· Please be sure to register by the League Play deadline (midnight the Sunday before). It is very difficult to formulate a playing field with last minute requests or changes.
· Call the League Play Coordinators on the day of the event only if you have an emergency and cannot play. The Coordinators have provided personal phone numbers, so please place calls between the hours of 9am - 5pm only. Use e-mail for questions or concerns that are not an emergency.
· Please do not call the League Play Coordinators to ask if you have already paid - remember to note this on your calendar when you sign up for an event. Unsure whether or not you did? Check your status by going online and clicking the Register button for the event. You will be able to see the list of players who have signed up. If your name is on the list, you've paid.
· According to USGA Rule 8.1, During a Stipulated Round (playing holes of the course in their correct sequence), a player must not: a) give advice to anyone in the competition playing on the course other than his partner, or b) ask for advice from anyone other than his partner or either of their caddies.
· Unless solicited, please DO NOT give advice. Each player needs to develop their own game and concentrate on what they feel they want to work on to become a better golfer. Too many tips can be overwhelming and confusing. Please play your game and let the members of your foursome play theirs. HOWEVER, many of us are still learning. If you want help or advice, please feel free to ask specific questions of your playing partners – they may be able to help!
Pick up After 10
· We ask Members to be courteous and pick up after 10 strokes to help maintain the speed of play and not unduly slow play for those following your group.
· Remember - if you do not finish a hole, mark your scorecard with an "X" before your score (for example, X10). If you have more than two "X's" for 9 holes on your card, you may not post that particular score for handicap purposes.
Helpful Hints for Players
Unlike many sports, golf is mostly played without supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies on the individual to show consideration for others and abide by the Rules of Golf. Things to keep in mind:
· Be careful when taking swings that no one is standing close by
· Don’t hit until the players in front are out of range
· If your ball is in danger of hitting someone, immediately shout the traditional word of warning – FORE
Consideration of Other Players
· Don’t disturb other players' play by moving or talking
· Please ensure that phones are in silent mode
· Don’t stand too close to other players when they are taking their shot
· On the putting green, don’t stand on another player’s line of putt, or cast a shadow over their line
· Remain on or near the green until all players in the group have holed out
· Place the flagstick in the hole before players leave the putting green
Pace of Play
· Play at a good pace and keep up!
· Please take a maximum of 10 strokes in order to keep pace, picking up the ball when appropriate. EXAMPLE: If you already have 8 strokes and you are still 3-4 shots from the hole, pick up your ball and record a 10 for your score. THIS WILL HELP SPEED UP PLAY.
· Keep up with the group in front of you. If you fall behind, pick up and catch up with the group in front of you.
· Players should BE READY to play as soon as it is their turn. Have your club out and move to your ball as quickly as possible.
· When the hole is completed, exit the putting green immediately.
Lost Ball
· If you believe the ball may be lost in a water hazard or is out of bounds, play a provisional ball.
· The maximum time to look for a lost ball is 3 minutes.
Care of the Course
· Bunkers. Before leaving a bunker, carefully rake and smooth over all holes and footprints.
· Repair of Divots and Ball Marks. Carefully repair any divots you make, and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball, whether or not it was made by you.
o Creating divots during practice swings, or by hitting the head of a club into the ground.
o Damaging the putting green when putting down bags, clubs, or the flagstick
o Damaging the hole when handling the flagstick or when removing a ball from the hole
o Leaning on your club when on the putting green, particularly when removing the ball from the hole
Here is a great website where you can view animated explanation of these and other tips:
Happy Golfing!