


The LPGA Amateur Golf Association is an organization of volunteers. YOU can chip in by joining one of the committees below.

Email memberservices@lpgaamateursnnj.com to volunteer or with questions.

EVENTS: Who doesn’t love spending time with fellow golfers on and off the course? Joining the Events committee is a great way to help the Chapter and meet other members. Opportunities are available for Golf, Social and Networking events, and range from the planning and execution to helping at registration, preparing brochures or lists of upcoming events, putting together gift bags, taking pictures or videos, and providing an overview from the event for our website and social media. Feel free to volunteer for individual or multiple events! (Committee Liaison: Jean Parmelli)

LEAGUES: Our Chapter currently has twelve leagues, that typically run from May through August. Volunteers are needed in this area to assist the League Chair with league set up tasks or become a League Coordinator or Co-Coordinator. Our fantastic Coordinators oversee their specific league and activities, helping to coordinate foursomes, communicate to participants and golf course personnel, welcoming new league players and assigning mentors as needed. They are the glue that keeps our league program successful, so please consider taking on one of these rolls. (Committee Liaison: Patty Elwood)

EDUCATION & HANDICAP: From the newest golfer to the most experienced, we all want to improve our game. Volunteers are needed to assist with the planning, development and identification of education programs and activities, such as Learn to Play Clinics, Get the Rust Off clinics, Golf School, Handicap and Rules seminars. Volunteers are also needed to act as Mentors, someone to guide a new golfer on pace of play, basic rules and proper etiquette on and off the golf course. (Committee Liaison: Patty Elwood)

COMMUNICATION: We love providing events, leagues and education to our members! If you like to write or are comfortable with social media, this is the committee for you! Areas of attention include chapter newsletters, Constant Contact event blasts, and all special communications to the chapter and social media. Additionally, the Website, league and event calendars, and the newly announced Virtual Community need to be kept up to date. (Committee Liaison: Kim Maycott)

MEMBERSHIP: Thanks to the efforts of our members our chapter continues to thrive and grow. Areas where we need help include reaching out to new members by emailing them their “Welcome” information; help make new members feel welcome by being an ambassador at events; following up during and at the end of the season to check in and see how things are going; identify opportunities for recruiting new members as well as engaging members with volunteer opportunities. (Committee Liaison: Pat Bringewatt)

SPONSORSHIP & MARKETING: We love making our events as affordable as possible for members. Having sponsors and businesses as partners can help underwrite some of our chapter expenses. If you have any experience in sales, marketing, fund raising, or just love people, we can’t wait to have you join this committee! Help us by working with local businesses to create Chapter sponsor opportunities and promote our organization to the community through local media. (Committee Liaison: Stephanie Terrone)