2025 Weeknight Leagues
Please note: You must become a member of LPGA Amateurs to participate. If you have any questions, email: lpgaamateurscanton@gmail.com.
Monday Nights - Arrowhead Golf Club
1500 Rogwin Circle SW, North Canton, Ohio 44720
Nine holes of play each week, Tee times start 6:00
Monday league is an individual play, pay as you go league – no subs needed
League play is May 5 through August 25
Greens fees are pay as you go (no upfront fees)
Nine Hole Greens fees: $31 with cart, $19 walking
May purchase a cart card for $105 for 10 carts.
League Director Dee Diana, Cell Phone: 330-880-6861 Email: ddiana@sssnet.com
Arrowhead League Participation Details:
We are looking to grow our new league. Guests are welcome – after participating twice they will need to join as a member of the Canton Chapter.
***Specific league rules / contest information to be provided later and to be shared by email***
Arrowhead League Rules:
CLICK HERE to review and print the Arrowhead League rules.
Tuesday Nights - Chenoweth Golf Course
3087 Chenoweth Road, Akron, Ohio
Nine holes of play each week
League Director: Janet Brunecz Cell Phone: 330-412-5415 - Email: janet11648@gmail.com
Tuesday league format is partner play. Partners can be requested or be matched by the league director.
League play begins May 6 and ends September 2. Practice rounds April 1 - 29.
Cost: $330.00 for golf (18 weeks included) - Cart $8.00/9 holes per week, payable at course - Full golf payment of $330 is due to Chenoweth on April 1, along with league roster.
NOTE: Chenoweth League Golf Fees can be paid at Kickoff. Or mail check: Checks payable to EWGA Canton, 2501 Amherst Ave NW Massillon Ohio 44646
On league day you can play 9 holes before league for $18. Just call for a tee time.
Tee times begin at approximately 4:30 PM on front and back nines. Please be at the tee 10 minutes before you are scheduled to tee off.
Actual league play will start May 6. Since April weather is unpredictable we will have practice rounds during April, with tee times beginning at 4:30. We hope to have 18 weeks of league which will take us to September 2nd, but can actually play until September 30th which allows for a few rainouts. Once we complete our 18 league nights, we will have 2 nights of fun play - a scramble and another event TBD. These events are optional. Those that are interested can continue to play through September 30th, even if league play is completed.
If we have a cancellation due to weather or if the course is determined to be unplayable we will not receive rainchecks.
Practice rounds can be played each Tuesday until the end of April - tee times beginning at 4:30 pm.
All rainouts are decided at the course, so you have to show up unless you are notified by text that league is canceled.
2 points received per hole won (using your league handicap)
1 point received for both players if the net score for the hole is tied
2 points received per match won (low net for 9 holes)
20 total points are possible for 9 holes per player (40 per team)
*Scorecards will reflect dots received per hole using league handicaps starting week 3.
Highest league handicap will be 25.League standings will be emailed to you starting week 3. The league standings are based upon the total points earned in the season. The team with the most points at the end of the league play is the Champion. Prizes for first and second place are awarded at the Closing Day Event. Your league handicap will be updated weekly, based on your league play.
Subs: A sub list will be provided to all players on the schedule. Players may choose to do one of the following:
The League Director must be notified of the choice you make before the round begins on the day of league play. If notification is not made you will receive 0 points for that evening. When this occurs, your opponent will receive 10 points plus extra points for achieving scores that are below par after subtracting their handicap.
Every week, we collect “Putt Money”. The idea is to donate 5 cents for each putt per week. In general, everyone puts in $1.00 per 9 holes or $20 may be donated at any time during the season. All money will be donated to a high school girls golf team in the area.
There will be a weekly fun game each night of league play.
Chenoweth League Rules:
CLICK HERE to review and print the Chenoweth League rules.
1621 E. Bailey Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, Oh 44221 | Phone: 330-971-8416
Nine holes of play each week, Tee times start 5:45
Wednesday league is an individual play, pay as you go league – no subs needed
League play is May 7 through August 27 - After League Get Together - September 4 – 5:30pm – Place TBD
Greens fees are pay as you go (no upfront fees)
Nine Hole Greens fees: $22 with cart, $15 walking
League Director Debbie Kandel, Cell Phone: 330-962-6521 Email: debbiegolfs@gmail.com
Brookledge League Participation Details:
We are looking to grow our new league. Guests are welcome – after participating twice they will need to join as a member of the Canton Chapter.
***Specific league rules / contest information to be provided later and to be shared by email***
Brookledge League Rules:
CLICK HERE to review and print the Brookledge League rules.