
Register for your Handicap

Our LPGA Amateurs Northern NJ Chapter offers the option for obtaining a GHIN (Golf Handicap Information Network) number. The cost for this service in 2025 is $36.

To obtain, renew or transfer a GHIN account REGISTER HERE.

IMPORTANT: You must be an ACTIVE MEMBER of the LPGA Amateurs Northern NJ Chapter. Please click here and log into the Member Clubhouse to renew your membership for 2025.

First Time GHIN Number

Members receiving a GHIN Number for the first time will receive a confirmation email, identifying their GHIN Number, from our Handicap Chair. You then will be able to set up/access your account on www.GHIN.com. Once you have created your profile on GHIN.com, you will be able to enter your scores there or use the GHIN ap on a mobile device. The process is simple but if you have any questions, please email Sue Stager, Handicap Chair.

Renewing or Transferring GHIN Number

Members who are renewing or transferring their existing GHIN Number can expect to be activated within 48 hours from submitting the registration form.

Handicaps update every day at midnight, with the goal of providing golfers a more responsive and up to date Handicap Index. GOLFERS MUST REMEMBER TO POST AFTER THEY PLAY.

GHIN is a service offered by the USGA to Allied Golf Associations, such as the New Jersey State Golf Association (rebranded in 2025 as New Jersey Golf). Our members can obtain, renew, or transfer GHIN through our chapter. You only need to register with one club each year and your GHIN handicap is good wherever you play.

Having GHIN will register you with NJ Golf. In addition to participating in NJ Golf tournaments and events, an NJ Golf membership offers other benefits. Check out their website at www.NJGolf.org

Questions regarding the above should be directed to Sue Stager, Handicap Chair (handicap@lpgaamateursnnj.com).