Chapter Policies

LPGA Amateurs Code of Conduct

LPGA Amateur Golf Association members share the responsibility of demonstrating exemplary conduct, sportsmanship, respect, and courtesy at all times when participating in LPGA Amateurs events and conducting LPGA Amateurs business. Behavior contrary to this is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. LPGA Amateur Golf Association members are reminded that they represent the LPGA, including LPGA Tour Players, LPGA Professionals, Girls Golf, and fellow LPGA Amateurs’ members.

Consequences for a breach in the code of conduct are based on the past history of the member’s conduct and the severity of the situation. Examples of a breach in the Code of Conduct by an LPGA Amateurs member that may result in consequences include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Use of profanity, either in frustration or directed toward another individual
  • Inappropriate, derogatory, disrespectful, or abusive language/gestures
  • Disruptive or distracting behavior
  • Making threats of any kind, including physical attacks or damage to property
  • Throwing of equipment or other items
  • Intentionally causing damage to the golf course, objects on course property or facility
  • Use of cell phone / electronic device for purposes other than those permitted by the Rules
  • Other unbecoming or inappropriate conduct as determined by the LPGA Amateur Golf Association
Code of Conduct Consequences:
  • First breach: Verbal warning
  • Second breach: Written warning
  • Third breach: Member is put on probation for 3 months
  • Fourth breach or serious misconduct: Suspension of membership for 6 months (No participation allowed at local or association-wide events and activities)
  • Fifth breach or serious misconduct: Termination of membership
Code of Conduct Consequences at Local and Association-wide Competitive Events:
  • First breach: Verbal warning
  • Second breach: One-stroke penalty
  • Third breach: General penalty (two penalty strokes or loss of hole in match play)
  • Fourth breach or any serious misconduct: Disqualification
*The LPGA Amateur Golf Association™ has the authority to assess consequences and/or revoke a membership at any time if serious misconduct occurs.

Information regarding the suspension and termination of membership, and the appeal process can be found in the LPGA Amateurs Member Terms and Conditions.

Chapter Event Release and Indemnification Agreement

By participating in an event being sponsored by the Rochester Region, NY Chapter of the LPGA Amateurs Association, and as a condition of being permitted to do so, I agree to be bound by the following conditions, terms and release, whether the event is golf-related or social nature. 

I understand that golf is a sport requiring physical exertion, and may involve other individuals, flying projectiles, motorized vehicles and other unknown, unanticipated or unpredicted risks and or hazards, that may expose me to the risks of serious injury, permanent disability, or even death. I am fully aware of, and I assume, these risks.

I understand that the Chapter may or may not provide me with any assistance, guidance or training in the sport or the rules of the game and/or golf course being played, but that the Chapter’s providing such (or not doing so) in no way affects, alters or modifies the terms I am agreeing to here under.

I recognize that the Chapter cannot control the conditions of the golf course; nor control the conduct of other individuals playing at the golf course or employees/staff on the golf course, or any other individuals (including other Event participants) or uninvited guests; nor otherwise reduce any risk to which I may be subject during any time period I am playing golf.

I acknowledge and recognize that my participation in the Event is voluntary, and I undertake it at my own choosing and with a full understanding and awareness of the risks that it poses to me and to others.

I also certify that I am in adequate physical condition and fully capable of playing the game and undertaking any tasks that I choose to perform.

I recognize that LPGA Women Who Play is an inclusive organization that operates by a set of guiding beliefs known as the LPGA Women Who Play Diversity Statement and LPGA Women Who Play Core Values.  These fundamental principles outline the behavior that is expected of me.

Accordingly, I hereby release and forever discharge  the Chapter and the LPGA Amateurs Golf Association, and their respective  officers, directors, agents, and employees, acting officially or otherwise, from all liability, claims, demands, damages, expenses, actions or causes of action, resulting from my injury, disability, or death that may occur as a result of my participating in the Event  or growing out of the negligence of misconduct of others, including but not limited to: other individuals playing at the golf course or employees/staff on the golf course, or any other individuals (including other  Event participants )  or uninvited guests; and I hereby indemnify and hold  the Chapter and LPGA Amateurs harmless with respect to any and all damages, claims, and other expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by  the Chapter and LPGA Amateurs in connection with any lawsuit related to my actions.

I further declare and represent that I have read and understand this release and that I have executed this release freely and voluntarily, and entirely upon my own initiative, and intend to assume all risk and responsibility for my actions.

LPGA Amateurs Non-Discrimination and Harassment-Free Policy

LPGA Amateurs Golf Association Chapters are run by LPGA Amateur members serving as volunteers and do not have employees. 

LPGA Amateurs maintains and enforces a policy that prohibits discrimination against any member because of gender, race, age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, religion, status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, or other category protected by federal, state or local law.

LPGA Amateurs expects all members to conduct themselves in accordance with the LPGA Amateurs Diversity Statement and the LPGA Amateurs Core Values.

LPGA Amateurs Core Values

The Association operates with a set of Core Values that define the expected conduct of everyone associated with the LPGA Amateurs.  They set a code of conduct for all Association and Chapter operations. LPGA Amateurs believes in and conducts itself according to the values embodied by the game of golf: Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Honor, Sportsmanship, Fun and Friendship.

LPGA Amateurs is dedicated to:

  • Inclusiveness and diversity; golf is for all
  • Golf as an important asset for women in business
  • Volunteer service
  • Mentoring and support for new golfers
  • Advancement of skills for all golfers
  • Making a difference in women’s golf
  • Professionalism in our operations and relationships

LPGA Amateurs Diversity Statement

LPGA Amateurs strives for an inclusive membership with full participation, regardless of race, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, career choice or golf ability.  LPGA Amateurs believes that the practice of valuing and celebrating diversity will strengthen the status of women and that it is vital to our organization’s vision and mission.

LPGA Amateurs' policy recommends that members promptly report discrimination and harassment to the LPGA Amateurs Golf Association Headquarters.  LPGA Amateurs will conduct a prompt and appropriate investigation of each discrimination or harassment complaint in a manner that is as impartial and confidential as possible.

If discrimination or harassment has occurred, LPGA Amateurs will take steps to stop the discrimination or harassment, and will take disciplinary action against the person responsible, which may include suspension or termination of membership.