

Like all chapters around the country, ours runs on volunteer power.

 Although we get considerable guidance from Association headquarters, we are responsible for planning, organizing and running all of our leagues, golf and social events, clinics and other activities.

Fortunately, we are an enthusiastic, energetic, resourceful group of women, many of whom generously offer their time and talent to ensure the best possible membership experience for everyone.

 We are always on the lookout for Chapter leaders -- members willing to serve on our board as officers or committee chairs. But even if you do not have the time or inclination for board membership, you could still help us tremendously by volunteering to be a committee member -- or to just to help out from time to time.
 It is a great way to get connected, give back and make great friends along the way. The extent of your commitment is entirely your call -- whatever time and talent you can spare will be greatly appreciated!

Committee Descriptions

  1. Membership Committee - The Membership Committee is a great way to get to meet everyone in the Chapter!  Assist with recruitment of new members and retention of existing members; greet new members at events; help plan and implement ongoing membership welcome and orientation programs.
  2. Communications Committee - The Communications Committee is a great way to be in the know!  This committee works to keep everyone "in the know."  They create and publish Chapter email blasts and newsletters; assist in the development and maintenance of the website; and work with the local media.
  3. Golf Events Committee - Do you enjoy planning and running successful events?  Never planned an event, but would like to?  Then, Golf Events is for you!  This team plans and implements organized member/guest opportunities for players of all skill levels.
  4. Leagues Committee - One of the most popular forms of organized play is league play.  Be a part of the team that plans and delivers this popular offering that goes a long way toward member satisfaction.
  5. Sponsorship Committee - Are you a great fundraiser?  Can you make the call to the decision-maker?  If you said "yes," then the Sponsorship Committee is your new home!  Help develop Chapter partnerships and secure sponsorship dollars and in-kind donations for Chapter operations.  This is a great way to get involved in the community and build local relationships.
  6. Social Events Committee - Are you a people person?  A natural networker?  This is a great way to get to know the members of the Chapter by promoting fellowship and business networking.  This committee plans an array of non-golf activities to meet members' needs.
  7. Golf Education & Player Development Committee - Know a lot about golf?  Or, do you want to learn more about the rules of golf?  Join the Education Committee and assist with coordinating golf education opportunities for players of all skill levels.
  8. Handicap Committee - Be a part of the effort to help other golfers obtain and maintain a handicap.  The Handicap Committee educates members on the need for handicaps and assists members in establishing and maintaining a handicap.
Want to learn more about the volunteer opportunities available in our Chapter?   One of these Committees sound interesting to you?  

Want to attend a Chapter event at a discounted price, or even for FREE?  Just volunteer!

Our Chapter has implemented a volunteer recognition program called "Chapter Chips" to encourage members to get involved and volunteer.  So, besides a huge "THANK YOU", volunteers receive a "Chapter Chip" good toward their registration for any upcoming Chapter event.

*Please note, "Chapter Chips" are not valid toward yearly membership dues.

For more information contact: ServicesLPGAamateurs@gmail.com
Chapter Sponsors & Partners