Chapter Policies

REGISTRATION: Completed and paid registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Every effort will be made to add additional tee times or foursomes for events to accommodate all members. Based on the course and timing, it may not be possible to do so.

FEES: All leagues/events require payment in full at registration unless specified. LPGA Amateurs NNJ contracts and/or pays courses in advance for all tee times.

REFUNDSThere is a No Refund policy for all NNJ Chapter activities. If you register and are unable to play, please see the options under the Unable to Play Section below. If an event/league is rained out, the rain check policy for that golf course applies.

UNABLE TO PLAYIt is the responsibility of the registered player to find a substitute to “sell” her place on the league roster if she is unable to fulfill her commitment. The league maintains a list of substitutes for this purpose. The league committee may provide some assistance in that effort; however, there is no guarantee that a replacement player may be identified.

Weekly 9- and 18-hole league members are responsible to arrange in advance for a substitute.  Members should:

  • Attempt to rotate substitute play among different golfers listed for the league, in order to allow all to have access to play 
  • Call or email people on the substitute list for your league
  • Call or email someone on the substitute list from another night, keeping league level in mind
  • Contact your coordinator or another league member if you are unable to find a substitute or are going to be late
  • Contact your league coordinator in advance of play to notify her that you will not be playing, and who will be your substitute for that day
  • Make arrangements for the substitute to reimburse you directly

Pay-As-You-Go league members are responsible to arrange in advance for a substitute. Members must notify coordinator 3 days ahead of tee time if you cannot find a substitute. If no substitute is available, the no refund policy stands.

LATE ARRIVAL Late arrivals vary by course, but they will try to accommodate late arrivals within reason.

GUEST POLICY (for Guests and Non-members):  Individuals that are not active members of the Northern NJ Chapter of the LPGA Amateurs are considered guests or non-members.

Guests/non-members may participate in LPGA Amateurs Northern NJ Chapter activities a total of two (2) times in a calendar year as specified below:

  • Leagues - One (1) time/date
  • Events & Social Events - Two (2) times but only for specified activities. Some events and social events are for members only. Guests/non-members may be charged a higher fee than members at certain activities.
  • Education - these are member only experiences.

Guests/non-members are required to join the Association in order to attend a third event (or second league date) during the year

If a substitute player is needed in a league and there are none available, a regular league player may bring a non-member ONCE as a guest substitute for that day.  The substitute player pays the greens fee like any other substitute player. If a guest plans on substituting more than once, they are required to join LPGA Amateurs NNJ and pay the substitute registration fee.

SCHEDULE:  Leagues do not play on Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. Leagues make up that date on what would be the week after the scheduled end date. Example: If a particular league would be scheduled to end on August 19, the new end date would be on August 26.

PACE OF PLAY LPGA Amateurs Northern NJ supports Ready Golf in order help to meet the courses Pace of Play requirements. 

We endorse the new Maximum Score Rules. For those maintaining a handicap the maximum score on a hole is double bogey plus strokes given.  For a player submitting their first scores to obtain an initial Handicap Index, the maximum score for each hole played is limited to par +5 strokes.  When the format of play allows, players are encouraged to pick up at their maximum hole score to improve pace of play.

It is important to Maintain Your Position on the golf course. You are considered out of position when you reach the tee of a:
  • Par 3 and the group in front of you has already gone on to the next tee
  • Par 4 and the group in front of you is already on the green
  • Par 5 and the group in front of you is getting ready to hit onto the green

INCLEMENT WEATHER: Check with your league coordinator after 3:30 p.m. (for afternoon 9-hole leagues) to inquire whether league play will occur on that day. For 18-hole leagues, speak with your league coordinator to see how they will communicate rain outs.

EVENT/LEAGUE PAIRINGS: We are women with a passion for golf who come together for fitness, fun, friendship and professional networking. We offer programs and events where you can meet and connect with engaging women of all ages, with all levels of golf experience, from a broad spectrum of career paths.

In keeping in the spirit of the mission of the LPGA Amateur Golf Association - Northern New Jersey would like to initiate the following pairing guidelines:

Leagues- League coordinators will rotate players each week so that all players have an opportunity to play with the other players in the league.  Some courses require full foursomes, therefore, be aware that the course may add a player to round out your foursome.

Events- When registering for an event, if offered, please indicate your ONE playing partner in the registration.  Please make sure that your playing partner will be registering for this event so that we can accommodate all requests.  Please take this opportunity to get to know others in the chapter, especially our new members. This will also make setting up the pairings and tee times less complex for the event coordinator.

HANDICAP MAINTENANCE:  All LPGA Amateurs NNJ members have the option to obtain, renew or transfer GHIN through our Chapter, and are encouraged to maintain a handicap.  Please see Handicap section of our website to see the current annual cost and how to active.

CODE OF CONDUCT: All league players are expected to conduct themselves appropriately on the golf course.  Players are expected to follow all local rules and rules of behavior, including dress code. LPGA Amateurs NNJ reserves the right to terminate a player’s participation in the league if found not to be in compliance with the rules. If a player is terminated, her league fee is not refundable. 

PRIVACY: We want our users to be aware of our policy regarding information we collect and how we use it:

Information collection and use:  We respect each site visitor’s right to personal privacy. To that end, we collect and use information throughout our website only as disclosed in this Privacy Policy. This statement applies solely to information collected on this website.

For each visitor to our website, our web server automatically recognizes no information regarding the domain or email address.  The information we collect is:

  • Used to improve the content of our web page.
  • Used to notify visitors about updates to our web site.
  • Never shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.

A user must provide contact information (such as name, email and address) to register themselves and credit card information to make payments on this site. If we have trouble processing a credit card transaction, we use the information to contact the user.    

Pictures may be taken at any LPGA Amateur Golf Association - Northern New Jersey event.  These photos could potentially be shown on LPGA Amateur Golf Association web sites, social media sites, newsletters and other promotional material.