Chapter News & Announcements
  • Year End 2021

    Year End Results

    55 golfers gathered at Legend Lake Golf Club in Chardon on September 24. We all packed our rain gear the night before and hoped for a miracle. Well….we did get it and the rain stayed away. We had a cool start but warmed up for a beautiful Fall-weather day. All enjoyed a nice dinner and plenty of door prizes. Everyone received a new golf show bag. A big thanks for Mary Beth Breckenridge, our events guru, for a fine day!!

    Elizabeth Bryson of the Springvale league won the Most Improved Golfer award for 2021 based on her reduction in handicap – from 37.2 to 31.5. Unfortunately, Elizabeth wasn’t able to attend and missed hearing her applause.  

    For the 50-50 drawing, the board decided to pull two names and return all the money to the members. That means we had a 100-0. Laurie Schroeder was asked to pull the first ticket – and it was her own number. Diane Ward was the other winner.

    The following were flight winners – 1st and 2nd in each category. First place received $50 and second place received $30. Low putts received $25.

    Flight 1 – Gross
    1st - Claire Labaj
    – 85
    2nd – Missy Gedeon
    – 87
    Claire Labaj
    – low putts 31

    Flight 1 – Net
    1st – Terry Baxter
    – 71
    2nd – Pat Blackmon
    – 73

    Flight 2 – Gross

    1st - Lisa Bizjak – 100
    2nd – Mary Hazlett – 105
    Donna Schreiber - low putts 31

    Flight 2 – Net
    1st – Donna Schreiber
    – 75
    2nd – Mary Beth Breckenridge
    – 81

    Flight 3 – Gross

    1st – Haydee Weddleton – 101
    2nd – Deb Solyan –
    105 (tie breaker)
    Haydee Weddleton
    – low putts 30

    Flight 3 – Net
    1st – Ann Shamess
    – 72
    2nd – Kirsten Taylor-Billups
    – 78

    Flight 4 – Gross
    1st – Karla Maschmeier
    – 111
    2nd – Carolyn Caplan
    - 120
    Teri Lanzara
    – low putts 36 (tie breaker)

    Flight 4 – Net
    1st – Jess Powell
    – 73
    2nd – Loretta Robertson
    - 77

    Skill Shots $10
    #1 – Closest to pin, any shot -  Deb Warman
    #8 – Long putt – Darlene Hillis
    #11 – Long drive, Flights 1 and 2 – Allison Morrow
    #11 – Long drive, Flights 3 and 4 – Laurie Schroeder
    #13 – Closest to pin, any shot – Kit Quigley
    #16 – Closest to pin, 2nd shot – Ashley Turner

    Flight 1 – Terry Baxter (2) - $66: Claire Labaj (1) - $34
    Flight 2 – Mary Hazlett, Allison Morrow, Kit Quigley (2) $30: Lisa Bizjak, Samantha Wright (1) - $15
    Flight 3 – Haydee Weddleton (4) - $34: Susan Curtis, Ann Shamess, Deb Solyan  (2) - $15: Gloria Merritt, Laurie Schroeder, Kirsten Taylor-Billups (1) - $7
    Flight 4 – Jess Powell (4) - $45: Carolyn Caplan, Teri Lanzara (2) $22: Darlene Hillis (1) - $11

  • Travel League September 11, 2021
    Travel League at Ridgetop GC in Medina - September 11, 2021
    Stunning weather and tricky pin placements were the rule of the day when travel league headed south. 
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  • Course Challenge 2021


    A HOT weather day was on tap for the 2021 Course Challenge at Ridgewood Golf Course on 8-28 - we had a great showing of 30 golfers. The golfers from the “West” courses (Briarwood, Sleepy Hollow, Springvale) grabbed the Course Challenge title. The West team consisted of Lisa Bizjak, Peggy Brown, June Chung, Susan Curtis, Terri Lanzara, Michele Lawson, Margaret Lynch, Mary Murphy, Kit Quigley, Donna Schreiber, Ann Shamess and Dina Stier.

    The format for play was two-person teams. The first 9 holes was best ball format in which both players played their own ball and used the lower score. The second 9 holes was a scramble. After play on the course, the golfers had a putting contest from 10 ft, 20 ft and 30 ft.

    The West golfers pulled out the win by beating the East by 1 point. For the golf portion, Ann Shamess and Terri Lanzara were 2nd with an excellent score of 60. Susan Curtis and Llsa Bizjak carded a 62 and Kit Quigley and Peggy Brown plus June Chung and Donna Schreiber finished with 64s. In the putting contest, West finished 1-3-5 with Lisa Bizjak, Mary Murphy and Michele Lawson performing the best for the West.

    Other award winners were:
    Clare Labaj and Wendy Shick – low gross team with 74.
    Janet Slaughter and Haydee Weddleton – low net team with 58.
    Lisa Bizjak – best putter in the putting contest.
    Mary Murphy
    – best putter with the vintage putter.

    Skill shot winners:
    Long putt – Donna Schreiber, Haydee Weddleton
    Closest to Pin – Rosanne Fiorelli, Terry Baxter
    Closest to Pin-Any shot off green – Kit Quigley, Donna Schreiber
    Long drive- Elizabeth Mahla
    Closest to Pin on 2nd shot – June Chung

    Special thank you for workers at the event: Ann Shamess for registration, putting contest – Terry Baxter, Lisa Bizjak, Susan Curtis, Rosanne Fiorelli, scoring – Claire Labaj and Wendy Shick.

    Awards were presented by Babe Zaharias (Wendy Shick) and Patty Berg (Claire Labaj) in clothing similar to the 1950s normal golf attire. Both Babe Zaharias and Patty Berg played in an LPGA tournament in 1950 on the course.

  • All-Ohio 2021
    All-Ohio was held this year at Mohican Hills Golf Course in Jeromesville, Oh.  Attendees came from Cleveland, Canton and Columbus Chapters to enjoy a great day of golf. 

    Winning teams were:
    1st place:  Laura Cass, Nancy Kinnett, Terry Baxter, Rosanne Fiorilli
    2nd place: Jana Highwart, Karen Hudson, Debbie Kandel, Leigh Murray
    3rd place: Amy Wentz, Janet Brunecz, Wendy Shick, Clare Labaj
    Winner of Trivia Game:
    Melanie Domyan, Cindy Nye, Janet Burnside, Cindy Darwal
    Skill Prizes:
    Longest Putt - Donna Byrnes
    Longest Putt - Laura Cass
    Long drive (flight 2) - Toni Brooks
    Closest to the pin (flight 2) - Cathy Bregar
    Closest to the pin on 2nd shot (flight 2) - Janet Brunecz
    Long drive (flight 1) - Terry Baxter
    Closest to the pin on 2nd shot (flight 1) - Michelle Moulos
    Closest to the pin (flight 1) - Terry Baxter
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  • Chapter Championship July 24, 2021
    Chapter Championship 2021 was held at beautiful Boulder Creek Golf Club on July 24.  The winners were:
    1st place - Laura Cass, Jen Moissis, Nancy Kinnett, Terry Baxter - net 60.7
    2nd place -Cindy Trefny, Mary Jane Boyle, Allyson Clifford, Jennifer Storey - net 63.6
    1st  Flight
    Low gross - Brooke Hamilton (gross 81)
    Low net - Missy Gedeon ( net 80)
    2nd Flight
    Low gross - Peggy Allen (gross 95)
    Low net - Kirsten Taylor-Billups (net 81)
    2nd low net - Susan Curtis (net 85)
    3rd Flight
    Low gross - Carol Dietz (gross 76)
    Low net - Donna Byrnes (net 82)
    2nd low net - Sandy Sieman (net 90)
    Mary, Brooke, MissyMichele, Donna,Peggy and Kirsten
    Janet, can’t remember her name, Susan and Ann  Margaret, Joi, Donna and Carol
     Scramble team four  Scramble team one
     Scramble team two  Scramble team three

  • Traveling League Plays Hilliard Lakes GC
    We had a great turnout for Hilliard Lakes on Saturday, June 5 with 16 participants traveling to play.  The game was low putts and Lisa Bizjak was the winner!  Watch your email blasts for the next course to be played in early July and join the fun.  All that is needed is an RSVP!


  • Team X-tra Brut Competes in Scramble Open at Pinehurst
    Captain Kelli Chronister and team members Jo Dangel, Diane Kovachik and Kristen Miller participated in the LPGA Amateurs Scramble Open at Pinehurst, NC May 28 & 29 and placed 4th in the Second Flight. Congratulations to team X-tra Brut on their great performance!


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