Chapter News & Announcements
  • 2025 Handicap (GHIN) Registration opens February 1, 2025

    Just a reminder, if you registered for the Nebraska Golf Association (NGA) and Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) last year, you would need to renew again.
    It is NOT part of our membership with the LPGA Amateurs.

    We have a chapter within the NGA that will allow us to enter our scores and maintain our GHIN handicaps...if so desired. 

    There is a discounted annual cost of $26 to renew your GHIN handicap through our Chapter's association with the NGA.

    It is required that you renew your membership with LPGA Amateurs Omaha to be a member of NGA.

    Details: USGA Golf Handicap Information Network thru the Nebraska Golf Association

    Per person: Cost: $26 


    • Renew your LPGA Am membership first at
    • Register for a GHIN handicap by clicking on the Register Now button below.
    • If you were a member last year, this is just a renewal. If this is a new registration, follow these next steps.
    • You should receive an email within one week to set up your profile if this is your first year. If renewing, all previous handicap information will automatically transfer once processed.


    Register Here!

  • Congratulations to the 3 Teams that competed in the National Cup!

    Good Life GOlfers: Jamie Hansen, Kathy Campbell, Catie Baker and Ro Tamborini

    Fairway Four: Kandis Schissel, Megan Michalak, Maria Schneider, and Linda Costello

    Flaming Birdies: Aura Arriaga, Joyce Stoural, Linda Butkus, and Pam Hughes

    Thank you for representing our Omaha Chapter.

  • Release and Indemnification Agreements

    Any non-member participating in an LPGA Amateurs Omaha Chapter Weekly Play, League or Golf Event are required to sign a Release and Indemnification Agreement.  Forms will be available at any event where non-members can participate.

    LPGA Amateurs Members automatically acknowledge this release and indemnification when they join or renew.

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