

In the fall of 1994, a small group of local women golfers gathered and decided to start the Executive Womens Golf Association (EWGA) of Middle Tennessee Chapter. Officially sanctioned as a chapter in February 1995, the chapter has grown to over 100 members from across the mid-state with exceptional opportunities to play golf, serve in leadership roles and create long lasting friendships. In 2018 and under the auspices of the LPGA Foundation, our Chapter became the LPGA Amateurs Golf Association - Nashville. We are still the same group of passionate women golfers, governed by a small group of volunteers who give graciously of the time and talent to be sure the Chapter remains a viable organization devoted to golf.

There are many benefits to volunteering.
- It is a chance to meet and interact with people who share the same passion for golf as you do.
- It enriches your mind and body. "Giving back" satisfies a feeling of accomplishment and allows you to take pride in the organization's future successes.
-  It may help advance your career both through new skills you may learn to interacting with others from various walks of life.
- It is fun!

Please ask Marie Tucker, President LPGA Amateurs Nashville, president@lpgaamateursnashville.com if you wish to be further involved. There are tons of ways, both short and long term!

Chapter Sponsors & Partners