Cancellation and Rain Checks
Cancellation and Rain Checks
Communications, Social Media and Website Policies
Electronic communication is essential for our Chapter to share information with members and the general public. This policy outlines the way the Chapter communicates and empowers the Chapter Board to control the use of the many types of communication available. Our communication will be timely, appropriate and related to Chapter business, golf events and activities, as well as other golf events and activities which may be beneficial to members.
One of the benefits of LPGA Amateurs is your access to other women to grow your personal and professional network. Members of the LPGA Amateurs Pittsburgh Chapter are expected to respect the privacy of fellow members and may not use LPGA Amateurs contact information for unsolicited communications.
If you wish to advertise your business or other opportunities through the LPGA Amateurs Pittsburgh Chapter, please contact our Chapter President and inquire about becoming a Chapter Sponsor. We will not publish information that is intended to promote any member’s personal business. Our database of member information will not be shared with any sponsor for intent on promoting their business outside of their sponsorship agreement with our Chapter.
If you have information related to golf activities, news or events, that you would like to share with the membership, please send the information to the Communications Director. If possible, the Communications Director will determine which is the best way to publish your information (from our communication methods) as long as the information is pertinent to our members and follows the guidelines in this policy and any guidelines established by LPGA Amateurs National. The Communication Director, along with the Board, maintains the right to choose what will and what will not be published via our Chapter.
We expect our members to conduct themselves appropriately when using electronic communication to share information or post material on our social media site or when posting information on other social media sites when representing LPGA Amateurs.
We use a range of electronic tools to communicate with our members providing Chapter news and information to keep members up to date on Chapter events and activities. We will also share other golf related information with our members if we deem it would be beneficial to our members.
Our communication will protect members’ privacy, maintain clear boundaries and ensure that bullying and harassment does not occur.
Our Communications Director provides accountability and control over material published on our website and any related discussion groups or social media sites following guidelines established by LPGA Amateurs National and this policy.