Due to policy changes at the USGA, effective on 1/1/2021, the LPGA Amateurs Handicap service has been discontinued as of January 1, 2023 and all active accounts have been inactivated. This has no bearing on your LPGA Amateurs membership.
Under the new rules, the LPGA Amateurs is no longer able to offer a Handicap service. Our chapter offers a GHIN handicap service through the Florida State Golf Association. Members who have been previous GolfNet users that wish to continue to keep a Handicap will need to transfer their account to Florida State Golf Association. If you need any help with this, please contact our Handicap Chair - Linda Davis by email: Handicap@LPGAamateursFtLaud.com. There is a yearly charge of about $24 for this service. Once you are added to this new system, you can continue to post your scores to ghin.com
One of the reasons to regularly post your scores into a Handicap System is to track your progress. Another reason is that establishing a Handicap makes it possible for fair competition between players of different ability, whether it’s in competitive matches, a friendly wager between friends, or a skins game with money on the line just like the Pros! To put it simply, handicaps are equalizers.
Beginning Jan 1, 2020, the world has switched to a united World Handicap System.