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Turkey Trot Madison Green
Our very own Angie Niehoff is the very honored recipient of this year's Nancy Oliver, Act Like a Founder Award!
Join Now!


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Please note that:

1.  All events are "play at your own risk, and adhere to local, state and government advisories.

2.  No refunds are available once Registration is Closed.   However, there are events where registration closes sooner than the week of play. Please check registration close date prior to requesting a refund.



Please note that our current Leagues are:

1.  2025 Winter League Westchester Country Club (Thursdays starting January 2, 2025 - March 27, 2025)

2.  2025 9-Hole Spring League, Nine & Dine.  The Links at Boynton Beach (Wed, starting March 12 - May 28, 2025)

3. 2025 Spring League, Sandhill Crane, (Thursday April 3rd - May 29th)

To Register for one of our Leagues, please visit our League Portal:


* Please note that all events are "play at your own risk", and adhere to local, state and government advisories.

* No refunds are available once Registration is Closed.  However, there are events where registration closes sooner than the week of play.  Please check registration close date prior to requesting a refund.


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Chapter News

Newsletter Editor Wanted!  Earn 3 Bonus Tickets

Pitch In! Make the most of your LPGA Amateur Golf Association membership experience by volunteering. It's the best way to meet other members, get to know how we operate, and contribute to our Chapter's reputation as Palm Beach County's premier women's golf club.

Volunteer to be a tee captain (day of or coordinator) or a league manager, help us get on a golf course with a date for an outing, volunteer at a special chapter event, participate on a chapter committee, contribute to our annual holiday charity event, submit photos for our website and newsletter. You will be entered into a special volunteer contest raffle.

Every time you volunteer, you will receive a raffle ticket; the more tickets you have, the more chances you have to win!

The winner will be chosen at the 2025 Holiday Charity event.

The contest runs from November 1, 2024, to November 30, 2025

The weekly newsletter will highlight members who were issued raffle tickets, so check out the membership section  that showcases our volunteers.

Email Joyce Belfour


Check out the Volunteer Opportunities

The following chapter members are serving as our leaders for 2024-2026:

Joyce Belfour - President
Madeline Delianides - Treasurer
Dora Servido - Secretary
Sharon Garden - Communication & Marketing
Ainsley Venner - Membership Chair
Nancy Board - Handicap Chair
Janet Moore - Sponsorship Chair
 Many thanks to all who continue to serve and volunteer.
Help us make our chapter even more successful by signing up to work an event or assist with chapter initiatives.

Chip-In Team Members Needed

Join our Chip-In Team!  Drop us a note and we will match you to a task that fits your availability, skills or talents.

Congratulations to our incredible members who selflessly volunteered their time and energy, making contributions to our chapter and strengthening our standing in the community. Each of them earned a shiny raffle ticket.

Be A Superstar!

Volunteer Here



Quick Links

The LPGA Amateurs is a welcoming golf community for all women to Connect, Learn, Play, and Belong. You get it all with the LPGA Amateurs, the experiences are unforgettable and the benefits are priceless. The highlights of the benefits include organized golf (leagues, outings, clinics, LPGA Amateurs competitive events and golf travel experiences), social and networking events, golf education, free entrance for a member plus one guest to LPGA Tour events (in US and Canada), discounts on apparel, equipment, travel, greens fees but there is much more! View membership information here!

The LPGA Amateur Golf Association - PBC Chapter is "Upping Our Game" to support and bring recognition to our members and their businesses. Jump on this opportunity to be conspicuous by sharing your profile, experience in the LPGA Amateur Golf Association and promote your business.   Click here for submission form.

Member Benefit - Complimentary Entrance to LPGA Tournaments

One exciting benefit of your LPGA Amateurs membership is the complimentary entrance (1 member & 1 guest) TO ALL LPGA, Epson, and LPGA Legends Tour events in the US and Canada (excluding the US Women's Open and Solheim Cup). 

Please note the procedure has changed to receive complimentary access to some LPGA events in 2024 as provided on the schedule at this link. Certain events will require both pre-registration through Seat Geek as well as showing your 2024 LPGA Amateur Golf Association Membership ID Card. Instructions on how to claim your complimentary tickets to access 2024 LPGA Tour events is available at this link in the Virtual Community.  



Association News
Chapter Sponsors & Partners