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Monthly Golf Tip: Preseason Tips

(Source: https://www.augustacustomclubs.com)

1. Golf Flexibility and Stretching Training

It's no secret that flexibility is a critical component of golf success. Consider adding yoga to your exercise arsenal in addition to stretching before and after your usual workouts. Begin with a Hatha Yoga class designed to increase flexibility and attention. Hatha yoga, as well as other gentle forms of yoga, are excellent for beginners. Once you've mastered the positions, expand your repertoire.

The early season is an excellent opportunity to reintroduce yourself to the gym if you haven't previously done so during the winter off-season. Rather than starting with standard weightlifting, begin with golf-specific stretching workouts to gradually build flexibility over the next few weeks.

Gradually progress from 10-15 minutes of stretching to using light weights and resistance training to engage the golf muscles required to power the swing.

However, what exercises should you perform? Augusta Custom Clubs can provide you with a complete TPI screen to assist you in determining where to focus your time and effort.

2. Take a walk

Cardio before the golf season will assist you in maintaining your stamina when out on the links. If you've been avoiding the gym all winter, begin with walks. The most critical aspect is establishing and adhering to a fitness plan. Like to wager on the golf course? Make a wager with yourself and set exercise goals. Reward yourself whenever you reach a milestone. If you miss one, you must compensate. You can even sign up for online programs that will help you stay on track with your workouts.

3. Make it enjoyable

It might be challenging to re-establish routines following a lengthy winter. Fortunately, golf entertainment complexes can make it enjoyable and straightforward to rehabilitate your swing. Enjoy a beer and a delicious burger while you concentrate on the fundamentals. Pre-course practice can go a long way... and it can be enjoyable as well! If your first attempt does not go as planned, you can always blame the cocktail.

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