Monday

Mon4:52 pmGeneralNone14 weeks20Apr 28$344$23

Freer Park


FridayTBD AMIntermediate40.4 or less16 weeks16Apr 30$TBD$TBD
Capital Hills TuesdayTues3:50 pmIntermediate40.4 or less


14 weeks


20Apr 29$403$27
Old Post RoadWed10:00 amIntermediate40.4 or less16 weeks12May 1$341$20


Hidden Meadows


5:00 pm



14 weeks


May 1






Fairways of Halfmoon



5:06 pm


GeneralNone16 weeks16April 30$427$25


Pheasant Hollow


5:30 pm



16 weeks


May 1



Van PattenThurs10:15 amGeneralNone14 weeks12May 1$388$26
Capital Hills ThursdayThurs4:40 pmAdvanced38.0 or less14 weeks12May 1$403$27


Saratoga Lake Thursday

Thurs 4:30 pmGeneral None 16 weeks 12 May 1 $222$13
Stadium ThursdayThurs5:15 pmGeneral/BeginnerNone14 weeks16May 1$344$23
Schenectady Muni FridayFri4:40 pmIntermediate40.4 or less14 weeks12May 2$364$26

1 Scroll down this page for Player Skill Guidelines. See the Handicap page for handicap information.

2 League fees are posted at the amount known at schedule creation. Members will be billed for any additional fees charged by the courses.

3 League fee includes a small processing fee that covers billing and registration systems utilized to run the Chapter.

Player Skill Guidelines

The following guidelines for player skills will help chapter members select a league that provides a happy playing experience.

Beginner Leagues: Beginner Leagues play at par 3 courses. These leagues are designed to help develop the brand new player, building on familiarity with the basic equipment and rules of golf. Beginner Leagues focus on golf etiquette, ball-striking skills, learning the rules of the game, and pace of play. Beginner leagues' programs may include lessons from golf professionals; members are strongly encouraged to take these or other lessons and clinics before advancing.

Advanced Beginner Leagues: Advanced Beginner Leagues provide a stepping stone to General League participation. Advanced Beginner Leagues may play at par 3 or regulation courses and do not include a lesson component. Members must possess a general knowledge of USGA rules and be able to play Ready Golf.

General Leagues: General Leagues play at regulation courses and provide members with the opportunity to establish a handicap. Members of General Leagues must have at least one season of golfing experience. Each player must possess a general knowledge of USGA rules and must be capable of playing Ready Golf and maintaining the pace of play.

Intermediate Leagues: Intermediate Leagues may play in various formats, casual and/or competitive. Members and subs must have an established handicap index of 40.4 or less. To sign up for an Intermediate League, you must provide proof of handicap index via copy of a recent card, web site printout, or verifiable registration number from the USGA HIN system (or GN21, available on a legacy basis for existing participants).  As an alternative, a player may submit a Golf League Skills Attestation or present a statement from a golf professional who is familiar with her level of proficiency. Alternative attestations are subject to review by the Chapter Golf Director and league captain(s).  

Advanced Leagues: Advanced Leagues play weekly competitive matches. Members and subs must have an established handicap index of 38.0 or less. To sign up for an Advanced League, you must provide proof of handicap index via copy of a recent card, web site printout, or verifiable registration number from the USGA GHIN system (or GN21, available on a legacy basis for existing participants). As an alternative, a player may submit a Golf League Skills Attestation form or present a statement from a golf professional who is familiar with her level of proficiency. Alternative attestations are subject to review by the Chapter Golf Director and league captain(s).

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