Local Benefits

Ontario Members - Benefits

An Ontario Member Benefits page has been set up in Golf Genius for the purpose of offering a single central location to list all sponsor offers and communicate private information (such as discount codes) to just our member community.   These discounts and special offers are for LPGA Amateurs Ontario members only.  Please do not share the discount codes outside of our membership community.  

You will find discounts for golf apparel, yoga for golfers, club fitting, lessons, footwear and airport parking just to name a few.   An important local benefit to note is that we provide you with a Golf Canada Membership at a discounted rate.

Ontario Member Benefits

Obtaining a 2025 Golf Canada Membership from LPGA Amateurs  

(Not applicable to anyone receiving their handicap service from a private club) 

LPGA Amateurs Ontario
Golf Canada Membership for 2024


To all Members in good standing who wish to carry a Golf Canada handicap

For the second year in a row, we are pleased to be able to offer a discounted Golf Canada membership through our LPGA Amateurs Ontario Golf Group.


Registration will be available for purchase between January 1st and October 31st in our Golf Genius portal at:


How it works:

As a member of an LPGA Amateurs Ontario chapter, you can purchase a Golf CanadaMembership through our golf group for the discounted rate of $50.00 payable through our registration portal.


The GC membership will be activated on April 1, 2024, and will remain active until March 31st of the following year. This GC membership will allow you to post valid scores for rounds played between these dates to establish and maintain a valid handicap which will be required for many events and tournaments.

- You have to be an active member of LPGA Amateurs to participate in this program so renew, rejoin or join before you renew or purchase a GC membership. You must wait at least one day between renewing your LPGA Amateurs membership and purchasing your Golf Canada Membership in order for the golf genius portal to recognize you as an

active LPGA Amateurs member.

- Dual members must select only ONE chapter that they want to handle their membership. 

Members who receive their GC membership through their private club do not participate in this program.

IMPORTANT – For anyone who currently has a Golf Canada membership, please be aware that Golf Canada will send out renewal reminders in March. Please ignore these and only purchase through our portal. If you renew directly through GC, you will pay full price, not our discounted price.

There are no refunds or partial payments available.



Chapter Sponsors & Partners