
Do I need a golf handicap? Maybe. Probably. Definitely. There’s lots of good reasons to have a handicap:

  • It allows you to play the game on an even playing field with other golfers of any ability.
  • It shows you how your game is improving over time.
  • It allows you to enter competitions. (even some of the really fun tournaments require a handicap)
  • You have an answer to “So, what’s your handicap?”

LPGA Amateurs Pittsburgh members can establish or renew a GHIN handicap through the Western Pennsylvania Golf Association (WPGA). Information about 2025 handicaps will be available soon.

Western Pennsylvania Handicap posting season starts on April 1st and ends on November 14th. If you play a course in a region that has a different posting season, for example in Florida, you can post your score from that course when you play it.

Members who sign up for their handicap through WPGA will also enjoy all the benefits of being a member of the Western Pennsylvania Golf Association!

Please email any specific Handicap questions to the Chapter Handicap Chairs, Becki Matscherz or Greer Lowry.

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