Chapter News & Announcements
  • 2022 Chapter Kickoff

    It was nice to see lots of new faces at our 2022 Kickoff brunch and casino. Alot of our returning members also attended to catch up with friends they hadn't seen since the Fall. We did a quick re-cap of switching to GHIN, discussed upcoming events including more clinics, weekly leagues, and then it was time to gamble! Congrats to Analis for winning the Hand and Stone gift card and Kristin for winning the 50/50 draw! Our silent auction raised $1,600 for the Chapter so that was a huge bonus! 


  • Time to Switch to GHIN for Handicap Tracking
    As you may be aware the USGA informed LPGA Amateurs that they would not accept handicaps from GolfNet after the end of this year. If you have been using GolfNet to maintain your handicap they did negotiate it's use for one more year until the end of 2022, but as of January 1, 2022 no new members may sign up for GolfNet. 

    Members who have been using GolfNet have the opportunity to transfer their handicaps to GHIN (Golf Handicap Information Network). This is a service offered by the USGA to golf associations worldwide. GHIN is one of the largest handicap management tools in the world, serving more than 2.3 million golfers and 15,000 golf clubs. Its services include the USGA Admin Portal for golfer management, score posting products for golfers and USGA Tournament Management. 

    Our Chapter has been set up as an Affinity Member Club with the Texas Golf Association so that ANY member, new or old, can join for only $24 and carry their handicap through GHIN with the TGA and also have the benefits that TGA membership brings.   This is the LOWEST price for TGA membership and some ladies may choose to transfer their membership to the Chapter instead of through a public course.  

    Steps for setting up GHIN account for old and new members:
    1. Go to
    2. If you have been using GolfNet for your handicap then you already have a GHIN # so the answer to the 1st question will be "yes". Enter your GHIN # in the box that pops up. 
    1. If you used GHIN in the past but it has been longer than 2 years since you used it your number was likely deactivated and you will have to get a new number and start tracking your handicap from scratch. You can check if your number is assigned to you by answering "I don't know" and then entering your old GHIN# but please make sure the number has not been re-assigned to a new person. Or you can contact Melinda Hipp at and have her check the database for you. 
    2. If you are currently using GHIN and would like to transfer to the LPGA Amateurs GHIN click on the link above and answer "yes" to the first question, enter your GHIN# and your scores will all be transferred. 
    3. If you have never used GHIN or Golfnet then your answer to the first question will be "no". Enter your information and pay the registration fee.
    4. After you have paid the membership fee you will receive a confirmation email. Once your application has been approved you will receive another email from TGA and are now a member of GHIN. Download the app and create a login using your GHIN# and start entering your scores!
    Should you have questions, please contact Melinda Hipp at

  • 2021 Year End Event and Awards

    Our last event of the 2021 season was held at a new (to us) indoor golf facility called ROK Golf. This is similar to other indoor golfing venues but they have the capability to record your swing so you can see right away where you can improve. This was very eye-opening for a lot of us!

    We handed out several awards this year. Congrats to all the volunteers and members who made this year great for the Austin LPGA Amateurs!

    Rookie of the Year - Ashley Bruno
    Judi Nudelman Founders Award - Judi Blue
    Golfer of the Year - Lara Enzor
    Volunteer of the Year - Jennifer Karpyshyn
    Recruiter of the Year - Judi Blue
    Biggest Loser - Julie Stout
    Fun Award: Cheerleader - Sandy Wood
    Fun Award - The Scream - Sita Guillot, Theresa Moody, Tammy Pirtle
    Fun Award - Girl Scout - Lara Enzor

    Membership Chair - Wendy Malloch
    Communications Chair - Jennifer Karpyshyn
    Handicap Chair - Melinda Hipp
    League Coordinators - Theresa Moody, Kristin Hazard, Lara Enzor, Cheri Hisaw, Jenifer Karpyshyn, Lili Taufa, Caran Colvin

  • Horseshoe Bay Stay and Play Weekend

    Great golf, great food, great weather and great friends! We could not have asked for a more perfect weekend for our annual Ladies Golf Weekend. Some ladies played all 3 courses over the weekend while most played only Saturday and Sunday. We had a hospitality suite with music, snacks and rousing games of LRC. Somebody brought a Fireball Keg! It was a great weekend and we hope to see you at our next one in 2022!



  • Lone Star Cup 2021

    Congratulations to our Austin Lone Star Cup team. They put up a good fight at the Sept. 23-25 tournament in Houston but were unable to defeat repeat champions Baton Rouge. The beautiful team shirts were sponsored by Teri Evans of Hand and Stone Massage. 

    LSC Team 2021LSC 2021 Results

  • Summer Sizzlin' Scramble 2021
    Well it certainly didn't start out as a summer sizzlin' day, but thankfully the rain stopped just as we were teeing off and we were able to play a full round. The course had a few wet spots which made for some interesting shots. Congrats to our Longest Drive winner Lee Ann Penick, Closest to the Pins Alberta Evans and Deann Bustos. Low Gross Team was Lee Ann Penick, Deann Bustos and Palma Buttles-Valdez, and Low Net Team was Jennifer Karpyshyn, Linda Heurkins, Susan Belvin and Sue Anderson. 

    Summer Sizzlin (12)Summer Sizzlin (10)

  • Shadowglen Shamble

    We had an awesome time at Shadowglen Golf Course in Manor despite the "tropical rainshowers". The course was in great condition and the competition was fierce! COngratulations to the low gross team of Jennifer Karpyshyn, Sue Anderson, Susan Belvin and Vicki Raymond for shooting a 73, and the low net team of Judi Blue, Becky McGillick, Caran Colvin and Lili Taufa with a 60. Longest Drive went to Susan Belvin and CTP went to Danielle Sorresso. And Caran won $190 in the 50/50 draw! 



  • Short Game Clinic
    We had an enjoyable time learning some tips and tricks for putting and chipping from Marci Brock at Live Oak golf course before heading out to Yaupon for a quick 9 holes to practice what we were taught. Congrats to Caran and Judi for winning closest to the pin and Katie for longest drive.

    SG Clinic 2 SG Clinic Judi Becky Karen Jerimi

  • Wolfdancer

    Our End of Year Christmas Scramble and Member Recognition Event was a fun albeit cool day at the beautiful Wolfdancer Golf Club. 35 ladies braved the grey skies in a 2-person scramble followed by a great meal and lots of laughs. Susan Belvin won longest drive and CTP. The team of Deonna Million and Sita Cilfone won low gross and Susan Belvin and Linda Heurkins won low net. Thanks to all the ladies who dressed up for the occasion and we look forward to seeing y'all next year!
    2020 EOY (1) 2020 EOY (5)      

  • Tapatio Springs 1
    Oct.23-25 we had 30 ladies (and a few token men) head to the beautiful Tapatio Springs Resort for a fun weekend of golf and shenanigans. Big winners were: Sally Bowman (low gross), Spencer Unangst (low net) and Nancy Lubecker (3 out of 4 closest to the pins). The resort made sure everyone stayed safe and socially distanced. 

    Tapatio 1     Tapatio 3

  • Judi Volunteer of the Month

    Our very own Judi Blue was awarded the Volunteer of the Month award for her work with the USGA-LPGA Girls Golf Program through The First Tee of Greater Austin. "She serves as the Volunteer Coordinator for LPGA Amateurs Golf and helps to recruit other women to get involved." Check out her Facebook article at


  • Vaaler Creek Recap

    Our first fun-play tournament of the season was held at Vaaler Creek Golf Club. We had 33 ladies from the Austin Chapter and 17 from San Antonio! This was a 4-person modified shamble event. Congratulations to all the winners, especially our lovely Best-Dressed Team of Lara Enzor, Kim Golden, Diane Lee and Gwen Neal. With all of the precautions that had to be negotiated due to COVID-19 a special thanks goes out to the organizing committee Judi Blue, Wendy Malloch and Cheri Hisaw. 

    ValeerCreek-2020 - 25 of 27

  • Girls Golf
    Each month our chapter helps out the LPGA-USGA Girls Golf Program through The First Tee of Greater Austin by playing a few holes of golf with young ladies as they are beginning their golf careers. The ladies instruct the girls on proper etiquette and give them some tips on techniques for different shots but mostly just support them and give them a positive experience. Thank you to the ladies who volunteer their time for this worthwhile cause.
    Girls GOlf 7 Attach36593_20200612_202632

  • 2020 Kick-off

    What's the second most favorite pastime of golfers? Gambling of course! We kicked off our 2020 season at Flintrock Falls Golf Club with a presentation on the new World Handicap System from our handicap chair Melinda Hipp and then dove right in to the dice and cards! Our silent auction and 50/50 raffle raised $500 for the Chapter. 


    Kickoff 3

    Kick off 6








  • Aim Point Clinic 2

    Our AimPoint clinic in February taught us how to read the slope of the green and decide where to aim our ball in order to sink more putts. Hope to see some lower scores from these ladies in the future! If there is enough interest we may do this clinic again in the Fall.
    Aimpooint 1 Aimpoint 2







  • 2020 Meet and Greet

    Our first event of the 2020 season was a Meet and Greet for old and new members held at Cover 3 downtown. Our new board was introduced and the schedule of events for this season was released. Guests could order their own food and create interesting cocktails at the Mimosa Bar. We all had a great time and hopefully we got some new members signed up for this season!

    2020 Cover 3 1

    2020 Cover 3 2

    2020 Cover 3 4

  • End of Year Party

    On Saturday Nov. 9 we got together to celebrate the end of another great season of golf. To mix it up we decided to hold a tail-gate party outside The Darrell K Royal Texas stadium to cheer on the Texas Longhorns. We had delicious BBQ brisket with all the fixin's and plenty of adult beverages to go along with it. We opened the event up to friends and family as well to make it extra special.

    Tailgate 2

    Tailgate 1



    This was also an opportunity to hand out our year-end awards. Congratulations to the following ladies:

    • Rookie of the Year - Judi Blue

    • Golfer of the Year - Kristin Hazard

    • Miss Congeniality - Mary Thoen

    • Best Cheerleader - Terri Hoffman

    • Phoenix Award - Teri Escobar

    • Judy Nudelman Award - Sandy Wood

    Tailgate 3

    Thank you to all the ladies who played with us this season. It was a lot of fun and we hope to see you back again next year!

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