Chapter Education

Rules & Etiquette

Rules:  The USGA Rules of Golf govern our league play.  Unlike many sports, golf is played without a referee, umpire or coach, but all players are expected to abide by the rules of the game.   There are many online resources available to help a new golfer become familiar with the rules.  We encourage all members to review Rules and Clarifications (  and to download the USGA Rules of Golf app so information is readily available should a rules question arise during the course of play.

Golf Etiquette: All golfers are expected to show consideration for other players and the for courses by exercising appropriate etiquette and by maintaining a good pace of play.  Some useful guidelines and quick tips are provided below

Etiquette Introduction:   Golf Etiquette For Beginning Golfers | Golf Plus News

Etiquette Tip:

Pace of Play Tips:

Handicap Systems


We recommend members move to the GHIN system.  You can sign up using the link below:

We recommend our member use the GHIN handicap system.  Our Chapter has a GHIN e-club, known as “LPGA Amateurs Golf Assoc – LI” though other GHIN clubs are acceptable.  

To sign up for our e-club or to renew an existing membership please visit:

Once you establish or renew a GHIN Handicap, you can post scores either on a computer or via a smartphone/device. The App is the easiest way to post scores:

Download the MGA App (preferred as this is our Regional Golf Association, and you can get local information here) or GHIN App

To post on a computer, go to You can either Log In to view your handicap record and post scores, or simply click on “Post Scores” on the menu. Enter your GHIN # and last name to post.

Additional information about using the handicap system is available on the Handicap page


LPGA Amateurs Golf Benefits Portal:  Take advantage of your membership benefits!

he Golf Benefits Portal allows members to take advantage of exclusive benefits from golf facilities, teaching professionals and other providers all over the world. Member benefits include preferred LPGA Amateurs pricing on playing rates, apparel, equipment, private instruction, as well as food and beverage.

You can view the Golf Benefits Portal page in the Member Clubhouse
(Member Clubhouse - > Golf Benefits Portal tab).

Contact the following volunteers if you have questions:

Rules Questions or Issues, contact Maureen Mahoney
LPGA Amateur Golf Association Long Island Chapter Rules Chair

Handicap Questions or Issues, contact Patrice Franco , 
LPGA Amateur Golf Association Long Island Chapter Handicap Chair

Chapter Sponsors & Partners