Chapter Education

Etiquette on the Green!

Although the following statements are not rules of golf per se, they should help smooth out your round! 
1. Wait your turn to putt
2. Don't walk on anyone else's line of putt
3. Don't make any noise or move when someone else is putting
4. Respect the green and remember to repair your ball marks and divots
5. Don't lose your temper
6. Don't stand over your ball forever
7. DO sink it! 


How Do I Join The Two Club?

The Two Club is a golf group that anyone can join. The only requirement for membership is that a gross “2” is scored while playing with a Two Club member or members.

  1. Score a gross “2” (usually a birdie on a par 3) AND ASK if anyone is a member of the Two Club.
  2. If so, pay each Two Club member $1.00. You are then a member for life.
  3. Once a Two Club member, whenever you score a “2”, you must ask if anyone in the group is a Two Club member. If there are any, EACH person owes you $1.00. Thereafter, if you are playing with someone who scores a “2”, you either receive $1.00 from them, if they wish to join, or YOU pay them $1.00 if they are already a member.
  4. If you score a “2” on a hole and ARE NOT playing with a Two Club member, YOU CANNOT JOIN THE CLUB yet.

When you have joined, contact Sandi Rabrich at and she will give you a “2 club” pin to display proudly on your golf bag.