Chapter Policies

Policy Links

Guest Policy (PDF)
Refund Policy PDF
Code of Conduct (PDF)

LPGA Amateurs Sacramento Local Rules 2025 (Hard Card)

Penalties & Options Rules Bag Tag

Participation Program Details(M.A.M)   Participation YTD Points

Refund Policy

Our refund policy can vary based on the type of event and circumstances.  Our general and preferred practice is to fully refund members, less any processing fees incurred by the Chapter, whenever we can.  However, there are some situations in which it may not be possible.  Some events require a minimum number of participants to hold the event (i.e., skills-based training).  A cancellation could possibly result in an event being cancelled due to lack of sufficient numbers.  Others, such as a catered event, require a final number guarantee at least a week prior to the event; cancelling less than seven (7) days before the event would result in additional cost to the chapter. 

Event requiring a minimum number of attendees

You may request to cancel your pre-paid registration for a refund, less any processing fees incurred, if cancelled a minimum of three (3) days in advance of the event.  This gives us a chance to fill your spot.  Any cancellation request received short of the three-day (3) minimum will be contingent upon finding a substitute.

Event requiring a final attendee guarantee

If the event is one that requires a final attendee guarantee for catering (for example, our Kickoff and End of Year Member Recognition events), a cancellation and request for a refund, less any processing fees, requires a seven-day (7) notice.  Any cancellation request received short of the seven-day (7) minimum will be contingent upon the chapter confirming a substitute for your spot. 

The Board of Directors reserves the right to sole and absolute discretion in all refund amounts.  When you register for an event, you agree to these terms.

January 2020

Consent to Use Photographic Image Release Policy
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, Chapter events and activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant for use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs, or digital and social media of such events and activities.  

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The LPGA Amateurs Golf Association (“LPGA Amateurs”) enjoins upon its members rigid observation of this Code of Conduct in the understanding of the shared privilege of the LPGA Amateurs and its members to be welcomed by private clubs and courses for social events and tournament play. At any time, and particularly on site at any official competitive tournament events, members share the responsibility of demonstrating exemplary conduct, sportsmanship, and courtesy at all times. Further, members are reminded that LPGA Amateurs’ members represent the Ladies Professional Golf Association (“LPGA”), its tour players, Teaching & Club Professionals’ members, Girls Golf members and fellow LPGA Amateurs’ members. All members should conduct themselves in accordance with standards of good citizenship, good moral character, and good sportsmanship and shall not do anything detrimental or prejudicial to the bests interest of the LPGA or LPGA Amateurs or the sport of women’s golf. Behavior contrary to this is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Any abuse or disrespect of a fellow member, competitor, TOPS team member, official, spectator, host facility staff, LPGA Amateurs’ staff, or any other person involved in conducting or attending an LPGA Amateurs’ event, regardless of the type of event, may be grounds for warning, penalty, membership disqualification, suspension or termination, all depending on the severity of the situation. Such abuse may be verbal or physical or threat thereof.

The following acts, all of which are deemed violations of this Code of Conduct, but which should not be deemed an exhaustive list of violative behavior or limitation on the endorsement or application of the purpose or intent of this Code of Conduct, shall be subject to consequences as indicated herein:

  • Use of profanity, either in frustration or directed toward another individual
  • Inappropriate, derogatory, or abusive language/gestures
  • Disruptive or distracting behavior
  • Throwing of equipment
  • Intentionally causing damage to the golf course or objects on course property
  • Use of cell phone / electronic device for purposes other than those permitted by the Rules
  • Other unbecoming or inappropriate conduct as determined by LPGA Amateurs
  • Improper conduct while intoxicated at an official LPGA Amateurs tournament event or function which shall give rise to serious conduct
  • Inappropriate dress

Breach Consequences - Chapter Level Events:

  • First breach = verbal warning by Chapter President
  • Second breach = written warning from Chapter President with notification to LPGA Amateurs Headquarters
  • Third breach = 3-month probationary period
  • Fourth breach or an act of serious misconduct = suspension of membership for a 6 month period to include no participation at social or golf events at both Local and National levels
    • Note: Members record will be reset to first level after 6 months with no further breach
  • Fifth breach = Termination of membership

Breach Consequences – Competitive National Events:

  • First breach = warning
  • Second breach = one-stroke penalty
  • Third breach = general penalty (two penalty strokes or loss of hole in match play)
  • Fourth breach or any serious misconduct = disqualification

* LPGA Amateurs has the authority to revoke a membership at any time in the event of any serious misconduct by a member.


Guest Policy

LPGA Amateur Golf Association Sacramento Chapter welcomes and encourages guests and members from other LPGA Amateur Golf Association Chapters to participate in our events.  In accordance with LPGA Amateur Golf Association suggested guidelines, we have adopted the following guest policy.  

Guests/Non-members may attend two (2) LPGA Amateur Golf Association Sacramento Chapter events per calendar year as guests.  After they have participated in two (2) events, that person must become a member of the Sacramento Chapter in order to participate in events for the remainder of the calendar year.  The Sacramento Chapter considers casual 9-hole weekday play as a potential “recruitment venue” and as such, the two (2) event limit does not apply.  Exceptions to this may be made at the discretion of the Golf Events and Activities Director and/or the Board of Directors on a case-by-case situation (i.e., abuse of this guest privilege and reasonable participation for the purpose of determining personal “fit” before joining Chapter).  Additionally, if tee time availability is limited, priority is given to members with guests placed on a wait list should a vacancy occur.  

Visiting members from other Chapters are not restricted by this Chapter Guest Policy.  However, visiting members who request to play in the same Chapter on a regular basis may be asked to become a dual member of our Chapter. 

      Dual Members:  All LPGA Amateurs members have the opportunity to join multiple Chapters as a dual member for a minimal charge of $35/Chapter.  Dual members are considered full members of their primary and any secondary (dual) Chapters with all the rights and privileges afforded any other member.  Dual members can also hold Chapter leader positions in any of the Chapters where they are a member.

Generally, persons registered to play after the field (ATF) as a guest will not be eligible to win skills challenges or game prizes at golf events.  Exceptions to this may be made at the discretion of the Golf Events and Activities Director.

The LPGA Amateur Golf Association Sacramento Chapter has determined that there will be certain, designated events during the calendar year which will be exempted from this policy (for example, Swing Fore the Girls and the Par 3 Challenge).  The Board may, from time to time, designate other events which will be exempted from the guest policy and will announce such exemption through normal communication channels.

It will be the responsibility of the Golf Events and Activities Director and her designee(s) to monitor guest attendance and to communicate with guests who are approaching, or have reached, their maximum events as guests.  Members are encouraged to make their guests aware of this policy.

Adopted July 2020

NOTE:  Membership is open to men, should they wish to join, and all member benefits are available to male members with the exception of non-eligibility to compete in official LPGA Amateur Golf Association competitive events. 

Guest Policy PDF

Chapter Sponsors & Partners