Chapter News & Announcements
  • Lone Star Cup Try-outs
    Lone Star Cup will be held in Fort Worth at the Rockwood Park Golf Course the weekend of May 30-31. This is a team event similar to the Solheim Cup against Chapters from  Fort Worth, Baton Rouge, Arkansas, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, and Denton among others. We usually have a qualifying requirement since many ladies want to be part of the team. If you are interested in trying out this year please fill out the form below and someone will contact you.


    More Info:
    Hosting Chapter: Fort Worth 
    Participating Chapters: Fort Worth, Baton Rouge, Arkansas, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, and Denton
    Location: Rockwood Park Golf Course in Fort Worth, Texas
    Austin Chapter Captain and [non playing] co-Captain: Micaela Uriegas and Samantha Vaccaro
    Team: 12 Players, 2 alternates
    Dates: May 30-31 (practice round on May 29th) - Note: this is the weekend following Memorial Day
    Price: Due to rising costs of green fees, food and beverage, please expect to pay ~$350 to play this year. 
    The price includes: 
    • A welcome gift for each player, including alternates
    • One practice round on Thursday 
    • Welcome dinner on Thursday evening
    • 2 rounds of match play (Friday and Saturday) with cart and range balls
    • $10 food credit for Food and Beverage on Thursday and Friday 
    • Award Luncheon on Saturday 
    Hotel, Lodging and other expenses will be separate. We expect to have more information on the cost of the hotel next week and will communicate that to those who have submitted the survey to confirm your participation.  Once all players have confirmed, we will announce the tryouts. Planning has already started to identify league days to play matches. You must complete at least 2 matches prior to April 13th. 

    Thank you!  

    Your 2025 Lone Star Cup Captains
    Micaela and Samantha

  • Year End Party

    We had a ton of fun at our final gathering for 2024. Our member awards chosen by you were handed out, the new board was introduced, we enjoyed some cocktails and great food, and then we tackled the very creative indoor mini-golf challenge. 

  • Stay and Play Weekend

    After the disappointing cancelation of last year's stay and play weekend, we were anxious to get away this year and explore a new golf resort up near Dallas. White Bluff Resort at Lake Whitney was a beautiful setting for some fun golf and even more fun parties after the sun went down! Deonna, Sita, Lara and their "helpers" went all out with food, drinks, games, and decorations to make this a really enjoyable weekend. The bar has been set for the next one!

  • Financial Lunch and Learn

    Thank you to Terri Hoffman for hosting this wonderful afternoon of mini-golf and giving us the opportunity to learn some basics about financial planning. 

  • Crystal Falls 2024
    The weather was perfect at the end of June for our scramble event at the beautiful hilly Crystal Falls Golf Club!
    Congrats to our winners: Sally, Cheri, Sam and Sandy (low gross) and Deonna, Sita, Tammy and Terri (low net)!

  • Plum Creek 2024

    We had 32 people for our second funplay event at Plum Creek in May. Congrats to the winning teams of Lili Taufa, Tere Aguilar, Lisa Houston and Haeyoung Baker (1st place with 62) and Linda Sackett, Melissa Smith, Tina McCurdy and Tammie Trichell (2nd place with 63). Sally Bowman won Closest to the Pin. The randomly drawn team Tonia Norman, Elizabeth Lee and Connie Hill-Slupsky won gift cards to the Pro Shop. Wendy Malloch won the putting contest.


  • Forest Creek Funplay Event

    Despite the cool weather we had a great time at Forest Creek Golf Course for our first fun play event of the season. It was nice to see some longtime members such as Sandy Fitzpatrick back out on the course and a warm welcome to our new members Kelly Thorstad, Brenda Murphy, and Maddi Edds. Congrats to our winners: Samantha and Beth (Low Gross), Sita and Deonna (2nd lowest Net), Teresita (CTP) and Theresa (LD).

    Huge shout-out to our new Events Coordinator Tere Aguilar for a hugely successful first event of the season! 


  • 2024 Season Kick-off Event

    We kicked off the 2024 golf season with a casino afternoon at Balcones Golf and Country Club. The ladies focused their energy on blackjack and craps to win some cool prizes.  It was great to welcome new members and visit old friends. Congratulations to Lisa Houston for winning the 50-50 draw! We raised $1400 from the Silent Auction. Thank you to all participants and donors for your support. 

    Big thanks to our Chair, Wendy Malloch, and the organizing committee Tere Aguilar and Judi Blue for putting on yet another spectacular event for the membership!


  • 2024 Lone Star Cup

    Lone Star Cup will be held in Grapevine at the Grapevine Golf Course the weekend of June 20-22. This is a team event similar to the Solheim Cup against Chapters from Baton Rouge, Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth, and Dallas among others. We usually have a qualifying requirement since many ladies want to be part of the team. If you are interested in trying out this year please fill out the form below and someone will contact you.

    Interest Form


  • Member Awards Party

    Our end of year party was held at PinSeekers, a new indoor driving range with the latest technology that allows the player to golf on famous courses from around the world. We enjoyed some food and beverages and handed out our awards which were voted on by our members. 

    Volunteer of the Year - Jennifer Karpyshyn
    Biggest Loser - 
    Recruiter of the Year - Sally Bowman, Lisa Doris and Kristin Hazard
    Rookie of the Year - Chele Alcantara
    Judi Nudelman Founders Award - Kristin Hazard
    Golfer of the Year - Wendy Malloch
    Cheerleader - Sandy Wood
    Girl Scout - Laurie Ben
    The Scream - Victoria Gehrig
    Shout-outs - Cheri Hisaw, Caran Colvin, Dawn Green, Erin Fabroni, Jennifer Karpyshyn, Joanna Cossum, Kristin Hazard, Sally Bowman, Sita Cilfone-Guillot, Stacy Chapman, Theresa Moody, Wendy Malloch and Wilda Thomas


  • Vaaler Creek Funplay Tournament

    Well we thought the June event was hot but holy heck this one was a bonfire! Congrats to the 22 ladies who braved the inferno to make lots of memories with their fellow golfers. Congrats to the winners: Par Flight -  Longest Drive - Haeyoung Baker, Closest to the Pin - Rosa Milecky , and Low Net Score - Caran Colvin and for the Birdie Flight - LD - Teresita Aguilar, CTP - Halley Kramer, Low Net - Carol Anderson. Awesome job everyone!


  • Forest Creek Funplay Tournament

    It was a hot and sunny day at Forest Creek for our June funplay tournament. 24 ladies got their choice of playing stroke or scramble format if they were newer players. As usual a lot of laughs and chaos ensued! Congrats to Sally Bowman and Laura Hill for winning CTP in their flights, Louise Allen and Dawn Green for Longest Drive, and Kristin Hazard and Lori Piening for Low Net.

  • Kissing Tree Shamble

    This event was held at a new course for us, Kissing Tree in San Marcos. We had ladies from 4 chapters in attendance which was great! Some even wore their Kentucky Derby inspired hats! Congrats to the winning team of Stacy Cohen, Beth Gaff, Erin Fraboni, and Heather May. Longest Drive winners were Nicole Flood and Stacy Cohen. Closest to Pin winners were Beth Gaff and Chele Alcantara. 


  • Crystal Falls Scramble

    Our first event of the season was held at Crystal Falls Golf Course. We enjoyed playing this scenic but difficult course. Good thing it was a scramble event! Seven teams competed for low net, with Stacy Cohen, Laura Cooper, Beth Gaff and Haeyoung Baker taking first place with a net 60! Longest drive winners were Lisa Doris and Trish Hoener. Closest to the Pin winners were Stacy Cohen and Judi Blue. 


  • Spring Clinics

    We hosted 3 separate clinics taught by Jennifer McNeil at Falconhead Golf Club. Jennifer gave us some tips and techniques for chipping, pitching, sand shots and full swing which hopefully helped us knock a few strokes off our handicaps! 


  • 2023 Kickoff

    Our first social event of the season was held at Austin Custom Winery. We enjoyed a wine tasting of 4 different types of wine and munched on goodies as we caught up with our friends and met some new members. Our new President Stacy gave a brief overview of the events we have lined up for this year and we played a fun golf-themed team trivia game. 


  • 2023 Lone Star Cup Try-outs

    Lone Star Cup is a team event played against other chapters from Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Fort Worth and Baton Rouge. It is intended to simulate the Solheim Cup. The tournament is a two-day event. The first day is team match play and the second day is singles match play.  Each team consists of 12 golfers (and usually 1-2 alternates).  Lone Star Cup is not directly sponsored by LPGA Amateurs National Organization as it started years ago as a fun way to get to know our neighboring chapters and have a friendly competition. We typically have 25 or more ladies interested in being on the Austin team so we have a match play qualifier to help determine our team.  

    This year the event is being held on September 14-16 at The Island Course in Plaquemine, LA, just 14 miles south of Baton Rouge. If you are interested in being on the team we will be holding try-outs over the next couple of months. Please indicate your interest by filling out the form below. Team captain Stacy Cohen will contact you to set up qualifying matches. You must sign up no later than April 30.



  • Member Awards Party

    We had a fantastic time at Golfinity for our awards party this year. The food was great, there were some tears and lots of laughter as we looked back at all the fun tournaments we had (even the rained out one) and celebrated our members for their spirit, competitiveness, and loyalty to each other and to the wonderful game of golf. 

    Award winners:

    Volunteer of the Year - Caran Colvin
    Biggest Loser of the Year - Sam Garrett
    Recruiter of the Year - Stacy Chapman
    Rookie of the Year - Vic Gehrig
    Judi Nudelman Founder's Award - Caran Colvin
    Golfer of the Year - Kristin Hazard
    Fun Award - Cheerleader - Sandy Wood
    Fun Award - Girl Scout - Sita Cilfone-Guillot
    Fun Award - The Scream - Vic Gehrig
    Newbies of the Year - Dawn Green and Stacy Chapman
    Member Shout-outs - Jennifer Karpyshyn, Jessica Salinas, Joanna Cossum, Kristina Hayes, Peggy Smith, Susan Smiley, Tonia Norman, Theresa Moody


  • Stay and Play Weekend '22

    Our annual Stay and Play Weekend was held Oct. 21-23 at the beautiful Tapatio Springs Resort in Boerne, TX. We enjoyed lots of golf and spending time with ladies we don't get to see very often. 

  • Austin Hosts Lone Star Cup Tournament

    Lone Star Cup is a team event played against other chapters from Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Fort Worth and Baton Rouge. It is intended to simulate the Solheim Cup. The tournament is a two-day event. The first day is team match play and second day is singles match play.  Each team consists of 12 golfers (and usually 1-2 alternates).  Lone Star Cup in not directly sponsored by LPGA Amateurs national organization as it started years ago as a fun way to get to know our neighboring chapters and have a friendly competition. We typically have 25 or more ladies interested in being on the Austin team so we have a match play qualifier to help determine our team.  Your 2022 team captain was Theresa Moody and co-captain was Laurie Ben. Team members were Lili Taufa, Trish Hoener, Terri Escobar, Susan Smiley, Sally Bowman, Kristin Hazard, Stacy Cohen, Samantha Garrett, Sandy Wood, Tonia Norman and Teri Evans. Forest Creek was a wonderful venue to host the event. We finished third this year. 













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