Saturday, August 30th at Within Range in Burlington.
Raphael Root from GO met us at the range with coffee, goodies, energy drinks and gift of a sleeve of balls. We had so much fun hitting the balls! From left to right:
Heather Clayton, Rosanna Santamaria, Karen Campbell, Shelley Speal, Deb Kucheran, Christina Lord, Barb Montesanto, Gale Ryckman, and Tammy Templeton.
Prior to hitting the balls, Golf Ontario approached for a few words on what got us to the top of the Leaderboard and what we are hoping to achieve!
Mar | 25 | Mon | HamBurGirls Virtual Town Hall | Teams |
Apr | 22 | Mon | HamBurGirls 2024 Pre-Season Social | TBA |
May | 6 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine - Season Opener | Flamborough Hills - Hills/Woods |
9 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Dragon's Fire | |
13 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Woods/Lakes | |
16 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Oakville Exec - Mystic Ridge | |
20 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine - Victoria Day | Flamborough Hills - Lakes/Hills | |
23 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Tyandaga | |
27 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Hills/Woods | |
30 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Carlisle | |
Jun | 1 & 2 | Wkd | All-Ontario Scramble Open | Hidden Lake |
3 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Woods/Lakes | |
6 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | King's Forest - TBA | |
10 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Lakes/Hills | |
13 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Century Pines | |
17 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Hills/Woods | |
20 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Chedoke - TBA | |
21 | Fri | Friday Night 9&Dine - Bring a Partner Night | TBA | |
24 | Mon | League - 9 & Dine (9 holes only) | Flamborough Hills - Hills | |
27 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Tyandaga | |
Jul | 1 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine - Canada Day | Flamborough Hills - Lakes/Hills |
4 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Carlisle | |
8 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Hills/Woods | |
8 | Mon | Tentative for All-Ontario Trillum Event | TBA | |
10 | Wed | League - Pick Up Game | Dragon's Fire | |
15 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Woods/Lakes | |
17 | Wed | League - Pick Up Game | Oakville Exec - Mystic Ridge | |
22 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Lake/Hills | |
25 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | King's Forest | |
29 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Hills/Wood | |
Aug | 1 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Tyandaga |
5 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Woods/Lakes | |
8 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Chedoke - TBA | |
12 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Lakes/Hills | |
15 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Carlisle | |
19 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Hills/Woods | |
21 | Wed | League - Pick Up Game | Oakville Exec - Mystic Ridge | |
24&25 | Wkd | All-Ontario Match Play Event | Hawk Ridge | |
26 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine (9 holes only) | Flamborough Hills -Lakes | |
28 | Wed | League - Pick Up Game | Dragon's Fire | |
Sep | 2 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Lakes/Hills |
5 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Oakville Exec - Mystic Ridge | |
9 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Hills/Woods | |
11 | Wed | League - Pick Up Game | Century Pines | |
15 | Sun | Chapter Championship | Flamborough Hills | |
16 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine (9 holes only) | Flamborough Hills - Woods | |
19 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Dragon's Fire | |
23 | Mon | League - 9/18 & Dine | Flamborough Hills - Lakes/Hills | |
26 | Thurs | League - Pick Up Game | Chedoke - TBA | |
30 | Mon | HamBurGirls 2024 Season Closer | Flamborough Hills - Hills/Lakes | |
Oct | 7 | Mon | League 9 & Dine (final scheduled round) | Century Pines |
TBA | Volunteer Appreciation Night | TBA | ||
Nov | 6 | Wed | HamBurGirls 2024 Annual General Meeting | Teams |
TBA | Watch for our Post Season Survey! |
Thank you to all the members who came out to our Season Closer! There was fun golf, a players gift that included (from the Chapter) an enamelled ball marker with our logo on it, some tasty appetizers and a lot of door prizes!
Our Team was ecstatic to see everyone having such a good time and our hard work had paid off. So at this time, we’d like to thank all of our sponsors and Team members.
But first some shout outs to our Board and Chairs who made this Chapter’s season such a success.
Thank you:
Now to our Sponsors that also helped make our Season Closer a wonderful success.
Thank you:
Flamborough Hills - to Nigel Bowerman, the people in the pro shop and the restaurant staff, for some great golf on a beautiful course and a tasty menu in the dining room! And a special shout out to Randy who lined up our carts in a way that made me smile and feel excited about our event.
Member - Patricia Butt and Grand HVAC Leasing company.
Member - Alex Fricker
Member - Jan Villeneuve
Gil Garbus and Faraway Greens - Burlington
The City of Hamilton and Chedoke Golf Course
Erin at Energy Sports Medicine
Albatross Golf Centre - Ancaster
Member - Tania Clancy and Straight to Fit
Member - Katy Moore and Katy Moore Wines
Please click here to view all the photos from the event!
Years ago when EGA changed to LPGA Amateurs, the members at that time were given these great bag tags by HQ. We somehow ended up with 8 leftover in our collection of swag. They are kind of precious because they are a one-of now as they don't sell them and that was the only run they did of them. But we had 8 left and what better way to award the top Celebration of Golf Achievement members based on their successes - big & small - on the course.
Sue Berlinguette - her consistent determination and work have paid off to hit longer drives on the fairway by the end of our season (28-Aug). Congratulations!
Karen Bird - receives an award for course management. She thinks ahead, uses strategies to try to have her shots go in the place most likely to have success (Aug). Also, for her consistent performance, even under pressure at the last hole making impressive chips that land and sit on green (18-Sept) Congratulations!
Jacinthe Boudreau: on Jun 26th, she was looking to achieve a game with at least one bogie, and behold that day she made two bogeys and a par. I hope you continue to surprise yourself. Congratulations!
Barb Busing: she was nominated twice for her unwavering good humour and on-going support of her team mates (Jun & Sept 18th) Congratulations!
Alex Fricker: she receives an award for the most improved player who is constantly challenging herself (e.g., she entered her first tournament with a handicap). She regularly used that driving range to strategically focus on single aspects of her game and then took it to the game. Congratulations!
Chessa Jope: A gal with persistence. We could learn a lot about making recoveries from her and keeping our focus right to the end, including making those very long puts (28-Aug). Congratulations!
Asia Shin: An award for her consistent set-up that allows for those consistent precise strokes. (26 Jun) Another person to watch. Congratulations!
Judy St James: an award for her club selection and approach shots that have been landing just a few feet from the pin (28-Aug); Drives have really improved (18-Sept) Congratulations!
See you all next season, or sooner given the good golf weather we're having!
Well, the 2023 LPGA Amateurs Ontario Trillium Challenge Event is in the bag for this year! We had a beautiful day for it (the 2 sprinkles don't even count as rain) at Flamborough Hills Golf Club. 27 holes in 3 different formats was the Challenge - a Scramble on the Woods course, Alternate Shot on the Lakes course and Better Ball on the Hills course. It did make for a long round, but what with the good weather and beautiful course there wasn't any complaints. Even I made it through 27 holes!
The Players Gift was a Know Your Distance Yardage Bag Tag, a Mini Moscow Mule Mug (say that 4 times fast!) and a can of Ginger Beer and lime at the start of the Lakes course.
Low Net Winners over all 3 formats:
1st - Barbara Van Sickle from Hamilton Burlington and her guest, Nancy Chow (score of 99)
2nd - Michele Walma from Barrie Area Chapter and June Layden from Waterloo Chapter (score of 103)
On Course Prize Winners:
Woods 2 Honey Pot - Wendy Anderson
Woods 5 Circle of Friendship - Maria Szoke from GTA Chapter
Woods 6 Closest to the Line - Sue Anderson
Woods 9 Longest Putt - Dora Lomax from our Chapter
Lakes 2 Honey Pot - Louisa Qian
Lakes 8 Longest 2 Shot Distance - Team Lenahan (Kim Lenahan and Susan Andrew)
Hills 3 Honey Pot - Anne Hussey
Hills 7 Longest Drive - Lauren Capunitan
Hills 9 Longest Putt - Janet Canavan from our Chapter
Raffle Prize Winners
Lyndsey Teschke from Waterloo Chapter took home the Smashing the Grass Ceiling golf bag, Fareen Samji's book and a 1/2 hour lesson. Thank you again Far for your most generous donation to our event.
Berniece Ten Brinke from our Chapter took home the $150 Gift Certificate from Kandy Golf. Thank you Kandy Golf for your generous donation to our event.
The Foursome of Golf from Flamborough Hills was unclaimed.
Thank you
To see where everyone placed, click here and then click on Trillium Challenge
The Players Gift
A lot of work prior to and in getting the registration table set up with the raffle prizes, and showing off some of the On-Course prizes.
Each Chapter donates a prize for the 2 events put on by Ontario Events Committee - we donated a 'basket of booze' - Fireball whisky, shots and a flask. This was won by Team Lenahan - Sue and Kim)
Pineapple Express - Angie Lundquist and LeahAnn DuffieldD
Tee for Two - Donna Chun and Dora Lomax
Deb Squared - Deb Kucheran and Debra Moore from Waterloo/Durham Chapter
Ladies of Celarin - Barb Van Sickle and her guest, Nancy Chow
8am and it's get ready for the players arriving! Left to Right - Megan Bawn, Ontario President and Events Committee, Alison Munro, Player Development for GTA and Events Committee and Dale Skvereckas, our Volunteer Extraordinaire.
We did it - 27 holes and easy peasy lemon squeezy!
And last but not least - 1st Place in the 2023 Trillium Challenge - Barbara Van Sickle and her guest, Nancy Chow.
This season, to encourage and support player development in a positive learning culture, we plan to publicly acknowledge individual achievements. On the days we are at Flamborough Hills, you will receive a sheet from the Course Starter to write down a special golf achievement for that day for one member of your foursome. A golf achievement is defined broadly and specific to what is a challenge for that person. A few examples include:
Please hand your completed sheets to Susan Strong (Secretary) or Dale Skvereckas (Handicap Liaison) at the clubhouse. These will be read aloud to the group over drinks/food while sharing our golfing stories on Monday nights.
The Celebration of Golf Achievements will continue every other Monday played at Flamborough Hills. The dates are: July 24; Aug 7, 28; Sept 18. We can’t wait to see where the conversations take us as we encourage and celebrate our successes!
Achievements Celebrated:
26-Jun-2023 Nominations:
3-July-2023 Nominations:
Just an update to the Honey Pot draws at Flamborough Hills. Inside the door to your right when you come into the pro shop is where you will find the Honey Pot. If you wish to enter, please put your name down on the list, put your $2.00 into the box, and that's it.
If you do hit your ball off the tee onto the designated green, then put your name on the proximity marker to the side of the green. Remember, it's not about being closest to the pin, it's just if you land on the green (fringe part is excluded). All players who land on the green should add their name to the marker.
After the end of the round, a draw will be done from the names on the Honey Pot list. The Prize is a 50/50 draw, so 50% of the intake will be awarded to the person whose name has been drawn, and you do not have to be in attendance to win. If you've already gone home, we will e-transfer the award to you.
Based on the positive feedback, the draws will continue on every Monday played at Flamborough Hills - July 17, 24, 31; Aug 7, 21, 28; Sept 4, 18.
Lucky Winners:
Welcome New HamBurGirls
Angela Capponi
Bernice Ten Brinke
Cindy Andrushko
Eleanor Harris-Hammerstedt
Jordan Kaupert
Mable Tao
Sandra Gardner
Susan Berlinguette
This now brings our post pandemic, new Member count to an amazing 31 new Members and 3, count 'em, 3 Members who rejoined us. Thank you to all of you for joining, we hope you enjoy your first season with us.
Meet & Greet at Faraway Greens
Other than the fact that we were sweltering inside from the heat and no A/C, we had a fantastic turn out and a good time meeting old and new members alike.
In spite of the warmth, we were glad to see that a few of the ladies make use of the simulators to hit a few balls. And we all made a dent into the massive amount of delicious pizza and appetizers. Shelley Speal thank you so much for arranging the food and delivering it. Very much appreciated by all.
The one thing I'm personally excited about by our Chapter lately is the "Connect" part of the LPGA Amateurs logo.
Because of the connections made through social media and such, our list of door prizes for this event shows our celebration and support of women in golf and small business entrepreneurs:
Not only a donator to the cause, we welcome our newest member Fareen Samji to the HamBurGirls.
Far was born and raised in Mombasa, Kenya and she came to Canada at the age of 14 to further her education. She graduated from McMaster University with degrees in Psychology and Kinesiology. She is an entrepreneur and works in the field of event management, orthotics, orthopedic footwear, compression therapy and bracing. She is also the founder and creator of Pythons’ Pit, a not for profit entrepreneurial pitch contest for high school. And a hell of a golfer!
As the intent of a complimentary membership is to recognize an individual in the local community who are in a position to and are willing to promote LPGA Amateurs and the local Chapter. Far fits this bill perfectly. We look forward to a mutually beneficial contribution to our association and women in golf.
Far has donated the grand raffle prize you see on the Homepage to our Season Closer. Members be sure to buy your tickets.
Welcome Far!
Pictured: Far Samji (left) Shelley Speal (right).
What a fantastic day for a tournament. A little hot but the golfing was great!
Thank you to those who donated prizes, and the members who made these connections for us, and thank you to Amra Janjusevic and Donna Chun for the players’ gifts - an Amra Architect cooling towel, pink golf ball and tees
Low Gross - Michelle Hoad
Winners, Etc Gift Card -donated by John Chun of Scarlett Homes Ltd
1st Low Net - Anne Bermingham
Canadian Tire Gift Card - donated by Josh Santa-Barbara of JSB Wealth Management
2nd Low Net - Michelle Austin
Barranga’s Gift Card & sleeve of balls - donated by Bell Media Hamilton
3rd Low Net - Donna Chun
Barranga’s Gift Card & sleeve of balls - donated by Bell Media Hamilton
Fun Division - Alex Fricker
Scentsy Gift Collection & LPGA Amateurs - Hamilton Burlington club head cover & hat clip - donated by Terri-Lynn Jeavons, Scentsy Rep
Closest to the Pin - Angie Lundquist
$25 Golftown Gift Card