Chapter Leaders


President: Patti Williams
Finance Director: Eleanor Strickland
Golf Events Director: Kim Jones
Marketing Director: Jennifer Gowers
Membership Director: Lisa Crean




Jane McGriff, Competitive Golf Chair

Annette McDevitt, Sponsorship Chair

Debbie Wiechman, Girls Golf

You may contact any of our Board Members via our chapter email address: or reach out to the Chapter Leaders via their emails above. 


  • Chapter President  
    Oversees general chapter operations via Directors; conducts Chapter Board meetings; plans chapter leadership development / succession; serves as the primary liaison for LPGA-AGA headquarters, CDS, LPGA Foundation and Partners / Sponsors; plus promotes and attends chapter events & web conferences.
  • Golf Director
    Creates and implements the Chapter’s golf and event programming for the year, developing a well-rounded calendar of golf, social and networking events. Keeps current members engaged with the potential to interest a variety of new members. Works along with a team of golf captains. 
  • Marketing Director  
    Fosters strong relationships with the local media (TV, Radio, and Print) to promote our organization to the community. Works with local businesses to create Chapter sponsor opportunities and, as such, is ultimately responsible for the execution and fulfillment of those sponsorship agreements. 
  • Communications Director  (Combined with Marketing Director for BHM)
    Responsible for the chapter newsletters, Constant Contact event blasts, all special communications to the chapter and ensures the website and calendar are up to date. Works along with the Marketing team.
  • Member Recruitment Director  
    Coordinates recruitment events, helps with welcoming new members, tracks membership statistics, and encourages Chapter members to recruit new members.
  • Member Services Director  (Social)
    Oversees new member welcome & orientation program, holds regular outings to
    encourage participation and volunteering, helps members with web access tools,      and monitors roster to proactively help with renewals.
  •  Finance & Records Director
     Maintains financial records, submits financial reporting to LPGA HQ and   
     various governmental agencies, and oversees that Board meeting minutes
     are kept. Competency with Quickbooks, Word & Excel, and budgets.
Chapter Sponsors & Partners