One of the great benefits of belonging to LPGA Amateurs is the ability to connect with members in your Chapter and other Chapters across the Association. The Member Directory
is only available in the Member Clubhouse for current members to view.
The online LPGA Amateurs Member Directory is available you to Opt In, which will allow members to easily contact you! To have your information displayed
in the Member Directory, log into the Member Clubhouse, navigate to your Profile, click on Account, and Personal Info. In Personal Info, scroll down to "Do you wish to participate in the Global Member Directory" and select Yes, Opt In or No, Opt Out. As
you continue to scroll, choose Yes, Opt In or No, Opt Out for each of your primary email, address (city, state/province, zip), or phone number options to be displayed. To review the process of opting in and opting out of the directory and fields, click here.