@ Tee it Up Canton Indoor Golf Course in Stark County, OH 7976 Whipple Ave, NW, North Canton, H 44720
Our open golf this year has been such a success that we are looking at extending the opportunity to golf during the off season. Indoors of course!
WHERE: Tee It Up Canton
Indoor golf course in Stark County, Ohio
7976 Whipple Ave NW, North Canton, OH 44720
WHEN: Tuesday nights 6pm-8pm
January 7 and 21
February 4 and 18
March 4 and 18
COST: $90 for all 6 / $15 for each time
Maximum for each night is 12 players. If you pre-pay for all 6 sessions, you will automatically be included. If you decide to pay as you go - an email will be sent out prior to each session asking for an RSVP ahead of time. This will be a first come first served. After we reach 12, you will be put on a wait list, in case someone cancels and can't make it.
Please let us know if you want to be included on the list as pre-pay or pay as you go as soon as possible - NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 14.
Please email commitment to Patty Wolfe no later than November14 at kramdog2@aol.com
More specific details to be announced in an upcoming email.
@ Arrowhead Golf Club and Banquet Center 1500 Rogwin Cir SW North Canton, Oh 44720
Join us on Sunday, March 23rd, for a fun-filled Kickoff Luncheon to announce all of the great events planned for our 2025 golf season! Cost is $45 for members and guests and includes catered lunch, speaker, and prizes. Cash bar available. New member incentives.
@ Mill Creek GC – North Course, 1 W Golf Dr, Boardman, OH 44512 (Friday, July 25) Avalon Buhl Park GC, 1030 Forker Blvd, Hermitage, PA 16148 (Saturday, July 26)
Join Canton and Cleveland members for a Stay and Play Friday, July 25 and Saturday, July 26. Friday – 1st Course (Mill Creek Golf Course) - tee times start 12:50 Cost for two rounds and golf, breakfast and a shared double room is $239 pp. Deadline to register/pay for this package is June 23. HOW TO PAY: • Or via the website - https://www.pennohiogolftrail.com/payments Important information your group members must know when registering: If your are unable to find a roommate, please let Deb Kandel at debbiegolfs@gmail.com know and she will keep a list to pair you with someone, if possible. NOTE: If you do not wish to stay overnight, you can register directly with the above contacts at Penn Ohio Golf Trail for either, or both rounds of golf, with no hotel stay. Special requests should be handled via phone, versus paying online. |