
Your chapter is a volunteer-run organization. Volunteers serve on the board to plan and hold many events throughout the year, but it takes many volunteers behind the scenes to make our chapter a success. These key volunteers help keep things running smoothly during the year:

  • Sponsorship: Gail organizes and finds new sponsors that support our events. She also tracks member participation for recognition at the end of the year.
  • Handicap: Donna Drumheller, handicap chair, provides handicap indexes to the event organizer for competitions that are flighted or require an index. She is also our AGA handicap liaison for members that wish to hold their handicap with AGA. She can answer any question about handicaps. If you don't have a handicap, contact Donna!
  • AGA Rep: Kathy Chavez is our AGA representative and organizes the AGA medallion qualifier.
  • Recordkeeping: Prepares minutes of our board meetings and keeps the chapter records organized

    Please thank our volunteers when you see them. Volunteers are what make our chapter a success. If you would like to volunteer, contact
    Catherine Steel at presidentlpgaamateursTucson@gmail.com
Chapter Sponsors & Partners