Columbus OH 2024 Summer Leagues Information
To contact the captains for the leagues Click here
We have something for everyone: leagues for competition, leagues for those want to play golf for fun without the competitive element, and travel leagues for those who want to play 18 holes. All players are encouraged to carry a handicap. This will allow you to play in certain LPGA Amateur and non-LPGA Amateur events and help you watch how your game improves. Read articles in newsletters to learn more about signing up and maintaining a handicap.
Before you can register for leagues, you must be a paid up member of LPGA Amateurs.
You should receive an email for membership renewal in early December. If you can't find your email, you can find information to rejoin on the National Association website. Login to the Member Clubhouse and select Pay Open Balances.
To be eligible for Early Birdie League Registration your membership must be current as of February 28th.
Leagues Registration: Members CLICK HERE to login, register, and pay league fees.
League Rules- Welcome to the LPGA Amateur Golf Association Columbus, OH Chapter leagues. We hope this will be the start of a fun and exciting season of golf for our members. Please review this key information for league participants.
All Columbus LPGA Amateurs Golf Association Leagues and Golf Events are expected to follow all federal, state, local, golf course, and chapter specific directives to ensure our players can participate in a safe environment. Players participate at their own risk.
All league players must be members of LPGA Amateurs Columbus OH chapter and your membership must be paid in full for the entire season in order to register and participate in league play.
League play begins the last week of April unless noted otherwise. Rainouts are determined by the courses (generally) and will be communicated by the league captains.
The leagues’ captains may be putting together pairings for each week so that league members will have a chance to play with everyone. Please arrive at least 20 minutes before the first tee time and be ready to go out when your assigned group has gathered.
Important Note: Listed times may be slightly adjusted based on participation numbers but shouldn’t vary more than 15 minutes.
Remember to contact your league captain as a far in advance as possible if you are not able to play in league. This will help the captain arrange pairings and give others who want to flex-in an opportunity to play. Also, please reach out to your captain if you will be late for your tee time so group can be realigned if needed. Click here for the 2024 Captains and contact information.
League fees are non-refundable once payment has been made to the courses, which is usually two weeks prior to start dates.
Columbus LPGA Amateurs Handicap Protocol and Expectations:
Flexible (Flex) Play… And What It Means to You
2024 League Flex Play
If you weren’t able to play in a 9 Hole league, we offer a program for Columbus Chapter members, the Multi-League Flex Card.
The Multi-league flex card program offers you an opportunity to play in any of the 9 hole leagues except the New Golfer league including Monday at Airport, Safari, Blacklick Competitive and Blacklick Social, Tuesday at Mentel (competitive), Wednesday Afternoon at Mentel, Wednesday After Work at Mentel, and Friday at Champions (competitive).
Often there are regular league players who an unable to play, giving you an opportunity to use a Flex Card to play a round of 9. Keep in mind:
When purchasing a Flex Card, select the number of times you think you will flex throughout the season. Price per round is $17. The fee includes greens fees only; carts are not included except at Safari where carts are mandatory. Then, just contact the league captain where you want to play that week and see if there is an opening. If there is an opening, present your Flex Card receipt to the captain the night of play and get her to sign the flex card receipt to track number of times you’ve use a round from the flex card.
Keep in mind, unused play does not carry over to the next season. The Multi-League Flex "Card" expires at the end of the 2024 Summer League season. Click here for the 2024 Captains.
We are pleased to continue the “League Flex Play” as a benefit that provides the opportunity for those playing in 9-hole leagues to make-up a night that you were unable to play on your regularly scheduled league, OR play an extra round on another league night.
If you cannot play on your regular day/time, you can play on one of the other days in another 9-hole league - if there is an open spot - at no additional cost to you. If desiring to flex into a competitive league you must meet the handicap criteria for that league.
If you are unable to play in your regularly scheduled league you must communicate that opening to your league captain so others can flex into your spot. If everyone registered for a particular night shows up when you are attempting to play a flex round, you will be unable to play. But if there’s course availability, you can choose to stay and pay the green fee directly to the course.
League Flexibility is a unique benefit to all of you who are committed to league play. All weekday league members except those who only play in the WednesDAY or ThursDAY 18-hole leagues are eligible for League Flex play. Our goal is to have LPGA Amateur Golf Association tee times filled each week and provide a positive experience for league players.
Please contact the appropriate League Captain to find out whether there are any openings available for flexing. The sooner you contact the Captain, the better.
If nothing is available when you first inquire, you may ask the captain to place your name on a wait list in case a spot opens up later. If you find that you will not be able to fill an open slot after all, please contact the Captain as soon as possible to have your name removed from the wait list.
League Flexing is not intended to replace your scheduled league with another league and therefore should not be used on the day/time your regular league is scheduled. League Flex play is only available during the current summer league season and only on scheduled league nights.
Click here to download the entire League Rules and Flex Play Information.
2024 Flex play cards will go on sale May 6: CLICK HERE
Have questions? Contact