The Chapter is happy to help promote the following local charity tournaments and ladies leagues that our member can participate in outside the chapter events. If you become aware of a local tournament for either playing or volunteering in please forward it to our COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR. The board will review it and publish it both here and on Facebook.
T.A.I.L. Triangle Area Inter League
TAIL focuses on fun, competition and meeting/playing with new women at different courses in our area. Membership has grown to over 600 participants with more than 220 different women playing in events during 2025! There is no fee to join and you may play in any or all events!
Events format is a two ball best ball handicap format followed by lunch. You are randomly assigned a new group at every outing.
Contact them directly at this email address to add your name to a mailing list. You will receive season schedule and sign up instructions directly from them.
Check out at their Facebook page - search for " TAIL - Triangle Area Interclub Ladies golf "
Local Golf Events
Unless otherwise noted, these are NOT LPGA-sponsored events. Please contact the events directly for any further information or to register.
56th Lib Bryan Ladies Invitational
New Bern Golf & Country Club. Held every spring. If you would like to be on the mailing list for information please contact the pro shop directly. April 22-24, 2025
Moore County Women's Amateur Championship: Scheduled to take place on June 30 and July 1 2025 at Woodlake Country Club. The Ellis Maples course returns to its place among Moore County's golfing jewels with recent, major renovation by architect Kris Spence. Registration expected to open in late April. No residency requirement.--
Witch Way Day -- the 14th Annual Ladies' Charity Halloween Golf Tournament Will be held in late October at at Lochmere Golf Club in Cary. Proceeds from the step-aside format event, which includes food, drinks, player gifts and prizes, as well as awesome raffle and auction items, will benefit the First Tee of the Triangle.