
Partner with the LPGA Amateur Golf Association – Columbus OH Chapter

We are part of the longest running national association that supports amateur women golfers. Members enjoy access to local and national networking, playing opportunities, and leadership development activities.

By partnering with the LPGA Amateur Golf Association – Columbus OH Chapter, you get:

  • Access to more than 200 highly engaged women of all ages across Central Ohio..
  • Broad brand awareness through electronic, in-person, and print opportunities.
  • The opportunity to support women’s networking initiatives within your company through supporting employee participation in the LPGA Amateur Golf Association – Columbus OH Chapter clinics, leadership opportunities, and memberships.

Next Steps: CLICK HERE to review our Sponsorship Brochure. Then contact our Marketing Director to discuss your interest in proceeding at marketing.sponsorship@lpgaamateurscolumbus.onmicrosoft.com

If you are working with another board member, they can also assist you. We will work with you to address your sponsorship needs and answer questions. Please let us know if you have unique needs or would like to discuss customized options.

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