Chapter News & Announcements
  • Chapter News
    Chapter News

  • Chapter News - June Updates
    Chapter News - June Updates

  • Chapter News - June

    Chapter News - June

  • Chapter News - May
    Chapter News - May

  • Kick Off 2024

    Our annual Kick Off was held on Saturday, April 8, at Mallard Creek GC.   The event began with  a golf simulator competition, "swap meet", sponsor Karla Caton of KD's Crafts selling her beautiful golf accessories followed by lunch and President Helen Oshaben sharing details of the upcoming season.  Speakers were teaching Pro Pam Stefanik  (440-991-6117) sharing tips,  followed by sponsor Marcia Frankino of Style-In LLC demonstrated her skills as a personal stylist with golf clothing going from course to cocktails.  Sponsor Mike Koler of the Koler Financial Group attended and donated Dick's gift cards which were raffled off along with two certificates for TeeTimes golf pass books.  Following the event, some braver soles ventured out for a round of golf in cool but sunny weather.  A special thanks to members Olga Merela and Kristen Davis from the Events Committee for their planning, and all who helped and participated in this fun event!  

  • Kick-Off & Upcoming SPECIAL Events

    Kick-Off & Upcoming SPECIAL Events

  • News From Chapter - January 2024

    News From Chapter - January 2024

  • News from Cleveland Chapter - Our President's Thoughts - Gratitude & Fun
    A special message from President, Helen Oshaben

  • January Chili Open & Keynote Speaker

  • News from Cleveland Chapter - December 2023
    News from Cleveland Chapter - December 2023 - New League & Sponsor Spotlight

  • Stay & Play Weekend 2023.

    19 members enjoyed a fun filled weekend trip to play The Virtues GC and Eaglesticks GC with an overnight in Zanesville, OH.  The weather, beautiful hilly courses and laughs made it a memorable weekend.

    Virtues Course

    1st place, 2 score low net team – Lisa Bizjak, Donna Byrnes, Leigh Murray, Wendy Shick – score of 136
    2nd place, 2 score low net team – Kristen Davis, Nancy DeVault, Olga Merela, Jan Slaughter – score of 141
    Low putts – Olga Merela – score of 33

    Eaglesticks Course

    1st place, 2 score low net team – Denise Andres, Pat Blackmon, Eileen McCarthy, Gloria Merritt – score of 125
    2nd place, 2 score low net team – Lisa Bizjak, Carolyn Caplan, Leigh Murray, Donna Schreiber – score of 133Low putts – Leigh Murray – score of 30

    Special Awards

    Chris Kutsko – best score ever golfed
    Eileen McCarthy – best story, 2 eagles with hole outs from 80 and 100 yds
    Judy Anderson – high putts

  • Year End Event 2023 Summary

    Year End Results

    36 golfers gathered at Tanglewood Golf Club in on September 22. We all traveled to the southeast section of the area for a 9:00 a.m. shotgun start. The weather was perfect for this late in the season. All enjoyed a nice dinner and plenty of door prizes. Everyone received a golf-themed wristlet bag. A big thanks to Helen Oshaben, and Carolyn Caplan for organizing a great day!!

    Also, a special thanks for all those who contributed to the amazing array of gift baskets we were able to raffle off and provide door prizes for each attendee.  The proceeds from raffles help offset costs for hosting events.  Contributors were: LPGA Amateurs Cleveland Board members Helen Oshaben, Wendy Shick, Mary Beth Breckenridge, Olga Merela, Carolyn Caplan, Susan Curtis and Karla Maschmeier; Seneca, Grantwood and Springvale Golf Courses; Course Directors Bonnie Kolalski & Mary Beth Breckenridge;  Koler Financial Group; KD’s Crafts; AFLAC; Marcia Frankino - Style Consultant; Terry Baxter; Fern Grunberger; Donna Simons; Kristin Davis; Donna Byrnes; Windmill Training Center; Knuth’s; Lobster Pot Restaurant; Beach Club Bistro and Aladdin’s Restaurant.

    Besides tons of skill shots, raffle prizes and a 50/50, this year Deb Solyan ran a "betting contest" on a par three.  Make a bet and if you got on the green you got double your bet back.  

    Deb Warman of the Springvale won the Most Improved Golfer award for 2022 based on her reduction in handicap – from 18.8 to 15.5. Unfortunately, Deb wasn’t able to attend and missed hearing her applause. Deb is in as a spectator at the Solheim Cup.

    For the 50-50 drawing, the board decided to pull two names and return all the money to the members. That means we had a 100-0. Shauna Campbell and Susan Curtis were the lucky winners.

    The following were flight winners – 1st and 2nd in each category. First place received $50 and second place received $30. Low putts received $25.

    Flight 1 – Gross

    1st – Missy Gedeon – 79
    2nd – Eileen McCarthy – 88
    Missy Gedeon – low putts 27

    Flight 1 – Net

    1st – Jen Moissis – 70
    2nd – Pat Blackmon – 73

    Flight 2 – Gross

    1st – Rosanne Fiorilli – 84
    2nd – Lisa Bizjak – 92
    Mary Beth Breckenridge - low putts 34

    Flight 2 – Net

    1st – Kristina Paskonis – 70
    2nd – Olga Merela – 73

    Flight 3 – Gross

    1st – Babs Liber – 98
    2nd – Shauna Campbell – 99
    Kathy Lang – low putts 35

    Flight 3 – Net

    1st – Deanne Lewis - 65
    2nd – Terri Lanzara – 70

    Flight 4 – Gross

    1st – Deborah Griswold – 105
    2nd – Marcia Frankino – 110
    Darlene Hillis – low putts 36

    Flight 4 – Net

    1st – Denise Hagestrom – 66
    2nd – Kathryn Kreps-Valentine - 68

    Skill Shots $20

    #1 – Long putt – Lisa Bizjak
    #2 – Long drive, Flight 1 – Missy Gedeon
    #2 – Long drive, Flight 2 – Kristen Davis
    #2 – Long drive, Flight 3 – Terri Lanzara, Carolyn Caplan
    #2 – Long drive, Flight 4 – Chris Kutsko, Kristina Paskonis
    #7 – Closest to pin, tee shot – Nicky Sulandari
    #8 – Closest to pin, any shot – Helen Oshaben
    #11 – Closest to pin, 2nd shot – Heidi Gallaher
    #16 – Closest to pin, tee shot – Ann Shamess
    #17 – Closest to pin, any shot – Missy Gedeon


    Flight 1 – Pat Blackmon (3) - $24: Missy Gedeon, Wendy Shick (2) - $14: Bonnie Kowalski, Eileen McCarthy, Jen Moissis, Cindy Trefny (1) - $7

    Flight 2 – Lisa Bizjak, Mary Beth Breckenridge, Rosanne Fiorilli (2) $20: Kristen Davia, Heidi Gallaher  (1) $10

    Flight 3 – Carolyn Caplan (2) - $30: Shauna Campbell, Kathy Lang, Deanna Lewis, Babs Liber (1) - $15

    Flight 4 – Loretta Robertson (2) - $20: Marcia Frankino, Darlene Hillis, Kathryn Krep-Valentine, Helen Oshaben, Sandy Sieman (1) - $10




  • Kick Off 2023
    Despite the weather that did not allow us to golf, we had a great time at the 2023 Kick Off at Pine Ridge Golf Course.  A swap meet was held to exchange/sell golf items with left over donations going to the First Tee at the Cleveland MetroParks Washington Golf Course.  The lunch was terrific and updates on our upcoming season were reviewed.  Looking forward to a great season!


  • Cleveland Metroparks Golf Promotion

  • Year End 2022 Results

    Year End 2022 Results

    45 golfers gathered at Bunker Hill Golf Course in on September 17. We all woke up early for the 7:30 a.m. shotgun start. The course was beautiful as the fog lifted and the sun warmed us up. All enjoyed a nice dinner and plenty of door prizes. Everyone received a LPGA backpark. A big thanks for Mary Beth Breckenridge, our events guru, for a fine day !!

    Kelli Chronister of the Sleepy Hollow league won the Most Improved Golfer award for 2022 based on her reduction in handicap – from 17.6 to 14.2. Unfortunately, Kelli wasn’t able to attend and missed hearing her applause. It is believed Kelli may be the first person to repeat with this award.

    For the 50-50 drawing, the board decided to pull two names and return all the money to the members. That means we had a 100-0. Terry Lanzara and Mary Beth Breckenridge were the lucky winners.

    The following were flight winners – 1st and 2nd in each category. First place received $50 and second place received $30. Low putts received $25.

    Flight 1 – Gross
    1st – Wendy Shick – 81
    2nd – Eileen McCarthy – 88
    Wendy Shick – low putts 31

    Flight 1 – Net
    1st – Terry Baxter – 73
    2nd – Jo Dangel – 76

    Flight 2 – Gross
    1st – Kit Quigley – 92
    2nd – Diane Kovachik – 96
    Susan Curtis - low putts 32

    Flight 2 – Net
    1st – Susan Curtis – 72
    2nd – Lori Spencer – 74

    Flight 3 – Gross
    1st – Debbie Kandel – 99
    2nd – Susan Glander – 101
    Debbie Kandel – low putts 32

    Flight 3 – Net
    1st – Debbie McCreery – 71
    2nd – Terry Lanzara – 76

    Flight 4 – Gross
    1st – Deanne Lewis – 110
    2nd – Loretta Robertson – 121 (tie breaker)
    Kathy Valentine – low putts 31

    Flight 4 – Net
    1st – Kathy Valentine – 72
    2nd – Debbie Griswold - 82

    Skill Shots $20

    #1 – Closest to pin, any shot – Helen Oshaben (chip in)
    #3 – Long drive, Flights 1 and 2 – Marlayna Jacinto
    #3 – Long drive, Flights 3 and 4 – Debbie Kandel
    #6 – Long putt – Donna Byrnes
    #13 – Closest to pin, any shot – Chris Kutsko
    #15 – Closest to pin, 2nd shot – Lisa Holland
    #16 – Long putt – Olga Merela
    #18 – Closest to pin, any shot – Sandy Sieman


    Flight 1 – Terry Baxter, Wendy Shick (2) - $40: Jen Moisses, Eileen McCarthy (1) - $20

    Flight 2 – Susan Curtis (3) $37, Allison Morrow (2) $25: Mary Hazlett, Kristen Taylor-Billups, Diane Kovachick, Kit Quigley(1) - $12

    Flight 3 – Susan Glander (5) - $30: Debbie Kandel (4) - $24: Debbie McCreery (1) - $6

    Flight 4 – Loretta Robertson (3) - $35: Donna Byrnes (2) $23: Denise Andres, Helen Oshaben (1) - $11





    A HOT weather day was on tap for the 2022 Course Challenge at Ridgewood Golf Course on 8-20 - we had a great showing of 32 golfers. The golfers from the “East” courses (Grantwood, Manakiki, Pine Ridge) grabbed the Course Challenge title. The East team consisted of Judy Anderson, Terry Baxter, Kirsten Taylor-Billups, Joi Boyd, Janet Burnside, Donna Byrnes, Nancy Cetina, Rosanne Fiorilli, Sue Glander, Mary Hazlett, Claire Labaj, Terri Lanzara, Olga Merela, Helen Oshaben, Wendy Shick, Sandy Sieman, Janet Slaughter, Peg Walsh, Diane Ward and Samantha Wright.

    The format for play was two-person teams. The first 9 holes was best ball format in which both players played their own ball and used the lower score. The second 9 holes was a scramble. After play on the course, the golfers had a putting contest from 10 ft, 20 ft and 30 ft.

    The East golfers pulled out the win by scoring well in the putting contest. In the putting contest, East finished 1-2-2 with Nancy Cetina accumulating only 33 inches. Janet Slaughter and Terry Baxter added 64 inches. For the golf portion, Terri Lanzara and Judy Anderson finished first in low net with a 62. Wendy Shick and Claire Labaj had 64 and Rosanne Fiorilli and Terry Baxter shot net 65.

    Other award winners were:
    Terri Lanzara and Judy Anderson – low net team with 62.

    Wendy Shick and Claire Labaj – 2nd low net team with 64 (tie breaker)
    Nancy Cetina – best putter in the putting contest

    Skill shot winners:
    Long putt – Olga Merela, Donna Byrnes

    Closest to Pin – Cindy Darwal, Sue Glander

    Closest to Pin-Any shot off green – Kirsten Taylor-Billups, Cindy Darwal

    Long drive- Terry Baxter

    Closest to pin on 2nd shot – Rosanne Fiorilli

    Special thank you for workers at the event: Olga Merela and Mary Hazlett for registration, putting contest – Terry Baxter, Lisa Bizjak, Susan Curtis, Rosanne Fiorelli, scoring – Claire Labaj and Wendy Shick.

  • Cleveland Member has Hole-in-One in Ireland!

    Member Peggy Allen scored a hole in one on a trip with her husband to Ireland in June.  After the airlines damaged her golf club, her husband piece together some rental clubs.  Peggy said "It was hole #10 at Carne GC, in Ireland.  Played it on 7/10/22. Our caddie was priceless. He said aim a little right and hit it about 90 yards (118yd hole). My husband, our caddie and I all screamed for joy when it rolled in. It is my first HIO and only the second one our caddie had witnessed. And to do it with rental clubs--what fun!"

  • All Ohio Team Photos 2022

    Deborah Halsey - CLE
    Carol Oglesbee - CLE
    Cindy Nye - COL
    Melanie Domyan - COL

    Deborah Vivas - Guest
    Melissa Smith - CLE
    Kirsten Taylor-Billups - CLE
    Janet Burnecz - CAN

    Denise Andres - CLE
    Gloria Merritt - CLE
    Missy Gedeon - CLE
    Laura Traganza - CAN

    Denise Balint - Guest
    Donna Schreiber- CLE
    Janis Longbottom- CIN
    Anne Noschang - CIN

    Haydee Weddleton - CLE
    Amy Wentz - COL
    Jana HIghway - COL
    Karen Hudson - COL

    Janet Burnside - CLE
    Nicky Sulandari - CLE
    Roxane Durant - Guest

    Laura Cass- CLE
    Nancy Kinney - CLE
    Buffy Goodale - CIN
    Dina Stier - CLE

    Pat Blackmon - CLE
    Eileen McCarthy - CLE
    Vicki Blake -  CIN
    Marjorie Hull - CIN

    Susan Curtis - CLE
    Elsa Arriola - CLE
    Carolyn Caplan - CLE

    Terry Baxter - CLE
    Rosanne Fiorilli - CLE
    Cyndi Baker - Guest
    Dee Diana - CAN

    Wendy Shick - CLE
    Michelle Minister- COL
    Amy Russell - COL
    Olga Merela - CLE



  • Cleveland Members Advance to LPGA Championship Finals

    Several Cleveland members will be advancing to the LPGA Championship Finals July 29-30 at the Callippe Preserve GC in Pleasanton, CA after their wins this past weekend in the Northeast Sectionals in Freeport PA at Birdsfoot GC. Members who will advance are: Missy Gedeon - 1st place low net in the 1st Flight, Claire Labaj - 4th low gross in the 1st Flight, Kirsten Taylor-Billups - 4th low gross in the 2nd Flight and Susan Curtis - 3rd low net in the 2nd Flight. Debbie Johns from the Canton Chapter will also advance. Congratulations all!

  • Cleveland Teams are Big Winners at the 2022 LPGA Amateurs Scramble
    We are excited to share that two Cleveland teams we’re BIG winners at the 2022 LPGA Amateurs Scramble Open held at the Geneva National Resort in Lake Geneva , WI. Andy Shimek and Leigh Murray, along with Columbus teammates Lisa McCarthy and Karley Mohler, as team Ohio Bourbon Babes, won overall 2022 Scramble Open Champions!! Cleveland members Kelli Chronister, Diane Kovachik, Jo Dangel and Kristen Miller, as team XtraBrut, won 2nd flight Low Gross. Congratulations winners!

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