Chapter Leagues

Winter Season Play

Shell Point Tuesday’s

The Lee - Charlotte and SWFL Chapters are jointly offering bi-monthly Shell Point Tuesday's.   Play is at Shell Point, 17500 On Par Blvd, Fort Myers, FL.  Participation in this league is by invitation extended to current members of both chapters.  If you have not received an invitation contact the league coordinator to be added.  All current Lee - Charlotte and SWFL Chapter members receive an email invitation for signup in Golf Genius.  Members can signup guest.  This is an every other weekly standing play date with 5 tee times starting at 1:06 to 1:38.  A minimum of 16 players is required to receive the group rate.  Payment for this league is at the course and cost to play is as follows taxes included:
 December $85 (less than 16 $110) 
January through April - $125  (less than 16 $160) 
*Discounted pricing is based on a minimum of 16 or more players.  
If you have questions related to this league, please contact Michelle Riordan at or Natalia Armstrong at

Sunday’s at San Carlos - 

This is a weekly standing play date with tee times of 12:04 and 12:12.  Due to the limited slots available guest will be added on a space available basis after registration closes on the Wednesday prior to play at 5 PM.  Participation in this league is by invitation extended to current SWFL members.  If you have not received an invitation contact the league coordinator to be added.  Payment for this league is at the course and cost is as follows taxes not included:
December - $80
January through March - $100
April - May - $80

If you have questions related to this league please contact Lynn Robbins at (561) 676-2420.

email: Golf Events Chair

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