Chapter Leaders


Committee Chairs
Handicaps: Stephanie Cuomo
Tournaments: Kathy Cazenave and Theresa Whitehurst
Special Events: Michelle Jacobson


The LPGA Amateurs believes in and conducts itself according to the values embodied in the game of golf: Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Honor, Sportsmanship, Fun & Friendship

In addition, we believe in and support:
• Inclusivity and diversity; golf is for all
• Golf as an important asset for women business
• Volunteer service
• Mentoring and support for new golfers
• Advancement of golf skills for all golfers
• Making a difference for women’s golf
• Professionalism in operations and relationships

• Listen to understand
• Assume value and good intent

• Respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person
• Separate the person from the behavior
• It’s not me vs. you, but us
versus the issues
• Stay open and non-defensive
• Value diverse perspectives
• Create an environment where everyone feels free to speak
• Share “air time”
• No side bars
• No multi-tasking
 Maintain sense of humor
• Have fun!

To the best of my ability I will:

• Conduct my personal actions with regards to LPGA AMATEURS business in accordance with the LPGA AMATEURS Core Values and House Rules
• Submit a written Report to the Board prior to each Board Meeting to enable us to focus on larger strategic issues instead of insignificant details.
• Attend all Board Meetings or secure a substitute from my team if I am unable to attend myself.
• Ensure completion of all of my team’s action items. When we are unable to deliver on any action item I will communicate with the Chapter President outlining the challenges that we are facing. I will also seek assistance or counsel with fellow Board Members and/or the LPGA AMATEURS Chapter Development Team (which includes our Chapter Development Specialist) to help me move forward in completing the actions that I have committed to and the Chapter counting on.
• Allow enough planning time to avoid urgent matters.
• Offer my complete cooperation with fellow Board members to operate as an effective unit.
• Set aside my personal preferences, avoid personality clashes and refrain from gossip for the good of the Chapter.

• Maintain confidentiality at all times.
• Honor the boards agreed upon method for conflict resolution.
• Positive support majority decisions by the Board even if it goes against my personal preferences.
• Be generous with my praise when celebrating each other’s success and compassionate and considerate during a learning experience.

• Attempt to honor my teammate’s communication preferences. Help create and maintain a welcoming, positive atmosphere that attracts those willing to help and contribute to the running of our Chapter.
• Help create and maintain a welcoming, positive atmosphere that retains our current members and attracts new members to our Chapter.

LPGA AMATEURS -- Triangle, NC Board Position Descriptions

Chapter President

  • Oversees general Chapter operations via Board of Directors
  • Leads, attends and participates in monthly Chapter Board meetings
  • Drives Chapter leadership development/succession planning
  • Oversees the Chapter election process via the Nominating Committee
  • Serves as primary liaison for:  LPGA Amateurs HQ Staff, Volunteer Chapter Development Specialists, and the LPGA Foundation
  • Promotes/attends LPGA Amateurs events & web conferences
  • Provides direction to the Kick-off Committee Chair
  • Helps manage relationships with Sponsors
  • Signs and executes all contracts and documents in the name of the Chapter as authorized by the Board, unless the Board specifically requires an additional signature


Vice President/President Elect

  • Attends Board meetings and observes general Chapter operations
  • Attends and participates in monthly Chapter Board Meetings, and conducts these meetings in the absence of the President
  • Engages in Chapter leadership development/succession planning
  • Serves as secondary liaison for: LPGA Amateurs HQ Staff, Volunteer Chapter Development Specialists, and the LPGA Foundation
  • Supports/attend LPGA Amateurs events
  • Engages with Sponsors
  • Provides direction to Year-End Celebration Committee Chair
  • Accepts nomination for one-year term of President at conclusion of one-year Vice President term


Finance & Records Director

    Builds and oversees a team to assist with the following tasks:

  • Provides financial oversight for all Chapter processes and activities
  • Attends and participates in monthly Board meetings
  • Files required LPGA Amateurs submissions to maintain Chapter minimum standards
  • Maintains compliance with Chapter and Association policies
  • Maintains Chapter bank account(s) and investment accounts
  • Develops/monitors budget
  • Prepares and files Chapter tax returns
  • Manages NC and federal business requirements, e.g. tax-exempt status, incorporation status
  • Maintains required insurance for Chapter
  • Contributes to Chapter master calendar
  • Signs and executes all required finance and related documents in the name of the Chapter as authorized by the Board, unless the Board specifically requires an additional signature



  • Keeps and preserves all books and records of the Chapter
  • Ensures keeping of an accurate record of the proceedings of the Board
  • Supervises the keeping of the records of membership on the Board and of terms of office
  • Collaborates with Board Committees to obtain and keep records of summaries of actions taken, event procedures, budgets, outcomes, etc.
  • Attends and participates in monthly Board meetings
  • Collects and supervises recordkeeping for procedures and milestone calendars for Chapter/Board activities to support effective transition of Board positions

Builds and oversees a team to assist with the following tasks:
• Member welcome program
• Member profile
• Member orientations
• Volunteer enrollment
• Volunteer recognition
• Golf mentoring program
• Member recruitment activities and events, e.g., Women's Golf Day
• Maintain a social media presence that drives interest in non-members and engages members
• Community relations
• Ensure Chapter exceeds LPGA Amateurs Member Minimum Standard Requirement

•  Builds and oversees a team to assist with the following tasks:
• Organize, promote and conduct golf activities, golf events, golf leagues and golf education
• Work with courses to establish Chapter golf outings schedule
• Coordinate plans and location for Chapter Championship
• Coordinate with HQ on Sectional and National event schedules
• Work with nearby chapters to plan joint events and avoid scheduling conflicts
• Work with local instructors to schedule golf clinics and lessons
• Arrange for rules, etiquette and handicap education as available
• Arrange local weekday evening play(Nine after 5)
• Maintain the Chapter events schedule,  publish to chapter website
• Manage event invitation and pairings processes
• Ensure adequate volunteers to host golf events
• Contribute events info to social media, website and newsletter
• Help drive charity event participation, e.g.First Tee clinics, Rally For The Cure
• Work with committees on Inter-Chapter events, e.g. Dixie Cup
• Provide direction to the Handicap Chair 

Build and oversee a team to assist with the following tasks: 

• Maintain the master contact list of all Chapeter members
• Manage Chapter communications
     • Website
     • Email blasts
     • Chapter Facebook page and other social networking
     • Media relations- TV, radio and print interviews
• Publish monthly Chapter newsletter
• Work with other Board members to ensure newsletter content is complete and timely, and that all their communications requirements are met
• Recruit and manage relationships withSponsors 
• Work with Sponsors to include their promotions and special offers 
• Comply with LPGA Amateurs branding requirements
• Help Promote LPGA Amateurs events to the members and the community

Chapter Sponsors & Partners