
We are the recreational arm of the LPGA family. We are women of all walks of life, all backgrounds and all ages coming together, connecting, expanding their network, and making new friends...all around a shared passion for golf. 

Each year our chapter has enjoyed the financial support of a growing number of local businesses in our community. PARtnerships allow businesses a cost-effective way of reaching our dynamic group of women throughout the course of the year. 

We are more than just golfers! We enjoy a host of other recreational activities, including walking, running, reading, yoga, going to the gym, gardening, camping, and so much more. Our sponsors are the key to WOW our membership at every event. Our goal is to help increase the awareness of you and your company as we grow and retain our membership. Every member is encouraged to support our sponsors. There is value in this win-win opportunity! 

  • A direct link to an influential and loyal audience of professional and dynamic Omaha women with purchasing power, both professionally and personally. 
  • A cost-effective way to showcase your business and company expertise. 
  • Contact with over 125 executive women interested in golf. 

We invite you to become a Chapter sponsor and increase your marketing objectives by promoting your products or services to this highly targeted audience of female decision makers. 

The Golden Tee Partnership (Annual Investment: $250.00)

  • Promotional booth space at the Kick-Off Event – our largest event of the year! Come meet our members on February 29, 2024 at Tiburon Country Club
  • Promotional booth space at the the Year End Celebration (Oct. or Nov.)
  • Your logo and link to your website on the LPGA Amateur Omaha home page. You are  responsible for emailing this to Shari Strong (sharistrongjm@gmail.com), along with this completed form. 
  • The opportunity to distribute promotional items at events throughout the year, many of which are open to non-members, as well as our members. 
  •  Featured sponsor recognition in our newsletter and Facebook group. You tell us how to get the word out about a special product or offer you have! 


Interested in becoming a sponsor? Fill out our sponsorship form.


Chapter Sponsors & Partners